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  1. Do you guys thinks rams are too powerful? If not how do you counter them?
    2 points
  2. In mod(last version 1.0.5), rams cant hit units and farms. Decreased movement speed too, to look more realistic. The problem is not in the rams. It's the lack of adequate units to fight them. In vanilla we do not have champion units, which could easily handle rams. And the few units we have are easily knocked over by ranged units.
    2 points
  3. How is it that rams counter rams? Why do rams can attack other units apart from buildings and walls? In what way does this resemble real warfare?..
    2 points
  4. Notice that there are basically no ranged units in the list. Ranged units typically only deal pierce attack, which is completely useless against rams. I've often seen people trying to destroy rams with a bunch of archers and that's when they start to complain. You'll usually have access to either citizen-soldier sword infantry (Romans, Iberians, Kushites), cavalry (Celts, Athens, Persia), or both (Mauryans), so it's a good idea to have some of those prepared when you expect a ram attack. There are some civilizations that either need a special Town Phase building for swordsmen (military colony for Ptolemies, mercenary barracks for Carthage), or you might need to get to the City Phase first for better ram counters (Macedonians only have cavalry spearmen as a usable ram counter in the Town Phase, which can make it harder for them to defend against rams). Once you get to the City Phase, you can make stronger counters. Rams are perfect as long as they aren't destroyed first by the enemy rams. An elephant wins a direct fight against a ram but it can't be garrisoned in a fortress for a surprise ungarrison (and yeah, we are only talking about the melee elephant, not the elephant archer, which is as useless as other ranged units). Champion swordsmen and spearmen are very good but slow to train and expensive. A hero swordsmen can one-handedly become deadly to several rams. If you had the possibility and time to make catapults, they can destroy rams too, but only if you have more of them and if they can finish the job before the ram gets to them. If you failed to prepare a strong ram counter, there are still several backup options. Spearmen are somewhat usable but significantly worse than swordsmen. Women can destroy one or two unprotected rams quite efficiently (better than pikemen), but they die fast if there are any enemy soldiers near. Slingers are one of the few ranged units that are usable too (they deal a small amount of crush damage), but only if you have a lot of them.
    2 points
  5. The objective is to enhance or add new textures to the hellenic units. Skeletal/body mesh textures Shield textures ATHENIANS The Athenian Epilektoi DIADOCHI The Hellenistic Thureophoroi The Ptolemaic Royal Agema The Ptolemaic Machimoi
    1 point
  6. if rams wouldnt be op, match will last days in some cases xD
    1 point
  7. Well, this sounded like you were personally deeply offended
    1 point
  8. Hey, Come on, we just want to take the best decision here. If we chose the Library of Congress 2010 Transliteration Standard I want to make sure that's gonna be a sustainable choice for the next 20 years. 20 years from now I want to be able to point out the lenghty discussion that happened here expose the good arguments, and be able to justify my stance. All the people are asking is that you take Nescio's point one by one (highlight the text click "quote this") and answer them. Nescio isn't against using the standard per se, but just wants answer on the potential flaws he sees in that. The word impatience has not been written once in the previous page. I don't care about the speaking yet, I just want the specific names consistent. Voices can be another thread. In your academic studies does everyone agree with you all the time ? Don't you have to prove your points ?
    1 point
  9. Nescio has provided clear and detailed scientific arguments why he prefers his standard - how about you have a look at those and find clear and detailed scientific arguments of your own why the standard you are proposing is superior, as you are clearly capable of doing? Being offended because he doesn't agree with you is not a scientific argument
    1 point
  10. As for the audio voices, I never listened to them, I always play games muted. Nonetheless, I don't expect them to be perfect; the Persian is reportedly Farsi (800 AD onwards—but probably Iran 2018), which is quite different from Darius' Old Persian (c. 500 BC). If you have the equipment, skill, time, and motivation to correct, update, and replace audio recordings, please, don't hesitate to go ahead.
    1 point
  11. Exactly! How something is written and how something is pronounced can be two different things. And the common English equivalent can be yet another thing too; however, that's not the discussion here, so perhaps rename this topic to “Transliteration of Ancient Greek” without “into English”. The standard itself can be perfectly suitable for others (e.g. library catalogues), yet be an inferior option for 0 A.D.'s specific situation. If you want to convince others, please provide strong arguments, and refute mine. No, certainly not! We can both be knowledgeable and yet vehemently disagree on something. Don't take it personal. It's not about winning a discussion. Although I proposed it, they are not my own ideas conjured up out of thin air—it's based on modern scholarship. If ignoring everything else, do take a careful look at the sources in the spoilers of my earlier posts. mea culpa The entire corpus of all European (in a geographic sense) languages up to c. 500 AD is about 90% Greek, 9% Latin, and a tiny remainder consisting of everything else. As for Celtic and Meroitic, my knowledge of those is practically zero, but I assume @Genava55 and @Sundiata know what they're doing. And I'm not even sure what is used for the Carthaginians (Hebrew?) and Iberians (Basque?). Anyway, let's just focus on Greek.
    1 point
  12. I don't know what Kushite voices he's talking about.. I know Stan' the man did some recordings, but were they ever committed? 90% of the written language in-game is the Napatan dialect of Late Egyptian, which was used as the official language of the Kingdom of Kush until the 3rd century BC and I believe a broken version continued to be used in some religious inscriptions for several centuries after that. Both languages were spoken during our timeframe, but I avoided too much Meroitic because there are literally only a handful of people in the world who have any real understanding of the language, and the huge bulk of the referenced texts in the research are also written in Napatan. Only a handful of terms and titles are Meroitic in game. As for the rest: Months are like days in 0AD... 17 years of development so far. Alpha 24 is still going to take many more months... Patience is key. The more antsy you get, the less likely people are going to sacrifice their free time to help you out with this. Many people have waited years to see their favorite features in game. I'm not saying it needs to take years, preferably not, but if you can't manage to reach a consensus, no progress is going to be made. Either change your approach, or properly evaluate and try to understand others' viewpoints. @Nescio's knowledge on Greek subjects is respected in this forum for good reason. If you claim one standard, and Nescio claims another standard, and both of these standards are used in academia, it's probably going to take a little more than belligerence to convince the community of one direction or the other. Frankly, this war of standards is probably a matter of personal taste, more than anything.
    1 point
  13. I believe Itms recorded those, but heh. I still don't see how vocal sounds have to do with the way we write text ? You could have contributed art no ?
    1 point
  14. Translating for English speakers: "John of the Thing"
    1 point
  15. I approve this + grid. Makes it look more like chess
    1 point
  16. I'm gonna answer the super late as I've just been through this thread: maybe.I appear to have some code to make sky reflections a bit less prominent, but didn't use it for local reflections. Indeed as nani said objects are renderer without shadows, so they're shaded but not shadowed, which might make them too bright in forest situations. Adding shadows would be even slower though, and probably not doable for now.
    1 point
  17. Counters to ram by effectiveness: other rams, elephants, sword units, spear units, women and the least slingers.
    1 point
  18. When you're not Iberoamerican and you try to dance music in Spanish
    1 point
  19. Hello, the player Scorden28 ended the game after more than 30m of play while I won @Hannibal_Barca @user1 commands.txt
    1 point
  20. There are currently six living dialects of the Celtic language group sure their pronunciation has changed from the anarchic form but they survive and are very well documented including some of the phoneme shifts. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  21. Scrolling quickly I thought this was a photo.
    1 point
  22. Watching Nookrium halfway at the moment. What I noticed so far Lack of harvest animation for the pig (Stream viewer jokingly said that it was being milked lol, and that was a sustainable way of having bacons, really laughed at this one) A particular cattle entity at Butana Steppes which also lacked animation. The guy failed to notice the lack in population point during one of his matches. Stream viewers are very interested on the game based on how they saw him play it. He zooms a lot and is mostly fascinated by the graphics, he praised it how each faction had different structure sets and was really moved the the appearance of the buildings. Interesting though that he looked at the mod selection for a first game cover. He somewhat wanted more available information about the mods in the mod selection area, other than the mod summary description. He downloaded the community maps mod ad mod.io
    1 point
  23. Was this already posted here? This guy, Nookrium have 60k subscribers, this video was posted on June 15 and got 5k views as of today. Also this coverage of the game was quite long, almost 2 hours.
    1 point
  24. First time player. Excellent narration... Player: "Are these sheep or pigs? They look like sheep to me." Gaia animal: "Baaah" Player: "That is definitely a pig. Yeah, you can tell by the sound it's making. Pigs go Baaah" "Yes, the women of Rome, known of course for their heavy logging", lol...
    1 point
  25. Hey @gameboy I am working on these issues, and uploading diffs regularly. They will be fixed, don't worry. Thanks for reporting them anyways
    1 point
  26. @gameboy there are a lot of problems he needs to fix, please be paitent
    1 point
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