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  1. have a nice alternative to berry bushes, apples and figs
    6 points
  2. congrats we got 7 fan palm variants
    5 points
  3. Well some news. After 6 months of hard work, it was the time to have a real life meeting. So we met during 3 days in Molvania at our own expenses. We had profitable discussions and spend also a lot of times to code. It was also the moment for us to discuss about our recent new contributors. Among them, I would cite Richard and Eric, or our Nvidia gpu expert Benedict (he could become our future community manager), Donald Ervin who will write some docs, Brian and Dennis who will help us on the c part of the code (they are currently busy writing a book), or Alex who plan to help us on the AI but currently busy to learn many things. The last day, we take a good dinner based on pizzas, garlic and cheese sandwiches and last but not least pork and beans. We kept the tarte flambée for after our STK game. We was really exhausted and took some rest watching Escape from New York. The end scene, the fact that one of our dev have removed thousand lines of dead code and perhaps some fermented beverage led us to take a decision: we had to fork our own fork. We are proud to announce that the name of our meta fork is Spoon AD.
    4 points
  4. Nice man! Looking luuuvly... I love the way you are spitting out entire biotopes like it ain't no thing... I'm still just barely at 4 variants for the acacia's, lol... "Trying" to keep up got me like:
    3 points
  5. That was my first guess, but looking at the stem, it looks like a knock off...
    3 points
  6. These trees are pretty small in all actuality lol those were some massive fan palms
    3 points
  7. Speaking of which. Credits to bigtiger.
    3 points
  8. aint shé a butté I dunno, it doesnt look terrible.. also not a tree
    3 points
  9. almost have enough assets for a high atlas map
    3 points
  10. there's someone who talk dirty to me everytime he see me. i keep ask him to stop talking to me like a kid but it dosent help. i think he should be warned. i
    2 points
  11. We talked with @elexis about constant references and I gave an example why passing by value may be better than passing by constant reference. During todays refactoring I met another important things that you need to know about constant references. Aliasing Take a look at the following code. Do you see a problem? (It's our code from ps/Shapes.h). // Interface class CSize { public: // ... void operator/=(const float& a); // ... public: float cx, cy; } // Implementation void CSize::operator/=(const float& a) { cx /= a; cy /= a; } If not, would the following usage example help you? CSize size(2560, 1440); // Normalize the size. if (size.cx) size /= size.cx; debug_printf("%f %f", size.cx, size.cy); You'll get: 1.0 1440.0 Because the a references to cx, and the first line of the operator modifies the cx. And in the next we just divide the cy by 1. It may happen in each case where we get the same class. I fixed the problem in D1809. Lifetime Another important thing is a lifetime. Let's take another look at another example (fictional, because I didn't find more detailed example in our code yet): std::vector<Node> nodes; // ... duplicate(nodes[0], 10); // ... void duplicate(const Node& node, size_t times) { for (size_t i = 0; i < times; ++i) nodes.push_back(node); } From first look it seems ok. But, if you know how std::vector works then you know, that on each push_back std::vector can reallocate array to extend it. And then all iterators and raw pointers are invalid, including our constant reference. So after few duplication calls it may contain a trash. So, you need to be careful with such cases.
    2 points
  12. do you have one id love to see it
    2 points
  13. Meme war? Either way really nice to see all the nice new trees (and more) you are creating Johnathan
    2 points
  14. Me love. Reminds me I need to commit stuff from the eyecandymod (cliffs mostly)
    2 points
  15. huh, these grow almost exclusively in clumps from rhizomes , not entirely sure why they're all single specimens in game. I'd say use the palmyra palms instead if not for that oversight. Holly oaks are a priority right about now, since the new oaks themselves are a bit too massive to sit in mixed forests
    2 points
  16. Thanks @wowgetoffyourcellphone! Yes that was my original idea too, but after i though would be helpful keep tracking the resourse level during the game, if was vertical that would cover the scene unless the player keep clicking all the time to check them, instead keep the bar horizontal let the view clear and at the same time let the player know each resource level.
    2 points
  17. Dark Funeral - Live At Peace and Love Festival https://youtu.be/z0hU5zOkbPo?t=1671
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. The purpose of present-day Wildfire Games is to create, improve and educate about free software with and for the general public. The principles of free software empower any user to adapt and redistribute the software to their own best interest without hindrance, qualify the software as a pure public good, authored and purposed for the public interest. A pure public good is non-exclusive, meaning "it is impossible to exclude any individuals from consuming the good", and non-rivalrous, meaning "for any level of production, the cost of providing it to a marginal (additional) individual is zero." The IRS defines a non-profit organization to be "organized and operated exclusively" for charitable purposes (see Organizational Test Under 501(c)(3)), serving public rather than private interests. Whenever Wildfire Games acts through SPI, uses funds that SPI holds, it must be exclusive to the furthering of charitable purposes. So Wildfire Games can provide anyone who does follow Wildfire Games usage policies and exclusively serves public interest a subforum with the funds of SPI. Other than not having funding for non-free software practices, I suspect Wildfire Games might distance themselves from any closed source practice unless having concurred with SPI. Anyone who requests a subforum may demonstrate good faith with that regard.
    1 point
  20. The lobby is really confusing to me. I thought we had a mute ban for bad words ?
    1 point
  21. i think make sense, each resource provider like farmer, fisher man, miner has to have a dedicated structure which can store just a limited amount of resource, after that the provider need to pay some delivery service( which can transport much more resources than a bunch of slaves ) or use his own slave to bring the resources in the main City Storage. Once dropped in the storage the provider will get his money from the player. yes i agree the city storage will be the pick up point to every producer to get the resources to produce their respective products, and is interesting the concept to put a storage limit on it. That would push the player to build more than a city storage for each city. But i also want to say about this that all resources are divided in different city storages but are counted in all their total in the top bar resource counter. I think the player when need resources to create new soldier or buildings should be able to access them from everywhere anytime , this to keep the game play fluid. When used the resources will be decreased proportionally to each city storage owned by the player. But i am open to discuss about this. At exception of the player, all other entities need instead to go buy the resources in the nearest city storage Yes that is true, i m planning to give to each producer a limited resource storage , about the trading the player can trade using the market structure and the delivery services, i will explain soon how this will work, basically there will be city delivery service ( which account all goods transportation in the city), intercity delivery services ( where the delivery provider on the will of a intercity trader, will to buy from the producers of another city goods and will drop it to the Market Structure , where consumers in the time will go to buy from it. Basically the intercity trader own just a market slot ( shop ), and the actual delivery is done buy a intercity delivery provider) and inter Civilization delivery, where the trader can go trade with other players cities , basically like intercity delivery but with some extra function like don t be attacked by the other player even if enemy (about this i was planning to give a bonus of friendship each trade, so more interciv trade can create alliance between player). Also about goods i am planning to make it possible to steal goods and resources, so for example if one delivery service provider is attacked and killed, will drop on the field all resources and goods and can be collected by the attacker(of course need to have the capability to carry them to the nearest city storage (if resources ) or market ( if products) ). I think this make it possible a lot of strategy dynamics in the game, for example attacking another player city would be not just destroy its structures but also focus on destroy the city storages, so would be possible steal the resources, same for the markets about goods. Yes the happiness was exactly being created with this purpose, let uprising and work performance rate possible, citizens not happy produce less, consume less and in the worst can uprise. Thanks @Rolf Dew for sharing ideas, very usefully, if you not agree with some concepts please let me know same for all other community member, more we share more we can rich the economy system
    1 point
  22. I've even warned that guy on the forum, and @tyler1 also shared screens of his chats with pesem. Other people who's names I don't remember have also been complaining about him. Personally I've seen him join the lobby and just start spamming horrible "yo momma" jokes directed at pretty much anybody that was online, and people asked him to stop then as well. Not that I can't take a good "yo momma" joke, it's just that his are really bad. Like terribly bad... These kind of belligerent requests directed at Wendy for sexual favors, especially if it's repeated and personal, really constitutes a form of harassment.
    1 point
  23. Notice that the data displayed on opentopomap are (1) elevation data, probably a derive of the old SRTM NASA data, and (2) polygons for that island. I think (2) is exactly the OpenStreetMap data, and especially not part of the heightmap. So yes, I think exactly what you're seeing there is the same data used on the map. Notice that the implementation of Elephantine was done by converting that to a heightmap image. I recall spending one or more days trying to load the polygon as JSON, but failed for some very specific reason. Should be mentioned in the IRC logs of the time before Elephantine was committed, I don't remember exactly what it was. Selection of which shapes one wants is one challenge, because OSM provides a lot of information one doesn't want to add to the elevation map (streets for instance), and the polygon needs to be filled, so one would need an additional algorithm for that (flood fill). Coordinate transformations can also be annoying. (But there was some other specific complication that took me like 10 hours to discover, I don't recall.) These commandline tools are very important, it allows one to generate a heightmap at an arbitrary geocoordinate and arbitrary zoom level. I remember that I needed something like 10-20 tries to find the coordinates and zoom levels so that the terrain shapes one had looked for become recognizable. Then 10-20 coordinate / zoom trial and error modifications to center the map perfectly for artistic and balancing aspects. But if one takes a screenshot from a map browser, edits it in gimp, one has one try. Chances are it might not be ideal. Then the entire map created in Atlas is stuck to that error forever. But if there is code to place the entities and actors, you just need to press 4 buttons to do the entire map all over. (There is a terrain recentering patch on trac, but the lost area is replaced with a level plane instead of the heightmap data, and one can't change the zoom level)
    1 point
  24. I agree on the idea but this could be more about "regional" units than mercenaries. It could be also special abilities for some factions, like the Romans and the Persians, getting new available auxiliaries from the capture of ennemy's fortress or civic center. For example Numidian auxiliary cav when they capture a Carthaginian fortress. I think the idea of wowgetoffyourcellphone of map mercenary camps to capture is great. It creates a sense of geopolitical context between players, making also the importance to capture strategic points on the map. Yeah I used this idea to include regional units in the new rosters of the Celtic factions I suggested. Clearly Caledonian swordsman with back scabbard as the Batoros and Irish elite javelinist as the Caur. For the Gauls, I suggested to let the player unlock which regional champion he wants: Rhine region cavalry based on Belgian and Germanic items and inspired about the Tencteri and Usipetes fighting style. Aquitanian elite bodyguard inspired from the Sotiates account, with chain mail decorated with some decorated plates. Alpine axeman based on the finding from the Ticino region.
    1 point
  25. In my opinion, the collected resource should be put in maybe like a storage or granary building once the slave gathers a certain amount of the resource (in the meantime while the slave gathers the sufficient amount of resources to take to the storage place, they can store it at the farm itself, until it reaches that amount), once in the storage place, the resource should be available to the player for use. The storage place should have a storage limit and other traders and merchants should be able to get the resources from the storage place and turn it into usable goods. For example the baker will buy (bought from the player of course) wheat from the storage place and turn it into bread, that will be sold to everyone else. The farmer for example should receive payment from the player when they put their Harvest in the storage place. Once the storage place is full, the player should have the option of purging some resources for more space or selling them to neighboring towns. Note only raw resources should be stored at storage places. Processed resources should be stored at the respective shops (which should have a storage limit of course) and processing buildings. The player should be able to trade processed goods with other towns too imo. The player should be able imo to get coin by sending out tax collecters automatically (after some game time that would represent a month or whatever time span), the tax collectors should collect a portion of the people's money (the amount collected is dependant on the whether it is high taxes, medium , low or no taxes of course). Players should be able to use coin and weapons to train soldiers and to buy needed resources at a high price if there is a shortage of something. Finally, I think traders and merchants should be able to strike if their happiness is to low and slaves should be able to have an armed uprising if their happiness is too low. Owners of slaves, like farmers should have the option to overwork slaves to get resources faster but this should steadily decrease their morale, the slaves should be adjustable, with lower workloads increasing their happiness and higher workloads increasing their unhappiness and chance to cause an armed uprising. Slaves that cause an uprising should attack free citizens, soldiers and loot and damage buildings. Maybe once a certain amount of slaves are killed then they should be forced to go back to work.
    1 point
  26. Wonderful idea. I hope the listen to you.
    1 point
  27. That could be the basis for "mercenaries" for barbarian civs. IDK, maybe celts get some germanic units, Iberians could use roman/greek/carthaginian or celts, britons some caledonians, and so on...
    1 point
  28. Position: AI Programmer. Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes Are you sure you are not wanting to work on something programming related? (Then you don't need to send in an application form.) It is programming related Name: Mina Sami Gorgi Email: minas (dot) gorgy (at) gmail (dot) com Location: Cairo (GMT+2) Availability: Currently: at least 10 hours. 6 months from now: not really sure. I am graduating this year so I can't really give an accurate estimate but I'll probably still be contributing. Age: 22 Occupation: Senior Computer Engineering Student Skills and Experience: Resume Motivation: I greatly love what I am doing and what new experiences it allows me. Personality: A creative thinker and avid learner. Short Essay: I really found about WF from 0AD about 3 years ago but had already heard about WF in general years before. The most amazing thing about this project is the fact it's open-source. I mean I didn't really believe back then that there could be such a large-scale well-developed game like this and still be open-source. Being cross-platform as well is a huge bonus. But generally, I always wanted to develop AI for games since I played my first RTS game as a kid. So, I seek fulfilling my dream and gaining experience by joining 0AD. Interests and Hobbies: I am greatly interested in music. I have studied music theory, I play the guitar a bit, currently learning to play the saxophone and occasionally teach children how to sing. I like to keep fit so I go to the gym regularly and I am interested in sports in general but specially tennis table and football. I also like playing video games -don't we all-. Staff: I don't know anyone personally but I have came across a few while suggesting participating in GSoC this year. Community: I guess for gaming just YouTube. Yes, I am not a real hardcore gamer. Favorite Game: Currently: League of Legends thanks to Lutris. Honorable mention: Dota since it runs on Linux via Steam. Overall: I think Age of Empires and Command and Conquer. 0AD is a huge candidate once campaigns are up. Work Examples: I don't have such that are directly related to the position, the closest may be the Scrabble AI I took part in developing last semester where I was actually in charge of the research team. Other relevant work examples are mentioned and linked in the resume.
    1 point
  29. Thank you very much Stanislas, I really appreciate it! And those weren't even the worst quotes... He actually called us "explicative ebola zombies", and something else about AIDS, for those of you just joining and might be wondering why our lovely friend was removed from the conversation. Thank you to all the people who showed their support in this matter. For those who think that pesem/Glestul's commentary was even remotely acceptable, you need to self reflect. I've had an eye-opening discussion about the difficulties regarding moderation, and will say a word or two about it in the future. Basically, we need the community to help regulate extremism in the lobby, and in the forum. It's an open source project, so we can all help weed out toxic behaviour. If everything falls on the handful of moderators alone, they get overworked and over stressed. The bad people shout louder, so at least the "good" people should try to speak in chorus. We have terms that everybody agreed to. If someone is excessively violating them, try to politely draw their attention to the unwantedness of such behaviour. Don't attack them, don't insult them, just inform them. If the behaviour continues notify a moderator. Most importantly, don't criticize a moderator for taking legitimate action if the offense is well covered by the terms. Just grow up and realize that your words, your actions, and your silence when your voice matters can cause real world damage. Moderators and developers have lost their mind in the past... To the moderators, please don't hesitate, or feel bad to take action against the level of dehumanizing talk that Glestul/pesem demonstrated. This is NOT an edge case, if there are still people who feel that way...
    1 point
  30. i got a question to ask the community: i completed now the resources panel and i also implemented all the code to let the gatherer add the resource in its subcategory. So far so good, but now while i m developing the productsManager Component ( this component keep track of all cities economies in the game, and is the data source used to populate the economy panel i show you few post above) i got a design dilemma, maybe you guys can give me your opinion. this the situation: the gatherer ( i m planning to use just slave for all gathering task ) work, let s say in a grain farm ( as a slave is himself property of a grain farmer, who own the farm , the slaves and all resources collected) , collect the grain resource (subType of Food ), every 10 grain collected he go to drop in the civ center or in the farm stead .. (1st concept i feel not sure, should we instead have farms that can stock their own production? ) .. all the grain is being added in the player resource counter and is available to be used by the player (2nd concept i feel not sure, should we instead as a player buy the resources from the farmer just when needed ? ) every resource collected and dropped by the slave , the farmer will gain some coin, so as a player we can use or resell that resource to every other producers or trader who need it , earning money from it. what you guys think? i m confuse because i want it realistic and historically correct but also simple and functional as a game .
    1 point
  31. Thank you very much for the explanation Stan. My post was deleted while I could still see all of Glestul's posts for almost an hour... So I was like: I think It is important that you show it again, so that people can know exactly what was going on here. People often don't believe me if I tell them the sorts of things that are being hurled at me. Some people even think this kind of thinking is a thing of the past, or that I'm exaggerating, but I encounter it way too often, and people should know! I don't normally encounter it on the forum and in the lobby, which is why I always considered Wildfire Games and 0AD a "safe place". Show the quotes so that people know that this is the limit. Secondly, a shocking number of people actually believe in those things. My response clarifies why those things aren't true, and how wrong they are to think them, to help dissuade others from embarrassing themselves like that in the future. A lot of people aren't "racist", but have some really messed up ideas of what "Africa" is like. It's a big continent. Some places really suck. Other places are pretty awesome... People should understand that.
    1 point
  32. @Glestul please stop. This is my last warning.
    1 point
  33. Christianity became the state religion of the Kingdom of Axum (modern day Ethiopia) in the early 330's AD (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church). North African Christianity even dates to the 1st century. By the 6th century Christianity became the state religion of the Kingdoms of Makuria, Nobatia and Alodia (modern day Sudan). Actually, the Ethiopian Garima Gospels are one of the word's oldest Illuminated Christian manuscripts, "radiocarbon analysis samples from Garima 2 proposed a date of c. 390-570", and the country is dotted with hundreds of centuries old churches, still in use, alongside many thousands of new ones.. Today about 40% of African people are Christian, the vast majority of them in Sub Saharan Africa. apocryphal is the key word here... Your "joke" was terrible, and why you felt the need to repeat it ten times over is beyond me. How old are you exactly? Blushing is caused by dilation of blood vessels near the skin, which causes more blood to pass through resulting in a reddish color. When your skin is very dark, it won't be noticeable, but when the skin is sufficiently light, it becomes noticeable, including among lighter skinned Sub Saharan Africans. How is this even remotely relevant? Because your posts are garbage, like your grammar. Good Lord... Nobody is cheering on *Al Qaeda in my country, nor did I ever say that... We have a comical hit song by Guru called "AKAYIDA", which is the local name of a dance... Comedic intro (and outro) by Kwadwo Nkansah aka Lil Wayne, actual song starts at 0:51 min. Enjoy (and turn up the bass) Feel free to check the chatlogs, those who can, I explained this to him in the lobby as well. I am not a Muslim. I follow Christ. I always have. I grew up among Christians, Muslims, Jews and Atheists, and they're all among the best people I know. Muslims, Christians and Jews all pray to the same god (even Christian Arabs refer to god as "Allah" as well, as it's just their word for god), and we all have like 99% the same prophets. Through language and culture we all interpret things differently, but only a fool leans upon the borders of his own misunderstanding. I've never seen a crucified cat (and I suddenly realize I've had a racist encounter with you about a year ago as well). I've never even heard of that. Africa is an enormous continent with 1.2 Billion people spread across 54 countries. I'm sure somewhere someone is doing something to a cat, and that would be horrible, but do you really think nobody in Europe has ever abused a cat?? The persecution of Albinos in countries like Tanzania and Malawi is utterly deplorable, but it's literally on the other side of the continent, and is actively being fought against. Albinos walk openly and freely in the streets here in Ghana. I see them regularly and I've never seen them mistreated (they get teased at school sometimes, but that's pretty much it). Either way, I don't hold you accountable for every crime a European has ever committed. Why do you think it's ok to hold me accountable for the crimes of some people on the other side of my continent? Then why are you still here, if we're just a "pisspool"? Euhm, no, we don't bore holes in people's skull when we think they are mad. Again, relevance? I think you still have a lot of studying to do...
    1 point
  34. Thanks @elexis and @(-_-). Your replies are really helpful. I think I have a good long-term plan set up now. Will start by checking small fixes/patches like ones provided above experimenting their effect on game-play, to get accustomed with the code base and development cycle. Hopefully afterwards I will move into more advanced issues like short-range pathfinder and ultimately developing a new AI if that's aligned with the project's plans which would be a great experience for me.
    1 point
  35. First of all, congratulations on the excellent 3D modeling work. You really are an artist! However, let me also say that in the case of textures, the buildings seem to be ... I do not know if I can explain it well ... but they seem to be "too brand new" ... the buildings appear "not to fit" in the scenario... Maybe it's the colors, maybe they lack a bit of "dirt" on the walls or in the areas near the floor, more color variations... Regards, Sturm
    1 point
  36. Hi everyone! as planned before, following the products table, i start adding new resources in the game, in the specific i added 8 subTypes in the Food Resource: 4 Basic resources: food wood stone metal with the food divided in 8 subcategories : fish milk herbs oil meat grain fruit wool ( is not food but we insert here for simplicity) Now are all accessible from the resource bar in the top , just clicking the food icon, this the small clip to show you:
    1 point
  37. Nice... For Kush at least, I can provide the following names of some of the most important cities during 0AD's timeframe (archaeological sites containing the excavated remains of one or more of the following: City/Royal Palace/Amun Temple/Royal Necropolis), followed by the historical name, where known: Napata (Npt/Napita) Meroë (Medewi/Birawe) Naqa (Tolkte/twjlkt) Kawa (Gematon/Gempaten) Tabo (Pnubs) Sanam Dangeil Basa Sedeinga Sonijat (Tergedus) Muweis Karanog (Premnis/Pedeme) Dakka (Pselchis/Pselqet) Hamadab Amara East
    1 point
  38. Another demonstration of the power of Atlas Bayou!
    1 point
  39. The solution to people leaving rated games too early is that we as wfg host the games on our server. We can hopefully do this somewhere in the future. But it needs someone to implement changes in the game.
    1 point
  40. Well A24 might have some nice changes How do you know ? I guess people can try to contact @BrynnOfCastlegate and see if she is up to making videos for their mods.
    1 point
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