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  1. http://osxdaily.com/2018/06/16/0-ad-mac-age-of-empires-clone/
    3 points
  2. Why don't start adding features to avoid that horribly title "AoE Clone" but at last that title now is for Empires Apart. Secondary attack. Dock give some territorial bonus New building that's no depend of territory but can be easily to rush. Minifaction design or layout Capture units More variety and counters Mercenary system. Slave system New minimap features Diplomacy features like trade units between players. New relic types More nomad styles like scattered unit over the map. More mission maps Add objectives
    2 points
  3. I'm seeing an olive green for the first one, pumpkin orange on the second one and beige on the third one. How about the others? Thank you @Lion.Kanzen
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. As Vlad said dropping exes and zips works. If you install 0 A.D. with administrator privileges you even have pyromod files automatically associated with 0 A.D. Unfortunately yes mod.io and a lot of platforms enforce the use of zips, and we can't associate zips with 0 A.D. unless we want to break people's computers I'll look at the mods!
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. In my opinion there is no trouble to distinguish between Insular Celts (Britons) and Continental/Mainland Celts (Gauls) while keeping them in the same group/faction. It is true that Celtic culture doesn't mean La Tène culture, but Celtic cultures are very diversified on a large timescale. The peoples from the Atlantic Bronze Age and from the Urnfield culture are actually proposed as the first Celts to explain the differences between the Iron Age Celts (There is a book about this: "Celtic from the West"). Then all the following cultures (Castro, Hallstatt, Golasecca, La Tène etc.) are Celtic from this point of view. The actual purpose of the game is to represent the Celts known by the classical texts. Since the Celtiberians are among the Iberian faction and the less-known cultures (Castro, Golasecca, Liguro-Venetic, Przeworsk etc.) are not considerate as potential factions, there are only remaining the La Tène culture and the Britonnic iron age culture. The Britonnic iron age started around 700-600 BC, and before this period the Atlantic Bronze Age was still the main culture in Britain. And there is a lot of connections between the Insular Celts and the Continental Celts. Since the fifth century, according to Barry Cunliffe: There is Early La Tène items in Wales too: The origin of the war chariots is speculated from the La Tène influence by Barry Cunliffe: About the artistic influence: Aside the first contact in Early La Tène, there is very Late La Tène connection in south-eastern Britain. There is evolution in the coinage and in the pottery. There is indication of a military tense situation: About the sword here is the view of Barry Cunliffe:
    2 points
  8. I introduced the concept of stamina/exhaustion, gently via tech in late game, in my not yet signed mod. I think it gives interesting tactical options.
    2 points
  9. Was thinking the same Could work pretty well for nomad mode. Now having the ability to build buildings on very specific sites would be great bridges or no bridges implemented You could make a bridge entity that can be built and garrisoned over water on specific sites. Even draw bridges
    1 point
  10. @wowgetoffyourcellphone, hmmm, the brown 120 114 35 definitely looks greenish on my monitor. Kind of like puke-green (green-yellow), almost the color of the ground texture, which is why felt the need to comment. Those ladies need to wash their hair... With detergent, ASAP... Yeah, that's what I see. The 2 blondes looks fine.. I don't see any grey haired gals though.
    1 point
  11. With the "capturing" mechanic implemented, it would be just as interesting to simply place unclaimed CCs around the map to capture. See: Miletus Peninsula skirmish in DE.
    1 point
  12. I wouldn't mind a "Classic" game mode that allows unlimited building. Though, I'd like the "Empires Ascendant" mode to be default/rated.
    1 point
  13. Are we looking at the same thing? Half of them seems to have grey hair; only the left most and perhaps the one in front could be called blondes.
    1 point
  14. As far as I'm concerned as long as they are historically accurate and looking good it's great and shouldn't be lying on the forums. Dunno having specular is useful though, could be for brooch etc and also if we ever have different female levels with better/different auras for instance when garrisoned. I plan to update the UV Layout in the future so we can have non symmetrical sleeves and that trousers are below instead of on top. It should be done with a script but I'm not sure I can pull this off alone. Especially since we still have a lot of DDS files and I don't have a non destructive easy way of importing them.
    1 point
  15. @Genava55 I do appreciate your position, and the difficulty to defend it. My own position isn't rock solid either considering the relatively random nature of material remains from this place and time. The archaeological record is not complete and the ancient sources can be ambiguous, conflicting and incomplete. So lets agree that the question of round shields among La Tène period Celts from Gaul is not one we're likely to find a definitive answer to. What I get from you're commentaries on the Bormio stele is that a c. 5th century BC reference from the (9th -4th century BC) Celtic speaking Golasecca culture from Cisalpine Gaul is not an acceptable reference for the Gauls in 0AD, because it's not La Tène. I think this depends more on how "Gauls" is defined in 0AD (seems to be defined quite loosely: "The Gauls represent the Celtic tribes of Continental Western Europe which currently encompasses most of modern day France during the times of before and Roman conquest"). I understand that these are all distinct cultures, but there is also clear continuity (also in material culture). Celts were more similar to each-other than they were to anyone else. Considering the incomplete material record, borrowing ideas from related Celts in the same geographic region doesn't seem so bad to me. There was little standardization in Celtic armies. Especially not across tribal lines. Different types of equipment were distributed differently according to the specific tribe being discussed. Because of a lack of wealth in primary sources on this subject, these kind of inferences are difficult to make. Castro culture is definitely Celtic, related to Hallstatt, with pre-Celtic influences. They're not La Tène, but they do have influence from them. It's the same as with the Golasecca, in that it's not an absolute reference for La Tène period Gauls, but it offers a good clue. Again, it depends on how "strictly" Gauls are defined in 0AD. The Britons in 0AD are Celts: "The Britons represent the celtic tribes of the British Isles around or before the times of Roman conquest. They are similar to the Gauls, but have slightly divergent specialty." All Celtic culture came from the mainland at some point, including La Tène culture, which locally developed into Insular La Tène style. The Belgic presence in Britain may have been exaggerated, but it's not disputed, and is very relevant to the time-frame for the Britons in-game (which are actually more like 1st century BC to 1st centiry AD, I know, an anomaly I've addressed before). The Wandsworth shield is indeed associated with the Cantiaci, but that area is within the Belgic sphere of influence. Either way, my point is that they were Celts, and that they probably used round shields. Considering the proximity and interaction with Gaul, that isn't trivial. Again, I'm not saying it's absolute either. Hmmm, interesting... You might actually be right about this... Not going to dispute this too much, but as with almost everything in this discussion, it's not certain either. Because they probably weren't common among (elite) heavy infantry units. I think (small) round shields would have been used primarily by light skirmishers (speculation on my part), and their equipment probably wasn't prestigious enough to be depicted in either Roman or Celtic art. Gallic archers aren't depicted anywhere to my knowledge either, but they are still mentioned in de Bello Gallico. Slingers are not depicted either, but we know they used them from the piles of "sling-bullets" found at Celtic fortifications. You wouldn't expect to find wooden shields of this period intact either, further compounding the question. Not only... Round shields were used by the Celts of the Castro Culture (during the Iron Age), by the Celts of the Golasecca Culture (during the Iron Age) and by the Celts of the British Isles (during the Iron Age), as well as by other contemporaries they regularly came into contact with, like Italics, Greeks, non-Celtic Iberians, Germanics... What you're suggesting is that there is a sudden absence of a piece of equipment among the Gauls of the La-Tène period, that was used by all their contemporary neighbors, as well as their predecessors, as well as their successors. It's possible... But is it likely?
    1 point
  16. @wackyserious, wow really nice! Question about the hair colors. What's up with the greenish tint? Shouldn't most of the Celtic women have either red or blonde hair?
    1 point
  17. I would like to see some new Female Citizen textures as well.
    1 point
  18. @Alexandermb This could help you visualize the cuirass. Not the perfect fit but the cuirass shows the shape and boundaries of the m_armor mesh.
    1 point
  19. Ni idea, si te digo te miento.. desconosco que version estoy usando yo solo lo instale usando sudo apt-get install 0ad voy a probar lo que dices desinstalar e instalar de vuelta. http://subefotos.com/ver/?ab6507a6899df7ae539535c26f4b5b57o.png muchas gracias, tenia que instalarlo como dijiste, ahora esta en español
    1 point
  20. @CastorDK ¿Qué versión del juego estás usando? No me parece alpha 23 (feb 2014, versión muy vieja). Prueba esto: sudo apt-get remove 0ad sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wfg/0ad sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install 0ad
    1 point
  21. I feel like the classes "gatherer" and/or "worker" should be included by default, really. But for DE, I think I will make it cycle through idle "Support" classes. Thank you for that suggestion.
    1 point
  22. But to answer your question those blue bands are the limits of your territorial influence and by design you can not build in unclaimed territory you increase your territory by building close to those borders and when you phase up. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  23. I think that there was only the actor of the foundations, but there was not a socket building system, at least in the first alphas. (Maybe i.m wrong)
    1 point
  24. .zip/.pyromod dropping should work for the Alpha 23. At least I tested it on Windows 10 and it works.
    1 point
  25. -------- More late romans. http://www.gladiatormuseum.com/en/the-exhibition/
    1 point
  26. Coolus baked again: Haven't changed yet all 3 feathers meshes.
    1 point
  27. This guy deserves a cookie that is far greater in diameter than the World's largest pizza recorded by the Guinness.
    1 point
  28. I know was joking. I made a few posts about bridges that you can find on the forums. IMHO bridges position should be map specific so they can be properly adjusted. So basically world neutral foundations like the empty civ centers in aoe games. Also once built they should be indestructible and neutral. One could then research a sabotage technology that allows one unit to destroy them see the settlers 5 expansion 1 (nebelreich) system. Building bridges like walls would be awfull to me. On the art side and on the code side. Also note that we didn't add a swimming passability class because of performance so a bridge one seems unlikely. Notice that being able to put buildings on specific foundations could be a very nice addition to implement mines you could have specific mountain spots where you can build mines
    1 point
  29. There is a large demand for RTS games. But due to studio and publisher consolidation this demand just isn't large enough for the investors. They all want the next 20 million console seller and all the merchandising and licensing that goes along with that.
    1 point
  30. Particles for units being healed, that would help to recognize wich unit is being healed if player had a huge army. Same feature could work for units promoted with their respective rank.
    1 point
  31. But, seriously though... Macaques attacking Alexanders Macedonians: "They call this tribe "monkey"... But we saw little difference with the tribes who lived among them", darn you Ptolemy I Soter and your casual racism.... (Did he actually say that?)
    1 point
  32. My ideas concern more with the role of women in-game. Women should be able to level up their ability to gather resources efficiently, which also changes their clothing, like how soldiers and healers level up their stats and acquire new clothing. This makes women at least more valuable game-wise, instead of disposable worker unit types. Women would still be vulnerable to attack, therefore not overpowered. Women should be able to set up devotional offerings in front of temples, at the cost of resources on a percentage on-going basis, which can grant passive non-permanent buffs to stats for units in home territory. The buffs would be gone as soon as the offerings are cancelled or there are no resources available, and the scope of the buffs is in home territory, therefore it is not overpowered. There are already similar in-game mechanics to this, with the Druids (warriors have buffs when near druids) and Roman Citizenship (Roman faction have non-permanent stats in home territory). All of the mechanisms are also historically accurate, women did have vital roles in managing local economies and temple worship in nearly all civilisations.
    1 point
  33. I would try to be realistic for my features request list: Campaign mode (almost finished, if I'm right) Trigger interface in Atlas studio Finishing differentiation buildings between Athenians and Macedonia Differentiation between Gauls and Britons units. Finishing Seleucid and Ptolemies units (almost finished) Minor improvements and optimizations. Bonus: Integrate Xiognu and Chinese to the main distribution
    1 point
  34. Could you remove the tracks that delimit the construction site?
    0 points
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