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I've been really busy these past two years but found time to play the new release. Round of applause to everyone who made this happen!4 points
3 points
I just fell in love with my own idea! Can we have stick-, stone- and feces-throwing baboons and macaques in-game??? Ranged Gaia animals!! That would be soooo cool, and annoying in a really funny way. They shouldn't do much damage though, but if you leave a single citizen soldier or women close to a troop of 20 monkeys, they should slowly get stoned to death...3 points
Wonders have resource trickle maybe the corral could have an aura giving experience to domesticated animals, so they level up 3 ranks like infantry; skinny, mid and fat it would be just a scaling of the belly and if its possible give an aura also to the cattle/sheep for example enabling the food trickle to corrals only if they are near.2 points
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https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1524 introduces templates for a domestic horse and camel that don't run away. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1523 standardizes fauna templates. AoM's animal fattening was great, hopefully something like that could be included in 0 A.D. as well.2 points
I think that in many ways we actually agree. I was not entirely arguing for a copy and paste of some Greek set, but even if the architecture was limited to just places like Alexandria and Naukratis, these were the centres of Ptolemaic Egyptian culture and should be a major reference for the architecture. Should there be some more Egyptian elements for the more rural buildings? Yes, but much of it should remain Hellenistic. Also, although this issue has been mentioned before, little has been done to rectify the problems (Aside from the house work, which I greatly appreciate). I would have to differ with you regarding the barracks. Although there would be natives levied into the military, that would not warrant a totally Egyptian-looking structure; there could be some graffiti representing that culture and other distinctions, but it would be unlikely that a military run by Greeks would have their buildings built in much any other way. Granted, I am only speaking from a historical perspective and not a gameplay one. Probably it would be hard to distinguish between the two if there was a hardline effort to keep things strictly in a historically accurate depiction. The concern to connect the Kushites with the Egyptians is definitely valid; I personally think that that would be possible by simply using a similar colour palette alongside some other subtleties.2 points
A bit more advanced though. Mongolian siege warfare. Chinese designed missile artillery.2 points
We'll go through the ReleaseProcessDraft again. It's suspended until we're settled with the rerelease.2 points
Yes. Should also fix the player disconnects upon gamestart and OSX lobby crash.2 points
I believe the best thing you can do is stick around until we fix it so you can enjoy the game as you should Also if other people experience it on the lobby (they probably do) tell them it's normal and it will be fixed soon. (And yes unfortunately) they'll have to download the game again. (Should be more straightforward on Linux Distros though)2 points
1 point
The houses do not mix well, I do think administrative buildings could use an overhaul/variations. Now that we have Kush in game we'll retain the Egyptian flavor if we fix the Ptolemaic set1 point
@Thorfinn the Shallow Minded I agree with you to some degree, and many other people including myself have remarked on this topic before. I'd like to link to this post, which addresses just that ( @LordGood already made Hellenistic Ptolemaic house variants, but apparently they weren't committed or at least I didn't see them in-game)... The updated models: The Hellenistic look was largely limited to Alexandria, Naukratis and Ptolemais Hermiou, and even Naukratis and Ptolemais Hermiou were probably more Egyptian looking with the addition of Greek temples. So we definitely need to Hellenize some structures, but definitely shouldn't exaggerate it either, because the vast majority of the population was still Egyptian, and lived in a typically Ancient Egyptian style, similar to the New Kingdom. This even continued into the Roman period, and even in the early Christian period, churches were often just repurposed ancient Egyptian temples. Many rural Egyptian villages today still look quite similar to Dynastic Egyptian villages... They actually don't look 18th dynasty at all. They're total fantasy (except the granary)... That Greco-Roman kiosk looks like the only structure that actually used a reference, but even that is Roman (Trajan's temple on Philae island, border area with Lower Nubia) That having said, it would be good to keep the Egyptian barracks for native troops, and a Hellenistic barracks for Hellenistic units. I'd also like reiterate to the need for some marginal overlap between Ptolemies and Kushites (like the Hellenic civs, but not so extreme), and the best way to do this is have half of the house-variants for both Kush and Ptolemies be Egyptian style house models which should be the same for both civs, but using their own respective textures and props. The other half of Ptolemaic houses should be LordGoods updated Hellenistic versions and the other half of the Kushite houses should remain those pretty Nubian vaulted homes. This would provide a perfect and historical overlap and cultural uniqueness at the same time:1 point
@Sundiata, @LordGood, @wowgetoffyourcellphone, @stanislas69, @elexis, @wackyserious and all contributors to this achievement: Men and lads I'm proud of what you've done, seriously. I updated the Wikipedia (FR) and Mediawiki pages accordingly.1 point
Hello and welcome to the forums @franzliszzt The lag you were experiencing wasn't likely linked to graphics performance, but instead to the pathfinder system, which are working on making faster Being considered, no one to work on it yet. You mean in the editor ? That's something I'd want as well. You can create your own templates though. It's just a bit of xml editing and making mods. There is an attack move command, https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/HotKeys It's probably doable, but would be problematic in the future, because of the number of civs and objects. That's something you could do in mods. Adding resources has been done in a few of them. That requires quite a bit of artistic work, but that's something that could be done in the end. I'd refer to the art design document for such matters, but basically it was decided like that a long time ago https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument1 point
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For Xiongnu, they are totally useless attacking buildings, or walls, at least a placeholder until we have ladders and other siege types for raiding villages and besiegen the great walls.1 point
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Itd be nice to have a visual indicator of damage but I don't think resources are counted as life. So I don't think it's currently possible.1 point
en la pelÃcula muestran un altar o punto de adoracion en kiev, este esta en la cima de una montaña y tiene unos maderos tallados con las formas de sus dioses, y en Suecia estaba el gran templo de upsala que concuerda con esos mismos parametros , tal ves se pueda ocupar como maravilla Adán de Bremen afirma que hubo un templo en Upsala con tres estatuas de madera con representaciones de Thor, OdÃn y Freyr https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Templo_de_Upsala El Templo de Upsala fue un lugar religioso en Gamla Uppsala (Antigua Upsala), cerca de la moderna Upsala, Suecia, que fue creado para venerar a los dioses nórdicos desde tiempos prehistóricos. El templo está escasamente documentado, pero se hace referencia a él en sagas nórdicas y en la Gesta Danorum de Saxo Grammaticus. También es descrito por Adán de Bremen: «Los suecos poseÃan un templo muy famoso, que llevaba el nombre de Upsala, y que no se hallaba muy alejado de la ciudad de Sigtuna. Este templo estaba construido totalmente con oro. <...> El templo está rodeado con una cadena de oro que cuelga en la fachada y deslumbra a los visitantes porque el santuario propiamente dicho se encuentra en el valle y está rodeado, como un teatro, por montañas.»1 «Thor es el más poderoso de los dioses y gobierna sobre el trueno y el relámpago, el viento y la lluvia, la luz del sol y las cosechas. Se sienta en el centro con un cetro (Mjolnir) en su mano, y a su lado están OdÃn, el dios de la guerra, con su armadura completa y Frey, el dios de la paz y el amor, caracterizado con un gran falo. Todos los dioses paganos tienen sus sacerdotes quienes les ofrecen los sacrificios de la gente. Si hay enfermedades o hambruna, se hacen sacrificios a Thor, si hay guerra a OdÃn y si hay matrimonios a Frey. Cada noveno año hay un blót de nueve dÃas, una fiesta común para todos en Suecia. Luego sacrifican nueve machos de cada especie, incluso hombres, y sus cuerpos son colgados de las ramas de una arboleda cerca del templo. Nadie está eximido de este blót y todos envÃan regalos al santuario, incluso los reyes. Aquellos que son cristianos deben pagar una multa para no participar del blót.» http://www.germanicmythology.com/works/uppsalatemple.html1 point
http://repelishd.net/vikingos-viking-2016-online/ encontre esta pelicula rusa , habla hacerca de los vikingos rus , de kiev y como el principe vladimir instaura el cristianismo tiene lugar alrededor del 1000 de nuestra era este es su trailer1 point
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A reminder , don't forget update Indiedb page. https://www.indiedb.com/games/0-ad1 point
A maybe good tutorial for making trees, https://blog.michelanders.nl/2018/05/realistic-trees-in-middle-distance.html?showComment=1527188656219#c75831215386337556741 point
Those are some strong lads lol. I'd go for a smaller log with handles and let the weight hang from their shoulders instead of breaking their backs1 point
Incredible man. Just incredible. Make sure to not scale it too large. Footprint shouldn't be any bigger than the Hanging Gardens or Great Pyramid already in the game. btw, I don't think it looks too gray. The light color makes it look "new" to me. Let's see it next to the other Byz structures.1 point
Nice! Shouldn't every civ (in vanilla) that doesn't have a dedicate ram have access to these, the most simple/basic/primitive ram? It would help with balancing siege weak civs without affecting historicity... They should be noticeably weaker than covered rams though! It would be horrendous to see 40 archers take 15min to take out one of these...1 point
Nanyue was not exactly a part of Han Empire at this point of time, but there are Han (and Qin, for that matter) terracottas dressed in similar type of sleeveless armor, so I say go for it. (Notice that his armor covers more than the typical Han Dynasty "pectoral" armor) Oh, there is also a similar sleeveless lamellar suit belonged to early Eastern Han period Xianbei, so I think Xiongnu minifaction can also use it. \ Early Eastern Han Xianbei armor, replica. It's almost identical to Han armor.1 point
Hello @coworotel, This bug is being fixed as we speak, you can find the latest progress here. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1512 Sorry for the inconvenience, hope you enjoy the game anyways.1 point
@Sundiata I'm still specting that supra introduction thread, where you were going to show Napata . Btw, reading what you wrote gave me the chicken skin or that feeling... the chills? Don't know the translation, aynway, thank you for doing the first move last year with those awesome posts!1 point
I guess mods are here for that especially since the new modio thingy we have introduced. Is that true ? I can use the find tool in pdfs and so can google. The only requirement is the text not being turned into an image. 1. Yes.All the game is translated if it's in the game it's translated. The only thing we might is hieroglyph don't support 2. Other than the spearman shoulder shield and some variations don't think so. Ah and there is archery range workshop and stables and some houses. 3. Testing is obviously done since we are waiting for the macOS Release Candidate. 4. We need someone to record the voices. 5. Probably need some assets for campaigns when they are implemented. Then again for anything that should be wiki like we have our own wiki. We just need to create a page for the Kushites though I'd rather have something similar to this.https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Hellenes first. Then we can add another thing.1 point
@Sundiata First of all thank you for all your research. You encouraged us all with your energy and dedication for the Kushites. Without you the Kushites would would have maybe not ended up in 0 A.D., especially not that fast. Great work. To the community: The second thing I would like to see is a separate article in the 0 A.D. blog. What I would like to read in the blog post is a simple introduction to the Kushites for somebody not familiar with it. The blog post should not be longer than a page. In addition, the blog post should advertise the Kushite fraction and the upcoming 0 A.D. version a little bit. Third, the Kushites will be in the main game, but what tasks are still open? Are the Kushites translated into different languages? Are there art assets still missing? Is the testing done? Are there any other topics which need some work? Fourth, in which direction will the Kushite civilization be improved? Will there be campaigns and tutorials? I personally would love to play some historical key events in a campaign. I see campaigns as an interactive walk through of history (in the case of 0 A.D.). Fifth, are there any plans to bring the Kushites into the Aristeia bronze age mod? Or any other mod which plays before or after the 0 A.D. time frame? --- @Sundiata Do you plan to bring any other African civilization into 0 A.D. or a 0 A.D. mod? --- @Sundiata You mentioned you want to put the forum posts you wrote into a PDF. However, keep in mind PDF's are great for printing, okay for reading on a desktop, but not that great on ebook reader and other devices. Maybe consider using Markdown and Pandoc. Pandoc is a great tool to convert files into a variety of different formats, that would make it accessible for more people. Maybe you even want to consider putting your documents into a wikibook. Wikibooks is a project related to Wikipedia which is a platform for free textbooks (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikibooks).1 point
Thank you All! For those of you that haven't realized yet, "The Kushites" will feature in the next release of the vanilla version of 0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant. Naturally, I couldn't be be more excited about this It is the culmination of 16 months of research and development. An epic collaboration between many esteemed (volunteer) members of the Wildfire Games Forum. This mammoth task would absolutely not have been possible without the contributions, support and interest from the community, and for this I will be forever grateful! It has been an absolute honor to collaborate with you all, and I sincerely hope to continue this collaboration on other projects as well. I would like to take the opportunity to formally thank the following people, who were instrumental in getting this project off the ground (apologies for tag-spam): @LordGood: The Master Modeler... Miracle Man... The Virtual Architect... The Guru... Imhotep Himself! @wowgetoffyourcellphone: The Master Modder... The Bringer to Life of the first playable incarnation of the Kushites... The man with a million good ideas! @stanislas69: The dude that made the major commit. The Tireless Fixer of Things. The skilled texture and modeling artist. The organizer! @elexis: The Code Charmer, Maker of Worlds (maps), also a tireless fixer of things, getting things done! @wackyserious: Commander of the Wardrobe, The Digital Fashion Designer, Maker of Units! @Hannibal_Barca: The Statistician, Master of the Tightrope, balance is his game! @Alexandermb: Maker of all sorts of Things, Lord of the Horses, The Virtual Weapon Smith... @Lion.Kanzen: Spanglish Man, Fashioner of Emblems, your enthusiasm should inspire us all! @balduin: Maker of the first Github, Organizer of Info, Asker of Questions @Skhorn: The City Planner, Major of Napata, Builder of the Great Temple Complex at Jebel Barkal @Sundiata: The Man That Just Tagged Himself, Knower of Things, the "could-you-maybe-do-it-like-that"-guy In addition to that list, a number of individuals contributed significantly behind the scenes in fields I honestly barely understand (code/balancing/testing) and provided invaluable feedback: @mimo @temple @Imarok @Grugnas @borg- @s0600204 @Itms @feneur @Pureon Thank you all!!! And thank you for the many likes and kind words of support for this topic: @Servo, @shieldwolf23, @GunChleoc, @av93, @fatherbushido, @Loki1950, @tuk0z, @Palaxin, @Prodigal Son, @Enrique, @Desophaeus, @AgamemnonPhlemnon, @Zophim, @Juli51, @SDM, @Nescio, @niektb and others. I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have left out (let me know) The second reason I tagged you all is because: In preparation for the next release and future reference purposes, the original post that started this whole journey has been completely and comprehensively re-written and updated. All images have been replaced by higher quality versions (directly uploaded to the server) and hundreds more have been added. Almost everything that was used as a reference in the creation of this new faction can be seen there, and so much more. I wished to update it further and eliminate some spelling mistakes and awkward sentences + more detail (I tried), but alas, I am no longer able to edit it any further. A more comprehensive and updated pdf version will be made available in the coming months. Feel free to give it a read and provide feedback. Maybe you might get some future ideas / see something I missed / improvements for the Kushites in-game: Maybe some of you reading might be wondering, what makes the addition of this civ so special? Why is the research so important to this guy? Simply put, it was a labor of love. Kushite history has been unduly obscured for a very long time, but times have changed. This is the most historically accurate representation of the Kushites in a computer game ever, and one of the first times that the Kushites even feature at all. Only Rise of Nations features the "Nubians" in the standard version and there are a few mods and DLC's (for Civilization VI (Nubians) and Total War), but they are not all that historically accurate... In fact, the Kushites in 0 A.D. may be the first truly historically accurate African civilization in a game ever. The original research post has become the most richly and accurately illustrated history of Kush ever published on the internet and has formed the backbone for the references of models, units and gameplay. This is the most important Sub Saharan civilization of Antiquity and one of the longest lasting civilizations anywhere. A forgotten powerhouse that should really be remembered. By adding the Kushites, 0AD has also added the only civilization in-game that was invaded by Rome, and successfully maintained their territorial and political integrity. They also stood their ground against Persians and Ptolemies, while reaching high levels of culture in almost every respect, making this new civ a formidable and well fleshed out faction. Diverse, and absolutely beautiful! Once again, thank you all! And most importantly, have fun playing!1 point
There already exists a thing called "Wikipedia", so perhaps you should just try improving the corresponding page over there. Or perhaps start your own Kushite article on the significantly harder to find https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki if you want to restrict yourself to 0 A.D. specifically. Forum posts are unsuitable for anything longer than c. 500 words.1 point
Updated Anglo-Saxon hero auras. Alfred the Great Secured Borders: Structures are 10% harder to capture while he lives. Fyrd Reforms: Additional 15% movement speed for spear infantry. Offa of Mercia Mercian Hegemony: Additional 10% territory effect for all structures while he lives. Influence: Reduce the health points of enemy heroes by 10%1 point
After a tiring day of modeling meshes and animations, a cold bear can cheer one up.1 point
"For example" is a reference to that other post. I just mean that those things were designed, that there is such a list, that those animals are not finished (missing animations, sound, ...) at all. Moreover domestic, wild and things like that are already well defined (it has gameplay and code implication).1 point