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Carolingian Wonder (Cathedral builded by order's of Charlemagne) 11.5k tris Uses the same texture of the Mauryans, Hele 2, and Caro school Note: The window texture was found in the CC page (https://pixabay.com/en/stained-glass-window-cathedral-window-1062777/) it may need be adjusted in the black zone. Screenshots5 points
4 points
4 points
3 points
Oh no no, fully official mod. I do believe this will be the first 3D reconstruction of this particular part of Musawwarat es Sufra. I guess the pressure is on3 points
Why take artistic licenses where its unnecessary? I can understand if you don't have the full picture and need to make a leap of faith between historical sources. Even so, keeping hold of things that can be inferred from surrounding contemporary sources and the environment will keep you on the right track generally. Romanticism and exoticism will eventually lead to the "Hollywood problem" we try to avoid here lol though we could have half naked spartans and zombie ninja persian immortals2 points
2 points
architecturally speaking wouldn't they span the lintel all the way around the portico, not just on the sides? lol2 points
It's because promotion bonuses are implemented as autoresearched technologies that only affect promoted units and Gaia (amongst other things) doesn't have a TechnologyManager (defined by player_gaia.xml opposed to player.xml). Mabye we will add more support if we add more scripted maps with gaia units. (There's also the desire to remove the 8 player limitation, in which case we could use an actual playerslot.) Edit: Therefore no reason to believe that gaia units can't promote, which means we probably have to listen to the EntityRenamed message as bb stated!2 points
It can actually be a nice little incubation chamber for full fledged civs. If only we worked like this the whole time we wouldn't be half-releasing civs between alphas. My only issue with that is that the hype is finished before the civ is lol. Seleucids took years to finish2 points
there already is a idle worker "flag", in the right-bottom corner of the minimap there is a button selecting an idle worker. when the button is greyed out there are no idlers, when it is coloured there are idlers. When selecting units, there is a selection ring around the footprint of the unit. When selecting differnt types of entities simply use shift click on the wanted entities and then ctrl + click to make it a group. Using shift +num is selecting the currently selected units and the specified group, but does NOT add the currently selected units to the group. One should use ctlr+shift in order to do that. sometimes big units like elephants and rams get stuck in a forest due to a short pathfinder bug (one can get those out by ordering very small movements out of the forest), further formations are mostly bugged and indeed get stuck often.2 points
2 points
In "Age of Mythology", there was a feature, a flag on corner of the screen, that notified you when a worker is idol and not doing anything. It was a very well needed feature, specially when you assign lots of units to gather some finite resources, and it finishes. While playing 0AD, I faced large groups of idol workers many times. also, another flag was used in AoM, that showed idol soldiers, which is a great addition to 0AD as well. considering some soldiers can be used as builders and workers too. I don't know whether I'm posting in the right place, a Feature request and voting section (for choosing the best ideas) is very welcome. (Perhaps somewhere inside the application ?) I just started using this game, really enjoying it, thanks to all.1 point
On the page about factions it says that the Celts (Britons and Gauls) have a shared advantage of having the blacksmith available to build in the Village (first) phase. But when I played the Britons, I couldn't get the blacksmith until the 2nd phase. Why is this? Am I misunderstanding something?1 point
As of alpha 22, the engine can deal with 8 players * 150 pop, so 12 players * 100 pop and 16 players * 75 pop are quite realistic. All the random maps will need consideration, but nothing impossible. We also had few instances with 8 players and 16 observers already, so there's no real overhead (only the rejoin process is a bit laggy). If we already do some effort to break the barrier, we might just as well go all the way (i.e. 256, unless we need to allocate memory for the maximum in advance somewhere).1 point
only problem with enrique's current egyptian sculptures is that the model is missing its head and shoulders under the headdress, which would make it a huge pain to rebuild and add the appropriate kushite headdress updated wonder KushWonder.zip1 point
Apart from the (still optional) merc camps, you've pretty much finished the entire Kushite architecture set... All-round amazing work @LordGood! You can be very proud of yourself! Really... Wow!1 point
no problem at all, I did the same with the carthaginian wonder lol. gives it a bit more 'wonder mass' needs it, considering how big the temple of amun is1 point
Your conversation made me lol... Very, very nice!1 point
Let me see what i can come up with, a full portico looks weird, but that might just be due to the stubbiness of the columns, but Egyptian columns are also notoriously... sausagey1 point
yep, it collapsed like 4 times before i finally gave up on it1 point
1 point
Now take this before something bad happens again KushiteModels_Tex.zip1 point
Players: Aska (1310), temple (1733), Naw (1168), Cubidevin (1247) vs Emperior (1445), reggiemarr, phoenixdesk (1229), camelius (1452). Map: Empire, Tiny, 200 pop, 21:31. Summary: Not a great game, but we made history last night. 2017-08-13_0003 - empire pizza.rar1 point
@stanislas69 Carolingian Wonder.7z Cathedral Aachen [Finalizado].blend Edit: old ao uploaded Fixed* Cathedral_Aachen_[Finalizado].blend1 point
1 point
@Sundiata: oh sure! I merely to try to explain the reasoning of others (which you probably noticed by the way I phrased my words ;)) btw, I think this civ probably attracts a lot of people to the mod scene. It's coming along really well! @LordGood: the situation is a tad different though. The other civs really depended on mostly one person. This is more like a team1 point
@LordGood, good question. In temple 300's case, it does indeed seem like a bit of a stretch... In temple 100's case though, in the center of the complex, the entire structure was surrounded by colomns that were probably spanned. You could combine features of both temples, or choose one. I'll leave that to you.1 point
@LordGood Well they didn't have such a complete thread to back them up either.1 point
So probably the issue is in the system/drivers and not in the engine.1 point
Yes, i also really like where they are going to, and agree they would be a nice addition to vanilla. Maybe you could start a discussion about it within the team?1 point
1 point
I looked it up though: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aachen_Cathedral seems like it might be usable after all (or at least the building started almost ~300 years before the ending of our timeframe)1 point
1 point
This is for the mythical "balance" that must be attained... lol1 point
I found some cow and zebra hide (The ones below) in the base game texture folder (it uses the Thureos mesh) Here is a comparison of the basic oval shield mesh vs. the thureos mesh (Bottom w/ texture already part of the base game) There are two variations of the thureos mesh in the game, one that is slightly curved and one that is not. I am wondering if we could use the slightly curved thureos mesh for the kushites?1 point
1 point
Another question, is there a way to make it so a specific music theme plays first when you are a faction, and then randomize the rest of the music like at the main menu? I tried replicating the way it's done for the main menu music, but the civ's json file will no longer load: "Music": ["hylian_theme1.ogg" , "Type":"peace"].concat(shuffleArray([ "hylian_ambient1.ogg", "Type":"peace", "hylian_ambient2.ogg", "Type":"peace", "hylian_ambient3.ogg", "Type":"peace", "hylian_ambient4.ogg", "Type":"peace", "hylian_battle1.ogg", "Type":"battle", "hylian_battle2.ogg", "Type":"battle", "hylian_battle3.ogg", "Type":"battle", ])),1 point
Bien hecho @Alexandermb1 point
@wowgetoffyourcellphone Where do I change the default terrain for Atlas? DE's default is set to fancy grass which my other computer cannot handle very well.1 point
Ooooh..... Nice! Yeah, definitely, only a large first pylon entrance, leading to an inner courtyard, and a second pylon entrance, leading to holy of holies, like almost all of the Amun temples. The one at Napata with 4 pylon gates is a unique variation, because it was the main temple to Amun. Only need to use the front part as reference, the back part of it are just some unnecessary additions... Here's the one from Kawa: In response to your (fantastic) model, I'd suggest that the elevated roof on that back part is replaced by a (narrow) opening in the roof, reaching almost halfway the back.1 point
1 point
lol just a word of warning, temple of amun is going to be cut at the 3rd and 1st pylon gate because its getting waay too long1 point
1 point
1 point
Someone, like @LordGood or @stanislas69 should teach @The Undying Nephalim how we do the AO maps. Exporting the 2nd UV and such. Gods! I wish we could get 0 A.D.'s nature to look like that.1 point
1 point
Call stack > pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderTechnique::BeginPass(int pass=0) Line 134 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CLogger::Render() Line 213 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!Render() Line 269 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Line 372 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc=1, const char * * argv=0x00e60008) Line 581 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00e60008) Line 623 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!main_utf8(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00e60008) Line 126 C pyrogenesis.exe!wmain(int argc=1, unsigned short * * wargv=0x00bdf4f8, unsigned short * wenvp=0x00bdeec8) Line 151 C pyrogenesis.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 623 C pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 364 C++ kernel32.dll!76e48744() Unknown [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll] ntdll.dll!7744582d() Unknown ntdll.dll!774457fd() Unknown I haven't seen that before @vladislavbelov1 point
1 point
Hi, i'm just registered a new account today to say, that you are making a great job on this mod. I added a girl i found in the "gaia/celts" folder in public, i gave her a shield and axe, so this could be the Shield Maidens, i would like to ad something different to her to make her special, like aura for man's in battle increasing their damage or more damage against man. also it would be great to make she have her leather cloth too since i just taked the template and changed names and some codes because i don't know anything about textures or meshes Skjaldmö = Shield Maiden Also added viking longboat to the dock but only for City Phase, that longboat would be great if it have shields around and garrison inside visible1 point