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  1. It's not possible to use in the game (the license on the 3D model forbids commercial use, but the 0 A.D. license allows it), but could perhaps be useful for inspiration.
    2 points
  2. I think that when considering the addition of a day night cycle, the primary basis for it is graphical. Age of Mythology sort of had one with the way Eclipse god power and Fimblewinter god powers worked. One of the ways that having that really worked for the game was since there were lots of particle effects to enjoy during them. Most non fantastical rts's lack that kind of light show to justify one. Empires Apart had some interesting gameplay mechanics that came into play with day and night, but I don't think that the style really meshed well to make anything cooler.
    2 points
  3. Hello, For years I have been looking for an RTS that works with my mac computer, and this is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. Love the game, and can see it expand tremendously. I have a couple far out ideas I would love to hear discussion about. - Flora and Fauna surrounding waterbeds - Better Balance of the Difficulty sys. - Falling trees animation - Buildings can change depending on the age (Town, City, so forth) - Taller Palaces (I want to be scared when I see a Palace not get confused with another building) - Feeding grounds for live stock to keep them from roaming away - Personal Civilization where you can customize the look of your soldiers and Hero, and style of your buildings. - More team color options - Road formation between two adjacent buildings in a determined length - Variety of Statues for different groups so the same one isn't being built. - Bridges - Hero's have a glow to them to better define them on the battle field I have many more topics to discuss but These should be a good starting point.
    1 point
  4. Hi all, All the information about the tournament is above in the infographic and the further news will be here too. Have fun. Week-01: Replays and Commentaries Round01: SPG_1V1_W01R01-ffm_vs_littlegirlbeatyou.zip https://youtu.be/pYVIoQOpySs SPG_1V1_W01R01-Stockfish_vs_King_Soly.zip https://youtu.be/hnnyrEYPS0A SPG_1V1_W01R01-MarcAurel_vs_badosu.zip https://youtu.be/2nVaScqpxK8 SPG_1V1_W01R01-Carthage_vs_Ammaz.zip https://youtu.be/QH0vqwXnnRQ Round02: SPG_1v1_W01R02-Stockfish_vs_ffm.zip https://youtu.be/dgT468n6flo SPG_1V1_W01R02-Carthage_vs_MarcAurel.zip https://youtu.be/cATGGC1gkhg Round03: SPG_1V1_W01R03-Stockfish_vs_Carthage.zip https://youtu.be/2JxmYam2lsA Week-02: Replays and Commentaries Round01: SPG_1v1_W02R01-Carthage_vs_nani.zip SPG_1v1_W02R01-Badosu_vs_ffm.zip https://youtu.be/D2TPvG1Iaw4 SPG_1v1_W02R01-pudim_vs_Stockfish.zip SPG_1v1_W02R01-MarcAurel_vs_ValihrAnt.zip Round02: SPG_1v1_W02R02-Carthage_vs_ffm.zip https://youtu.be/ik27k-ASob8 SPG_1v1_W02R02-pudim_vs_ValihrAnt.zip Round03: SPG_1v1_W02R03-ffm_vs_ValihrAnt.zip https://youtu.be/pLuFgixtgCQ Week-03: Replays and Commentaries Round01: SPG_1v1_W03R01-MarcAurel_vs_badosu.zip https://youtu.be/xdXY8MF9XM8 SPG_1v1_W03R01-Stockfish_vs_Carthage.zip SPG_1v1_W03R01-Ludi_vs_ffm.zip SPG_1v1_W03R01-borg-_vs_nani.zip Round02: SPG_1v1_W03R02-Stockfish_vs_MarcAurel.zip SPG_1v1_W03R02-borg-_vs_Ludi.zip Round03: SPG_1v1_W03R03-borg-_vs_Stockfish.zip https://youtu.be/_H8yvnD8-d0 Week-04: Replays and Commentaries Round 1: SPG_1v1_W04R01-ffm_vs_woodpecker.zip SPG_1v1_W04R01-ValihrAnt_vs_Ludi.zip SPG_1v1_W04R01-Stockfish_vs_King_Soly.zip Round 2: SPG_1v1_W04R02-ValihrAnt_vs_Stockfish.zip Round 3: SPG_1v1_W04R03-ValihrAnt_vs_borg-.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq49SFVF4VA @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx @ffm2 @andy_beauty @King_Soly @Ammaz @carthage *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. They cost stone, for which starting resources help, they also have high range and damage, also part being crush. To counter them make spearmen for meat shield.
    1 point
  7. The question is.., this old bust was forgoten by timeframe of them. Is very popular in our culture.but this queen and their husband were controversial in egypt in their time, later they were forgotten because religion.
    1 point
  8. MayorceteGaming reached a whopping 604.109 views introducing alpha 23 with the same release trailer: https://youtu.be/Yb20d7w0H-g Exactly what I was thinking... But it's still a really beautiful bust to look at, and it could be interesting for personal projects.
    1 point
  9. But what would it add to the game? The bust is less than 0.50 m high and presumably always kept indoors. Moreover, Nefertiti lived in the 14 C BC, about a millennium prior to 0 A.D.'s timeframe.
    1 point
  10. 2 year dev cycle for A24 guys? How many times are we going to have to edit cape actors and 4 deep nested variant files?
    1 point
  11. - https://community.oscedays.org/t/why-are-non-commercial-licenses-not-open-source/569
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I would like some alternate flyer for volunteers explaning about how contribute, the different areas. Some examples of concept.
    1 point
  14. @Alexandermb Do not forget the two plumes on the sides
    1 point
  15. Two things are needed for Day and Night cycle to properly work: 1 Graphical enhancement like lightning (Torches, Windows Glowing) 2 Gameplay enchancement: Reduce Vision, Usage of torches and lightcandles make vision 25% visible from a 100% at day cycle.
    1 point
  16. As far as art direction goes I’m happy with it buildings are whitewashed like they should have been, and colors are vibrant like they ought to be, sick of historical things having all the color sucked out of them like some sort of HBO filter just existed before the 21st century. As far as unit simplification it works to distinguish them from one another at a distance, something we’ve pretty much given up on in favor of having unit variations, and unique civilization art. Let the disillusioned stick with DE or better yet come to us lol
    1 point
  17. I figured since it's been 15 years, they would reboot the franchise from the beginning, not just remake part 2.
    1 point
  18. Hi guys, You can sign up for Final Week-04. After this week, there might be a 5th week depends on the equality of the points. Have fun! @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom @mord @user1 @elexis @Stan` @SaidRdz @Emperior @Emacz @Dunedan @Ivaylo @yilmazgng @go2die @MorTak @Imarok @sarcoma @Lion.Kanzen @D_D_T_ @R4PT0R @Servo @Itms @coworotel @badosu @sphyrth @wowgetoffyourcellphone @faction02 @feneur @Issh @PrincessChristmas @RolandSC2 @Jofursloft @CAGD_lulofun @HirnWolf @Dakara @thankforpie @mgx @ffm2 @andy_beauty @King_Soly @Ammaz @carthage @AltosLagos *** If you want to be in the notification list, or not, send a PM so I can add/remove your nick.
    1 point
  19. Only the walls, the rest of the architecture looks good to me, at least reminds me the "Settlers Heritage of Kings" wich was a great game in that time. The Color is a lil bit warmer but that doesn't harm, its like comparing Marvel with DC Universe. Quoting Ryan Reynolds: "You are so dark, you sure you aren't from DC Universe?" From a Commandos or Command and Conquer game i would expect darker ambient color or even Dark souls Dark Crusade, but from AoE we already had cartoony looking infantry before with AoE 1 and 2, clearly it haven't been look cloosely the units before AoE DE.
    1 point
  20. Ooooooh! Wow, it looks amazing. How long did it take to make, if you don't mind my asking?
    1 point
  21. @nani do you remember the ticket or its name? Edit: Found it
    1 point
  22. Ehy Guys, i'm building another europe map, but this time: "Giant Europe Map" , I've completed the North-African Continent and about in 1 week I think that I can finish this map.
    1 point
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