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Alpha 26 Feedback


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A similar request has been made in the past. The thing is that only a part of the developer team is able to make performance improvements. It's not the case that adding content is at the expense of performance tuning. Also, people are ungrateful, so I'm sure they would only be like "the development is stalled, there are no new features".

Anyway, I can't say I share the same experience regarding the performance. I noticed no performance changes since A25 (on my older laptop with an integrated GPU). Maybe my game already was laggy before. :victory:

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I noticed it quite clerly, intel integrated graphic, all gfx effects to none or low still ui responses and units reaction time is like slide-show movie.. with seconds steps..

0.25 behaved really bad in term of "huge fight" but responses of ui returned back when units died... but this one after full pop take constant slowness in responses all that time.

i also remember 0.23 and it was much much faster. 


Am I really just me who noticed it?

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17 minutes ago, Kampot said:

I noticed it quite clerly, intel integrated graphic, all gfx effects to none or low still ui responses and units reaction time is like slide-show movie.. with seconds steps..

It's pretty hard to make any improvement without statistics. Could you retrieve Shift + F11 statistics (profiler.txt) for A25 and A26 for the same scene? And attach logs and hwreport as well, you might find paths to them here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths.

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1 hour ago, vladislavbelov said:

It's pretty hard to make any improvement without statistics. Could you retrieve Shift + F11 statistics (profiler.txt) for A25 and A26 for the same scene? And attach logs and hwreport as well, you might find paths to them here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths.

I cant provide it to you, don't have old version already. And if i would donwload it again, noyt sure how i can replay same game in 0.25 and 0.26. And still if i do that how to jump directly to 30m of gameplay?

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21 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Modern reinterpretations of modern scholars, or is there really any first-hand evidence?

there are few evidences of the celts nudity. Polybus has related the story of the naked the Gaesetae warriors (he noted that the other gauls were dressed), but they were mercenaries, and there are no proofs that all the warriors were naked. it could have been only an act of defiance, not understood by the romans.
And for the Galatian (statue of the dying galatian) like I said, nudity for the greeks had a special symbolic, even if some celtic warriors could have been naked for various reason, it can't be accepted as a generality.
And Diodorus Siculus is not a reliable source
it is not a modern reinterpretation, but too often there is little questioning of greek and roman writings because they were written by greeks and romans.. it is like the fact that the Thracians would have had the Red hair. They made a generalization.
And these writings (arts in general) were not for us but for their respective populations, and the vision of the barbarians was written in this sense

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14 hours ago, Genava55 said:

I disagree that it is a stereotypical barbarian depiction. The Thracians and the Scythians weren't depicted regularly as naked by the Greeks. Nor the Germans and the Dacians by the Romans. Only Celts have been depicted consistently like this.

Above, I showed you different evidences from Etruscans, Greeks and Romans but also from native Celtiberians and Venetians.

In addition, we have at least two accounts mentioning Celtic warriors fighting naked. Even if the Greeks and the Romans exaggerated their depictions, it is difficult to dismiss all those evidences.

In the game, there is only one unit naked. Other units start bare-chested and gain body armor with experience. 

Thracians and Scythians were represented by other stereotypes. I do not deny the fact that a Celtic warrior could have been naked, but a stereotype of the celtic warrior was created around few testimonies. Unexplained testimonials.

In O.a.d, there is the adretos, the marcaros, who start  naked and the briton marcaros loses his pant when his level increases. Only the fanatic should be totally naked.

I don't mind if the adretos begin shirtless but give them a pants and shoes and remove the cape.

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21 minutes ago, Sennacherib said:

Thracians and Scythians were represented by other stereotypes. I do not deny the fact that a Celtic warrior could have been naked, but a stereotype of the celtic warrior was created around few testimonies. Unexplained testimonials.

In O.a.d, there is the adretos, the marcaros, who start  naked and the briton marcaros loses his pant when his level increases. Only the fanatic should be totally naked.

I don't mind if the adretos begin shirtless but give them a pants and shoes and remove the cape.

sorry it is in french. you can see at 19 min, the different gallic warriors, the guy with the basic shield would be a better addition to the game to replace the current naked dude with a cape.


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I have noticed that with the latest version when pressing ctrl the cursor disappears, although it still works. The difference is that I don't know what I'm doing or where.
Have I configured something wrong or is it a bug?

EDIT: Solved with support from IRC. This happens when I change % of the interface size. I have to stay to default 100% to see attack icons. Maybe the updated cursors not supports resize. Need to be fixed on next update


Edited by Toranks
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i mention some of a26 bugs here. if i miss something you add it below plz.

1- bots cause syntax errors. if u play tg and add bots they cause this error.

2- when u select a unit in formation all units be selected.

3- han farm field upgrades dont work.

4- for me this version sometimes hang. then i have to restart 0ad.

5- im not sure this is bonus or a bug? why han pikes damage 7? isnt 7 alot? it damages like champs.



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  • Stan` changed the title to Alpha 26 Feedback
11 minutes ago, king reza the great said:

when u select a unit in formation all units be selected.

Feature can be disabled in options.

11 minutes ago, king reza the great said:

for me this version sometimes hang. then i have to restart 0ad.

When does this happen?

11 minutes ago, king reza the great said:

bots cause syntax errors. if u play tg and add bots they cause this error.

Can you upload the interestinglog.hmtl when that happens?

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12 hours ago, Sennacherib said:

In O.a.d, there is the adretos, the marcaros, who start  naked and the briton marcaros loses his pant when his level increases. Only the fanatic should be totally naked.

That's weird. Normally, it shouldn't be like that. I will check this evening.

12 hours ago, Sennacherib said:

sorry it is in french. you can see at 19 min, the different gallic warriors, the guy with the basic shield would be a better addition to the game to replace the current naked dude with a cape.

I will watch it this evening. I speak French, this is my mother tongue (I am Swiss).

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Another bug is the behaviour of soldier formations which you stop with the "halt" command (h)  - some of these soldiers ignore hostile soldiers and try to capture buildings, and some randomly try to attack soldiers which are far away, rather than attacking close enemies.

Edited by Player of 0AD
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Another bug:      Chose a training building or a training ship, ctrl+rightclick on it (this will set the ralley point on itself, so the unit will be directly garrisoned)  and train a unit. No "unit-has-been-trained-sound" appears.


I think that its a pointless restriction to forbid cavalry to be garrisoned in barracks. Barracks were very helpful because you could easily garrison a lot of cavalry in them so they gained experience. Whats the point of forbidding cav to be garrisoned?

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1 minute ago, Player of 0AD said:

No "unit-has-been-trained-sound" appears.

Maybe it's a "unit emerged" sound and not "unit has been trained"? That's the way I took it anyway, been like that before.


I also liked to garrison cav in barracks, but it's more consistent now. And really, horsies shouldn't be in barracks.

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20 hours ago, Sennacherib said:

In O.a.d, there is the adretos, the marcaros, who start  naked and the briton marcaros loses his pant when his level increases. Only the fanatic should be totally naked.

I don't mind if the adretos begin shirtless but give them a pants and shoes and remove the cape.

My apologies, you were right. There is much more nakedness in the new alpha than in the previous one.

In the scenario editor:










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There is a pagoda on the map of the Yangtze River in the game. This is the Han Dynasty. There should be no pagoda. Until the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was only one Buddhist temple in China, the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, and the appearance of the pagoda in the game was close to the style of the Song Dynasty. , this is wrong, please remove this building.
CaoCaoWuWeiYing trained in the academy, this was formed by Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period, it should not appear in the Western Han period of the game performance, please change its name.

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