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Toxicity report

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Shaved_below frequently insults others, especially Kampot. Today I've had enough of him and I have decided to report him.


He asked everyone in another game to boycott kampot's host and I joined Kampot nevertheless. He has been proclaiming to be 'the most toxic person' in reza-math's server and has said more unfriendly things there but I won't post them here. 

Shaved_below is the smurf account of Shyft_Sierra; he also made another account called puddle_of_sperm. 

@go2die @user1



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We can add a button which allows the user to access the forum and the offence reporting thread in just one click. Furthermore we should advertise the existence of a forum using a larger banner in game. On the public mods, the pregame page is dominated by a background. I propose placing the buttons and important information at the centre to grab attention, much like the Minecraft interface. 


let forum and report button be one of these main buttons. This will be more convenient for such  offence reportings. 

I was also aware of the existence of a discord bot which transports 0ad lobby messages into a discord server. Perhaps we can employ this bot  in more servers, and add an auto alert function: if the bot detects toxic comments, it will alert the moderators through discord. Perhaps this will be a better method. 

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26 minutes ago, Sevda said:

We can add a button which allows the user to access the forum

I think this is nice to have but not inside the main menu list, but instead in the little square we have for info about the game already. Maybe in the place of chat button instead as i don't really see people joining IRC chat from there.

I seem to vaguely remember that theres an ingame report button in the making but not entirely sure.

Edited by Grapjas
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On 14/08/2022 at 1:12 PM, go2die said:

as Lobby is not fully connected to forum and not all players are aware of this forum it really not much usefull. 

Maybe some in-game reporting feature should be created.... after all it is lobby issue not forum issue, where elsewhere it should be...

Hello go2die,

I think the lobby needs more active moderator's. Anyway, noone can be active a lot due having own life but currently, at least for past quite few years there is no moderators of the lobby.

Smurfing, toxicity been growing and growing. Not sure what is the reason for mainly dev's being the lobby moderators but feel's like they cannot cope doing both at the same time. That's my point of view when it comes to lobby moderation.

There is one player who has been insulting, smurfing for the past few years. Noone ever done anything with him.


Have fun all.

Edited by Emperior
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41 minutes ago, go2die said:

Terms of use as they are strongly "unsupervised" or "delayed" or simply "ignored"

Why? If we change our direction every time there is a lack of volunteers, we'll never get anywhere. If you want to help, rather than constantly point out the lack of volunteers, become one, or find someone willing to become one. Everything else is unfortunately not doing anything to remedy this. Stan is very well aware of the situation. And I am not sure babysitting the lobby is his best use of time. Regardless, I won't speak for him.

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Morning @go2die

I am sorry, but I do not have the time to look into it right now. I am stretched between the release (fixing the han cc and updating the release pipelines), the git migration, my actual work, my presentation at Vandoeuvre in two weeks, I really hope @user1 @Dunedan or @rossenburg can take care of it.

I think @user1 has a bigger plan that I do not understand, for he does not allow me to give moderation rights on the lobby. (He revokes them constantly)

Sincerely Stan.

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7 minutes ago, go2die said:

it seems worked for a while.

Clearly, it hasn't. That still doesn't make voluntary effort involuntary. If things get too out of hand, and we cannot resolve the situation, then I guess we just have to admit defeat and leave lobbies to be community hosted.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Let me tell you a very interesting story, a story of how Shyft_Sierra evolved to what he had been. Hopefully this story will prevent potential toxic players like him from appearing. 

It was winter 2021-2022 when I first met him, not too long after the release of A25. He was a cosmic noob who had just joined the lobby. I took no notice of him at the time; he was just a quiet cosmic, not toxic at all. 

I played 0AD very frequently in April 2022. This was when Shyft_Sierra became very active. At this point, he was a 1400-1500 who swore frequently in games, although not directed at anyone in particular. I learnt that he was living in St. Pancreas, up the same road as me, then he moved to somewhere near Reading, a major transport hub in Southern England. In the meantime, I was undercover as Sevda in Reza math's discord server. It was a toxic place with both 0ad players and Wesnoth players. I quit as Yekaterina because of the harassment, especially talks about genocide and pornography. I hoped that I can maintain contact with Reza and certain other players through the server without being harassed, by pretending to be an adult male. Somehow they were still talking about Yekaterina one year after she left, with the main topic of discussion being farting on Turkish men, led by a particularly dirty minded Wesnoth player named Golubyie. The turning point occured soon after: shyft_sierra joint reza-math's discord server.  This was the beginning of a disaster.

One day, Sevda said to Golubyie "why are you so rude and toxic?" Golubyie subsequently claimed to be the most toxic troll on the server. This unsettled Shyft, who was also online at the time. Shyft immediately claimed that he is the most toxic person in that server, more so than Golubyie, who was only obsessed with farting and BBC at the time. They started a toxicity contest.

As an observer of this contest, I can only comment that the offensiveness of their chat escalated quite quickly. Shyft learnt many new insults and disgusting concepts from this Golubyie and immediately applied these new "weapons" on his master and competition Golubyie. Eventually they became irrevocably toxic, even attacking Reza, as well as being  impossible to communicate to, so Sevda quit the server. 

Due to work experience, study and other personal matters, I ignored them for some time. In August I rejoined the lobby and played a bit. Almost every time I saw Shyft or some other smurf account of him, he was extremely insulting. Interestingly, his language largely resembled Golubyie; many of his insults were either copied or adapted from Golubyie. His lexicon was not original; Golubyie had much influence on him and "taught" him to become the most toxic person in 0ad. JC is no match in comparison to this pair.

The next time I joined the lobby was November 2022, after 3 months of inactivity. The first thing I came across was moohawk. He was a very strong boom and push Gaul player. At this point he didn't target me because I was spec, but I saw him typing f word in the lobby quite often. This was the last time I saw him. 

In January 2023 I returned as beyazkurt. Words say that Shyft has been perma banned since December 2022. Sadly, on the second game I played, Grr, aka 01180... Or Cedric O, decided that I am Shyft and suddenly banned me mid-game even though I was his ally. His reasoning was that I was Gauls, made many ranged units and asked for help frequently, all of those were typical features of Shyft. Then this Grr went everywhere claiming that I am Shyft and asking hosts to ban me. Fortunately, I was able to establish a relatively calm communication with him in the lobby and eventually we got along after resolving the misunderstanding. 

The PTSD of Shyft still exists now. Sometimes I still get recognised as Shyft if I play as the Gauls. Luckily my favourite civ now is Spartans, so let this Shyft be forgotten in history...

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27 minutes ago, Yekaterina said:

Let me tell you a very interesting story, a story of how Shyft_Sierra evolved to what he had been. Hopefully this story will prevent potential toxic players like him from appearing. 

It was winter 2021-2022 when I first met him, not too long after the release of A25. He was a cosmic noob who had just joined the lobby. I took no notice of him at the time; he was just a quiet cosmic, not toxic at all. 

I played 0AD very frequently in April 2022. This was when Shyft_Sierra became very active. At this point, he was a 1400-1500 who swore frequently in games, although not directed at anyone in particular. I learnt that he was living in St. Pancreas, up the same road as me, then he moved to somewhere near Reading, a major transport hub in Southern England. In the meantime, I was undercover as Sevda in Reza math's discord server. It was a toxic place with both 0ad players and Wesnoth players. I quit as Yekaterina because of the harassment, especially talks about genocide and pornography. I hoped that I can maintain contact with Reza and certain other players through the server without being harassed, by pretending to be an adult male. Somehow they were still talking about Yekaterina one year after she left, with the main topic of discussion being farting on Turkish men, led by a particularly dirty minded Wesnoth player named Golubyie. The turning point occured soon after: shyft_sierra joint reza-math's discord server.  This was the beginning of a disaster.

One day, Sevda said to Golubyie "why are you so rude and toxic?" Golubyie subsequently claimed to be the most toxic troll on the server. This unsettled Shyft, who was also online at the time. Shyft immediately claimed that he is the most toxic person in that server, more so than Golubyie, who was only obsessed with farting and BBC at the time. They started a toxicity contest.

As an observer of this contest, I can only comment that the offensiveness of their chat escalated quite quickly. Shyft learnt many new insults and disgusting concepts from this Golubyie and immediately applied these new "weapons" on his master and competition Golubyie. Eventually they became irrevocably toxic, even attacking Reza, as well as being  impossible to communicate to, so Sevda quit the server. 

Due to work experience, study and other personal matters, I ignored them for some time. In August I rejoined the lobby and played a bit. Almost every time I saw Shyft or some other smurf account of him, he was extremely insulting. Interestingly, his language largely resembled Golubyie; many of his insults were either copied or adapted from Golubyie. His lexicon was not original; Golubyie had much influence on him and "taught" him to become the most toxic person in 0ad. JC is no match in comparison to this pair.

The next time I joined the lobby was November 2022, after 3 months of inactivity. The first thing I came across was moohawk. He was a very strong boom and push Gaul player. At this point he didn't target me because I was spec, but I saw him typing f word in the lobby quite often. This was the last time I saw him. 

In January 2023 I returned as beyazkurt. Words say that Shyft has been perma banned since December 2022. Sadly, on the second game I played, Grr, aka 01180... Or Cedric O, decided that I am Shyft and suddenly banned me mid-game even though I was his ally. His reasoning was that I was Gauls, made many ranged units and asked for help frequently, all of those were typical features of Shyft. Then this Grr went everywhere claiming that I am Shyft and asking hosts to ban me. Fortunately, I was able to establish a relatively calm communication with him in the lobby and eventually we got along after resolving the misunderstanding. 

The PTSD of Shyft still exists now. Sometimes I still get recognised as Shyft if I play as the Gauls. Luckily my favourite civ now is Spartans, so let this Shyft be forgotten in history...

Shyft is just another identity of you, which you have used to participate in the toxicity contest which you have described. You think I don't see that?

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