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Desired gameplay(planned) features for A23


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@av93 parts of the pathfinder (unitmotion) are getting rewritten. But the patch (D13) needs a lot of side changes that all first need to be committed beforehand. Some of those patches are good some made bugs in our current code appear and some induce regressions. Leper and Itms reviewed some of wraitiis patches but there's quite a way to go. For further info refer to the names I quoted.

Edited by stanislas69
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  On 17/07/2017 at 4:21 PM, stanislas69 said:

@ArcaneExodus Network support has improved as the game now has a better way to go around firewalls. @fcxSanya or @elexis could probably be more specific.


A22 includes NAT traversal feature (technical details are here: #2305 (UDP Hole Punching / NAT Traversal) ), which should allow to host a significantly larger amount of players (with some network configuration it would be still impossible to host though). It worked fine during the development tests and I can't wait to see the results of wider usage after the release. In further versions we can add more diagnostic information to have more details when it works and when it doesn't and hopefully made further improvements.

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  On 17/07/2017 at 4:21 PM, stanislas69 said:

@ArcaneExodus Network support has improved as the game now has a better way to go around firewalls. @fcxSanya or @elexis could probably be more specific.

About formations work is being done to make them easier to fix.

About the infinite resource stuff it's sounds more like a game mode to me. So not planned but could be done by motivated modders if you can find some :)



Just add objects to the map editor. That's always cool, maybe a few mercenary huts; Who knows.

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Some times you've almost defeated your enemy, but there's a unit standing somewhere often a female unit next to a stone or metal mine or a trader some where else. Is it possible to add a feature to completely reveal the map once you build your wonder or temporarily from your civic center or you wonder by paying some amount of resources from time to time. Chasing that last unit sometimes takes precious time.
How do you find that last standing unit(s)?
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There are replays where players had won the game after losing all but 15 units. This becomes especially more likely in team games. The best strategy as an opponent to find the last units is to scout the map with like 10 cavalry, each heading into a separate direction.

The current spy feature only focuses on trade carts. Revealing all enemy units for some time would also be interesting if it would be extremely expensive and help with that situation.

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  On 01/08/2017 at 3:13 PM, elexis said:

There are replays where players had won the game after losing all but 15 units. This becomes especially more likely in team games. The best strategy as an opponent to find the last units is to scout the map with like 10 cavalry, each heading into a separate direction.

The current spy feature only focuses on trade carts. Revealing all enemy units for some time would also be interesting if it would be extremely expensive and help with that situation.


I understand that balance is important, but there's not way a player with a few units and another with several civic centres and their wonder could be beaten. The player with those buildings should have the advantage of at least temporally see where the enemy is if the other doesn't have any buildings.

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  On 01/08/2017 at 3:50 PM, Lion.Kanzen said:

Is more easy use a existing feature. You can play victory destroying all structure.


Good point. I still kind of like to have the ability of seeing the full map by means of something sometimes the wonder feels like a useless expensive building that should add something other than population

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I like to have auto gather for resource gatherers especially women. It could be optional to citizen soldiers. 

Houses should by default be built with their exit facing the nearest CC or military colony. For Iberians house exits should face away from walls. What I mean by house exit is the house doors. The purpose is to not lose idle times of units building it whenever they get trapped between obstructions. In some cases exiting towards safe areas during nonstop raids. This save time too when turning it 180 or any degree towards desired position. 


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  On 11/08/2017 at 8:20 PM, Servo said:

I like to have auto gather for resource gatherers especially women. It could be optional to citizen soldiers. 

Houses should by default be built with their exit facing the nearest CC or military colony. For Iberians house exits should face away from walls. What I mean by house exit is the house doors. The purpose is to not lose idle times of units building it whenever they get trapped between obstructions. In some cases exiting towards safe areas during nonstop raids. This save time too when turning it 180 or any degree towards desired position. 



That convert the game in a such casual type. I'm converting into a  micromanagement lover.

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  • ranged cavalry hp reduced by 15% in order to let tower be more effective at least in the initial phase.
  • stone and metal mines placed a bit further in order grant a player to fully cover the civic center with walls.
  • faster attack speed for spear cavalry and perhaps counter bonus against other cav in order to give it a specific role and let it win against sword champion infantry.
  • being able to choose between traditional and romanized army per fortress and not only 1 time in order to have a wider units choice while playing for Seleucids (champions only train from fortresses).
  • champions reduced training time from 30 to 20-25 for infantry and from 40 to 30 - 35 for cavalry.
  • compute units experience gain on the attacker strength and not on the damage dealt because higher armor units give less experience per hit and this compromise the result in mixed units battle mostly because f.e. skirmishers get promotion faster thus they have increased stats.
Edited by Grugnas
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Things I would like to see are probably a bit ambitious:

  • Units can have a garrisoned size greater than one; e.g. infantry could occupy 1 garrison slot, cavalry 2, elephants 6
  • Warships can ram other ships as their primary attack; shooting arrows, darts, stones, etc. depends on units garrisoned inside
  • Ability to board and capture enemy ships with melee infantry units
  • Camel, chariot, elephant, and horse archers can shoot inaccurately while moving
  • Similar to aura circles, all ranged units have circles to indicate their maximum and minimum range
  • When constructing specific structures, show building exclusion circles (e.g. 60m around towers when ordering a tower)
  • Customizable text colours in the “Mod Selection” screen
  On 18/08/2017 at 10:19 AM, Grugnas said:
  • compute units experience gain on the attacker strength and not on the damage dealt because higher armor units give less experience per hit and this compromise the result in mixed units battle mostly because f.e. skirmishers get promotion faster thus they have increased stats.

Experience does not depend on armour, attack damage, or unit strength, nor do skirmishers require less experience to promote. Looking at the templates, it seems currently all citizen and mercenary infantry units grant 100 experience as loot, and require 100 experience to promote; all citizen and mercenary cavalry units grant 130 experience and require 150 experience to promote; healers grant 10 experience and require 200 experience to promote; all champions grant 150 experience and can not promote.


You might want to try out my 0abc mod:


It addresses most of your points, Grugnas, and tweaks many other things.

Edited by Nescio
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