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There has been a lot of discussion about Carthaginian mercenary cavalry, inspired by @Dizaka and @BreakfastBurrito_007. I would like to point out that it is not unstoppable as I stopped it in this video against a respectable opponent.


I have to admit that this was the 3rd game I played with Dakeyras that day. In the first, I played as britons against Carthage and I opened with a stable. Later I added a barracks but before I lacked enough spearmen, all my units were slaughtered. That build did not seem to be a workable strategy. So then we played again and I took Seleucids. I was housed 2 times before reaching 40 population and planned on getting 2 colonies, which did not do wonder either. Only the third game I got a right approach and execution.

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the fact that it takes another merc strategy to beat carth merc rush actually quite proves the point that mercs are OP.

carth merc rush is not all-powerfull, there are ways to resist it, and ways to prevent it, but depending on your civ and the map/other players positions, it may be totally impossible to counter. when your best option to fight sword cav is CS spear cav, it's not fun to try to keep the pace with stronger, cheaper, and faster trained units.

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43 minutes ago, hyperion said:

in a healthy environment

This is a healthy environment right?

How does it take less skill to do what @LetswaveaBook did? I think it is worth noting how successful @LetswaveaBook's rush was and also how even it was despite the advantage he gained from it. Also, his civ choice (seles) is perhaps the best civ to counter the carth rush, because its military colonies are quite cheap, and the combination of spearmen/pikemen/javlineers is much better to counter merc swordcav than spearmen and archers will counter merc spearcav, so in each fight where he included CS infantry, he had an advantage from that.

@hyperion have you personally tried playing against this in a TG or 1v1?

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Greetings and happy Sunday :) 

So, last Sunday - just before I went off on holiday, I was joined by @Player of 0AD on a live recording of a 0AD match. This was something of an experiment with my regular commentary plus a guest on the show. 

Massive thanks to the players who took part, it's a shame it wasn't quite the sprawling epic game we'd probably all have hoped for (darn those merc cav!) but as a proof of concept it worked. And Massive thanks to @Player of 0AD- good job, dude, we'll set up another in due course :) 



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I had some games that I did not want to analyze in full, but I liked to show some things about them. On youtube we see a #shorts for some highlights and I thought that such a thing would be nice for those who do not want to spend 20 or more minutes to watch a game. So I have done some video emitting and got this. I think this format is nice to show some tricks that you can do.

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