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Everything posted by PyrrhicVictoryGuy

  1. Is the ptolemaic merc jav cav still using the odrysian cav actor?
  2. I say first we need to think what other role this extra unit could fit into, then we propose changes. Kate's proposal ain't bad for a start, even if a little extreme.
  3. Brilliant idea ....that i completely forgot to add, oops! It will be there no worries
  4. The design document has been updated, making it the 5 iteration. It now includes a tech tree, more reference images for the unit roster as well as the hero roster and further elaborates on the unique technologies.
  5. Who would know that a spiteful comment, made almost a year ago would generate such a fuss.
  6. Oh thats neat, but i though egys used bows on their chariots , that's why I specified the Myceneans or Achaeans.
  7. PSssss, if anyone were to make a bronze age mod then you'd have an excuse to make Achaean chariot javalineers shoot while moving....
  8. Well the easiest way to make missile infantry reckt them is to give them a dmg multiplier.... but i know that this type of solution is not favoured by the comunity.
  9. His smug appearance mocks me
  10. You're brilliant mate!! Would it be possible to make the hoplite unit something like this?
  11. This a hunch but slowing their speed so that spear cav beats them by 0.5 meters a second plus innacuracy might just be enough. Afterall we want people to actually use these.
  12. But there is a problem with that, I mean someone had to make these models, textures etc... And it would be really bad to throw their work in the garbage, so that is why I think nobody will ever agree to mess with the rosters.
  13. How would one counter these units? Wouldn't they be frustrating to go against? Total war has it so foot archers counter these mounted troops while other RTS have units like these that are made of paper...
  14. I too am a Delenda Est fanboy, nice to meet you
  15. Less ranged play and more melee action. Give Macedon champions upon reaching phase 3 without the need to research the tech. More hero variety as in, tweak some very good heroes and add new bonuses to weak heroes.
  16. Well I think persians can afford having slightly weaker meatshields because of archer of course but also because they have all cavary types, elephants and rams.
  17. Its the type of stat changed that should be implemented but I think we will never see them since tweaking every single pop count and cost in the game would be a nightmare. I would just make their infantry weaker.
  18. Didn't persians used wicker shields? Those look pretty much worse to an aspis or even a pelta to me.
  19. I think this should be and additional upgrade for the p1 tower, either you upgrade to the p2 tower we already have or you upgrade it to the " Mirror Tower", it would have to be more expensive than the normal p2 tower upgrade but enables it to affect siege machines but not regular units. I think a choice like this, between denying area to units vs denying area to siege would be interesting.
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