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Everything posted by nifa

  1. I agree with Sundiata also I don't see why it should make an opinion more important how good you are in playing or what rank you have
  2. Something different I noticed (sorry ): Rams are able to attack ships, is that how it should be?
  3. That's definitly better, Speerkämpfer sounds like a melee unit, while Speerwerfer (literally Spearthrower) makes it clear that it's a ranged unit
  4. Thanks for the answers and sorry for triggering Anyway, since we are off-topic now: actually, correct me if I'm wrong, many fortifications (at least in Europe) started with only moats, earth walls or palisades, which later were replaced by stone walls. And in cases of palisades, the towers were not build directly in the palisades, but behind it. So technically I think (kind-of) standalone towers might still be historically accurate at least in some cases. But behind stone walls it looks odd, that's true Regarding the ranges, I understand both sides, I think it's ok for now. Emphasizing scouting sounds good. If there is one perfect building order applicable for all occasions then something is wrong. That would make it boring. That basically all buildings are abstractions is kinda true. I doubt that cultures without a professional army even had barracks. I think the less developed cultures didn't have a clear distinction between living, working and military. Germanics (and celtic?) tribes e.g. had byre-dwelling longhouses where people and animals lived together, so that would be corral + house, and I think there are many more examples like these
  5. Thanks! Yes, I think it would look nice. I like this approach to "force" the players not to build randomly but also to make it look good. I'm looking forward to your mod in a24
  6. I noticed that there are 13 practice ranges (the structure) in atlas, but it seems that I can't build any of them ingame, so I was wondering why they have been left out?
  7. @tiagogarciafernandezThis is what Stan is asking for:
  8. It seems that the title of the Catafalque Bonuses page misses translation edit: and there is a problem with this text: edit: there are a couple more of these, I guess the German language has too many long words :d
  9. I'm pretty new here as well, but I read across a lot of stuff in the forum, also your posts. As far as I can see the people here have many different interests, there are artists, historians, gamers, programmers and so on, and for many of them it's not their professional field (my field of studying is actually completly unrelated to this :D). I can only speak for myself, but I had a hard time trying to understand what you were writing (due to my lack of knowledge and since it's not my mother tongue), but I like your dedication and I read out of your posts that you seem to have a lot of professional experience, so I'm pretty excited for the results Anyway, what I'd like to say is that a huge part of the community might not follow you on every step but when you present a final result you will get the recognition for it. So keep it up
  10. to reaim yes, but not to reload. If the unit already has an arrow or stone or whatever it's shooting, it's strange if it just disappears. Though I agree the a23 way wasn't perfect either, especially if the new target would be behind the unit. I guess making it depending on the angle between old and new target couldn't be a quick solution? Like below maybe 45 degree turn a23 way, otherwise cancel and reload? Anyway, I'm looking forward to how it's done in a25! Thanks!
  11. Looks nice You might want to change the doors though, are they two parts? Is there a doorknob? In case they are sliding doors, I think they should be on the outside, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to open them. You might want to remove the doorstep too
  12. @Freagarach@Stan` I tested again and I seriously think something went wrong with canceling attacks. The first video is from a23, the second from a24 OnagerA23.mp4 The onager is loading, then you give the command to attack the other house -> the loading continues and it turns and shoots OnagerA24.mp4 The onager is loading, command to attack other house -> cancels loading Is that intended? In this case it doesn't look too bad, but with other animations like the javelinist it looks really strange. and of course it changes gameplay too
  13. hey @azayrahmad, I was wondering if it would be possible (and desirable) to display a terrain texture around a building to display the aura range instead of the circles? So e.g. there would be a specific city pavement around the houses, that would give it a nice city like look:) Maybe different textures for different "city areas", nice stone tiles around houses and CC, dirt around military buildings, and hay or grass around farms
  14. i just noticed that the imp_watchtowers from DE might be even better than the sentry towers
  15. Yes thanks, that's exactly what I would try to do with the palisades and the sentry tower!
  16. I don't wanna open another topic, so I'll just ask here: Why is it that the Roman and the Iberian Civic Center don't have the underground part for hillsides?
  17. We are kind of back to where we started now Show some, but not too much. Show, don't tell. Make it optionable since there are different types of players. It's not a memory game and way to easy to abuse. Make a screenshot and have the information for the whole game
  18. Thanks So this could be fixed for a24? Is there an easy way to keep the horse colour of units promoting to make the transition smoother? Furthermore I noticed that when selecting a savegame in the saving menu, it is not possible to deselect it. Even when changing the name, it still asks you to overwrite the other file, I don't know if that's how it should be
  19. I noticed that ranged units seem to cancel their attack and start reloading again when you click on attacking the same enemy again. So giving the same command again actually tells them to start again instead of to proceed. It's the same when given the command to attack someone else (for example when the other enemy is killed), in this case I can somehow understand it. Still it looks odd for example when the catapult is almost firing, the structure is destroyed and the loading is cancelled, just to start loading again and shooting to the building right next to it. This leads to jumps during fights, everytime a unit gets killed a lot of animations are cancelled and restarted. I noticed all this when watching a fight in slow motion that I randomly recorded. Also notice how the horse in the middle changes colour I guess it's because of promotion fighting.mp4 I don't know if this is really considered a bug, I'm sorry if you are already aware of that.
  20. I prefer the upkeep costs solution (maybe we can move those posts here?)
  21. Thanks for the feedback:) Gauls start with hunting deers and fishing, Romans start with gathering mostly wine. Both teams have an amount of rock and ore near their CC. Gauls have an advantage of wood. Gauls would have to break through the palisades first to attack, romans would have to defend it or start an attack in the forest. That's kind of the basic idea, and then it might develop. Though I have to admit I focused on terrain and landscape:D I used actors for dead trees, stones, decal etc to make it look like a dense forest, if that's what you are getting at? But this doesn't effect passability. It also looks nice after cutting the trees.
  22. Hey all, I made a scenario map about the Roman Limes (latin for border), more specific the Upper-Germanic and Raethian Limes. The Limes was a Roman border defence and controll system against celtic and germanic raids, consisting mostly of walls, moats, palisades, towers and military camps. The land in the middle of Europe was mostly covered in forests and swamps, what complicated warfare for the Romans. I hope you'll like it Overview (spoiler alert): some references: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/35014-inspiration-for-map-creators/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limes_(Roman_Empire) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limes_Germanicus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castra to add an ingame preview, copy this to \binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview @Stan`, @wraitii hope you can give me a hand now to make the palisades and towers not lose capture points outside of the territory the_limes_2p.pmp the_limes_2p.xml
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