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Everything posted by nifa

  1. I think the best system would be to change the icon size with the number of selected units: 1-6 units of any type -> big icons for each more than 6 units of 1 type -> big icon with a number more than 6 units of more types -> icons getting smaller the more types of units there are
  2. Like this? @badosu what's your opinion on this? I moved the player name and the units name to the top, the health bar below the unit icon and added a few stats devided with the slashes
  3. some more thoughts on the central panel UI: 1. the icon when you have a group selected is too small. If you select one spearman there is a big picture, but with the second selected you only got a really small icon with the number on it. Sometimes hard to tell what unit it actually is. Also it's quite uncommon that you select more than 3 or 4 different types of units at the same time, so the space could get better used. The number is too small too. 2. It takes way to many steps to get to know the stats for a group of units. You would have to deselect them, then reselect a single unit 3. The space under the buildings is unused. When you choose a tree the right panel is gone, but when you choose a unit that can't build anything there is just a blank space, is that intented? 4. It's not possible to change the location or the size of the minimap, i don't know if this is desired. or switching between types of thematical maps (eg for specific resources) 5. stats are missing. Especially the stats for formations. I don't know about the status quo but if they gonna be implemented, there should be an information about how they affect the units stats 6. Also It would be nice to know the number of idle workers. Similar to the new numbers for the resources. And maybe a notification when a large number gets idle at once (like when the resource is all used). But i guess that's a different thing apart from that it's actually quite intuitive and gives you all the information needed
  4. you mean this? I think it's already quite filled, so one would have to make more space although the icons would already save space. One could also make it only for Champions at the space where the buildings are fyi this is how it looks in Cossacks:
  5. attack defence health Speed Status effects (maybe there are already existing icons?) all other are already in the game, although I would like to have the "gather" icons slightly changed from the "loot" icons (e.g. add an axe for wood or hammer for stone like in the mockup) they are taken from Maxicons on thenounproject and are under creative commons, i could give the link the third defence one is not good but i didnt find a better one fast should i modify them or make them colourful? i hope this is helpful, let me know
  6. yes i'm aware, would be used as a placeholder at first anyway
  7. i just used random icons from the internet, merged and modified them. In what size and file type do you need them?
  8. as already said, i think "default" should be "land maps" and maybe "default" or "premium" could be a selection of ca. 10-15 best maps? more important "random" should be something like "randomly generated". Also wouldn't it be nice to have "random selection" on top of the lists to start on a random already existing one? for when you're too lazy to chose a map for a fast game when i started playing i was confused weather random meant randomly selected or randomly generated Also, is it possible to add the biome as a filter?
  9. true though but I think some historic information is what makes this game special
  10. If you're playing against KI offline it's quite useful since the game pauses anyway
  11. I agree, that's why I think what a unit builds and historic information should be hidden, nevertheless the list of what a unit builds should be replaced with icons like @wowgetoffyourcellphone said
  12. I think having the upgrades in there visible like that somehow might be useful
  13. That would be great I had the same idea that the possible upgrades of a unit should be shown with the icon somewhere on this window. Like having 1. "trained by" like civic center and barracks icons 2. "builds" with the icons of the buildings that the unit can build 3. "upgrades" with the icons of the possible upgrades hovering over it would show a tooltip with the effects and where to research it
  14. The location of the upper germanic rhaetian limes between Rhine and Danube against germanic tribes The different stages of the Limes: 1. just a road with wooden watch towers inbetween forest 2. Palisades and wooden watch towers 3. palisades and watch towers of stone 4. ditch, earth wall and watch towers of stone Limes-Entwicklungsphasen.webp
  15. It's available, so far I only tried out some setups with earth walls and palisades like in the picture above. I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to actually create a whole map
  16. I would love to have/make a map of the Roman Limes (border fortifications), with Romans on one side with fields and streets and Gauls/Britons/Germans on the other side in dark forests and swamps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Germanic-Rhaetian_Limes The borders had - depending on the stage - earth walls, ditches and palisades with towers every few hundred metres. Also the River Rhine was part of it as a natural border. The Roman Castra were also interesting. Many modern cities like Cologne or Trier originate from these. They also had earth walls/ palisades or stone walls and moats depending on the stage. Unfortunately the barracks are not yet included in the game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castra
  17. I think you can report it here and read the first post for information first
  18. @Mr.lie I was wondering why your videos aren't listed on youtube? I think they are great and could be a good advertisement for the game?
  19. thanks for the information! I installed tortoise svn, visual studio 2019 and the compiler for 2017 and got the code. Took some time but it all worked. Do I need another workload in visual studio since the gui is in javascript? Now I'll try to get comfortable with visual studio
  20. I think so Maybe you can give me some links to read and to get familiar with it?
  21. what makes it difficult is that "costs" is relevant for all units, while "gather rates" and "loot" are only for workers
  22. yes, I agree. That's how it is now. Actually knowing the classes is often enough to know what they can build Champion, Calvary (Slave in DE) -> nothing Infantry, Worker, Citizen -> all (military in DE) buildings Women/Citizen in DE -> civil buildings I think no one ever looked that up in these paragraphes
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