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Everything posted by nifa

  1. I like it The icons are not really self-expressing, but I get it's WIP. The Attack stat is calculated like (Crush+hack+pierce):Interval right? I think it get's it wrong sometimes when there are multiple attack parameters The command icons are bigger now, but i guess it's because of the building menu. they should be more distinguished from each other
  2. the only thing the button does is giving the women the order to either "garrison" or "go back to work", right? So if you raise an alert and then manually send them back to work, the button would still be shown as "alert", so you'd have to click twice to raise an alert again. So it's not a state but an one-time order? I think it'd be better to keep two buttons tbh true
  3. Like one button with a changing icon? Though i think there might be cases where you would have to raise an alert two times without ending it, eg. if you ungarrison some units in between ah ok, so that's the reason for the red bell
  4. Is there a tree stump actor or entity in Atlas? I didn't see one, only found the flora/decal but nothing with a stump might be an idea for the art as well to have a stump left for some time after a tree is cut, similar to the rubble of a destroyed building since I didn't know the word myself, this is what i'm talking about:
  5. guess which on is raise an alert and which one ends it in the heat of the fight it's important to be fast, but so far they only differ in colour, what makes it hard to distingush. The sound is the same as well. I tend to wait for the tooltip to appear. I think adding a little cross to the "End Alert" bell might be helpful: the colour black is not good to see though
  6. I like the idea of having blue background for the water animals, I think there are actually six in the main game (Shark, Finnwhale, humpback whale, Tuna, and two more different types of fish). Though I think it might be difficult for the ships, since there a lot of different portraits without background.. Maybe we could take the dark blue like above for the ships and a light blue like from the fish icon for gaia animals
  7. thanks, nice work how would it look with a blue background like the fishs below? (btw I think the shark uses the fish icon as well)
  8. btw, is there a plan to add an icon for whales? So far they have the fish icon as well
  9. Ardennes Forest is way more specific while Hercynian Forest is just everything north of the alps and up to the carpathians in the East. It was all covered with coherent forests until the romans started the deforestation
  10. Would be nice to have buttons "next" and "previous" to jump to the stats of the next unit; instead of closing the window, selecting the next unit and opening the window again A button to change the unit's rank that is displayed would be awesome too
  11. nice, a unit stats overview like this next to the structure tree and the civilization overview would be nice in the core game as well
  12. i think most convenient would be if the units just do whatever is faster, capture or destroy..
  13. hold ctrl or use the garrison button below the units icon
  14. 5 Units in a batch need less training time than 1+1+1+1+1 units in most cases the number at the end of the map indicates the number of players. You can change their team in the dropdown menu. Also it is important to see anticipate the attack and to be ready. You can try playing with a revealed map, so you see when they are moving towards you. If you play with Fog of war, build a wood tower in the direction that you expect them to come from, garrison it with one soldier and research the technologies there. I think you already know, but basically you just need wood, food and houses at the beginning. Keep an eye on the population limit. Use women for berries and fields, calvary for hunting and soldiers for wood. Use the alarm ring in the civil center when you get attacked and don't forget to send them back to war afterwards. I think this wouldn't have much impact since you meet your opponents quite early into the game, nevertheless I agree that the Diplomacy system could use some inspiration
  15. What would I have to pay attention to when making a map compatible with a24, or maybe even get it committed? Should I use the a23 altas editor or get the code for a24 atlas?
  16. @vladislavbelov? Would be so important to have that in a24, nothing is more frustrating than a crash without recent saving
  17. you can also use the ceasefire option to have peace at the beginning, set the AI behaviour to defensive or add another player as your ally, to make it easier Also if you are not already doing so, using ctrl and shift can be useful in many situations (aswell as other hotkeys)
  18. i like the ideas One could also show the specific gather rate near to the cursor, when you hover over a tree, a mine, an animal or a field? Or even show a specific attack chance near the cursor (eg. calculated from pierce attack of the attacker vs pierce defense of the enemy unit), when hovering over an enemy unit?
  19. Is this bonus for spearman vs cavalry the only bonus against one particular unit in this game?
  20. I think this manual should be more prominent to get more people playing the svn version, pin it or put the link to https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructionsGettingTheCode
  21. the icon of groups is too small to see that imo. Big icons for up to 6 unit types and the current icon size for more units?
  22. before after I think the visibility is much better for groups up to 6 units like this, eg you can see the health for each one like this for larger groups
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