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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. In A24 I was able to win an undermanned battle with jav cav + spearmen without full upgrades. I had 3/4 of the number of my enemy yet I still decimated their army. And it is easy to play as well, no need for great micro. Just set enrollment point close to the front line and click on cav and spearmen in their respective barracks. In A25 it is less effective because the game is faster paced and there is not enough time for the cavalry to arrive before all your melee are dead. But if you are able to hold the line then it is still devastating for the enemy.
  2. You do a Kushite build order and I do a Cart one or Macedon one? Used to like the Macedonians but no preference now.
  3. Ey chill ! I will rush you more often then Expect different types: archer rush, javelin rush, swordsman rush, cavalry rush, P2 push, mercenary rush... all are good strategies for TG.
  4. Yes! Cavalry javelineers can be used to replace infantry javelineers. They are more cost efficient (in terms of wood) and offers more attack and health, so why not! If I get Kush, Carthage I will be using these as my main ranged force. About cavalry archers, they are only deadly in P1 and P2. In P3 it is hard to do damage with them but it is very effective at making your enemy ragequit
  5. ^ lol both of you are better at rushing than booming... @LetswaveaBook @Player of 0AD Care to play a boom contest with me? Even if you can beat my build order, there is still Havran, ChillaOfVanilla, christoffel symbol, chrstgtr, berhudar, juarca and NoobDude to steamroller you in booming if you forget to rush them. So, rushing is great in A25 if you encounter any of these guys.
  6. Why not? If A46 ever comes into existence we can name it that. My idea was: infantry is only strong if a large group of them are TOGETHER. And then I remembered entgegen-zusammen (cis-trans). We can also name it Zebra (because hunt is important)
  7. O chill chill chill it was just a joke, pretend I didn't say it. Sometimes git diff doesn't show you any deleted files, so maybe we need to add a few options after it like -99999
  8. *Sad Carthaginian noises Good idea though Or, we can just call it Zeta. Zusammen? (On the same side, togetherness
  9. There used to be a 0ad player called Ertugrul back in A23. Not sure where they are now.
  10. if y = f(x) then your differential of f with respect to x is: Alt: open a terminal in your 0ad source code folder and type 'git diff' or 'svn diff' then it will show you the differential code. Then ctrl+shift+v to copy it and then paste it into the 'raw diff' textbox of the differential creator.
  11. Well, 0ad doesn't support many input methods, so I guess Hangul is one of them. It's better to just type somewhere else then copy paste. Do you use the Hanja toggle key or a virtual keyboard?
  12. @Norse_Harold I agree with your rules. I will apply those to all the games I host as well. I think I can add 1 more rule: Spectators must not spam nonsense in global chat, as this will seriously distract players from focusing on their micro. An example of such spam is 'mountain people snow people...' or 'follow the white rabbit...' if you know what I am talking about. Exempt cases: if you need to talk to one of the players there urgently, or if all other players don't mind you having a chat with 1 of the players there. Voice chat... come to my discord https://discord.gg/cTaZXvr8
  13. Dear All, I have made a discord server aimed at providing a friendly environment for 0AD players to matchmake and discuss topics related 0AD. It also contains people from my school who are not necessarily 0AD players, who would talk about homework or school plans. Rules: 1. Privacy is important. Please do NOT address each other by their real names, and do not reveal your own real life identity! Also please don't ask people their name, nationality, exact location, gender, school, etc. 2. Talk politely and respect each other. Avoid bringing up politically sensitive topics or too obscene things; the aim of the server is not to spread ideologies, fake news or terrorise people. 3. Use each channel for their designated purpose. Please do not talk about minecraft in a 0ad channel and vice versa. If you want to talk with someone privately, go make your own chat. This is the link: https://discord.gg/cTaZXvr8
  14. I think stone towers are quite useless against cavalry. However, they do decent damage to infantry, especially ranged ones if they are forced to fight under a tower. Towers are useless in a big map against a huge push with siege and cavalry. However, in a tiny map, it can be used to deny enemy resources and snipe enemy units, as well as gain some vision. In that situation, a well placed tower would be OP. That's a mistake by them. Send in rams first to destroy the towers and let your infantry stay somewhere else. If the AI try to hack rams, then use some cavalry to kill their soldiers and research the siege weapon armour techs. Tower spam = slower eco, so you can outboom your AI opponent and crush them with a train of siege early on before they have a chance to mass anything significant against you.
  15. Fire + ranged siege. Diverse infantry and champion cavalry... I suppose greek fire and trebuchet are stronger than regular pyrobolos lithobolos
  16. Sounds pretty OP, but I see another set of factions coming along. Maybe make some of these mercenary. Try to distinguish proto-trebuchets from lithobolos and Greek fire from pyrobolos.
  17. Yes, and don't forget about damage to network infrastructure of a whole area
  18. Sorry I don't know what Magic key is... If you want to kill 0ad, try sudo killall 0ad Or sudo killall pyrogenesis You can exit full screen with alt+enter so that you can reach the terminal.
  19. Highest health percentage first. If 2 units have identical percentages, unload melee first. Infantry before cavalry.
  20. Ok 3 pop is fine as well. Palisades are cheap so you can spam them. Sword cavs are OP as well, but you can take them down with spears and javelins.
  21. 2GB ram will struggle a bit... Xfce will run fine but not sure if 0ad will... KDE is equal to XFCE in ram consumption by default. However, there are more settings and widgets which can increase or decrease the ram and CPU consumption.
  22. You can download A25b source code from git as well. Just do 'svn up' and it will take you straight to A26 Z---- ehehehe
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