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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad This is the link. I think you need to edit the mod.json file to make it compatible with A25. Open mod.json in the zip with a text editor. Find the line where it says 0ad=0.0.24 Then change it to 0ad=0.0.25
  2. I think they are compatible with A25, but the mod itself contains some missing balancing elements. For playing vs. AI, it is fine.
  3. Some screenshots: I am not sure whether Muted2021 and noob_player are the same person, but both of them have mentioned mountain people before. They claim they have hacked 0ad and then joins every open game and spams until they are banned or the host ragequits.
  4. Nice one. That would cost a lot though. We can have a ship or a ram that heals nearby ships / rams.
  5. Nobody would dare to make ranged units anymore, so the game becomes a pure melee fight (more historically accurate though). Suggested healer stats: Cost 125 food. Heals at rate 1.5 hp per second (for units within aura) Basic range: circle with radius 7 metres. Reason: pikemen have length 6 metres. The should be able to clear themselves of a pikeman like to avoid pathfinding problems.
  6. I just cloned the latest version from git. Don't worry, I haven't pushed anything new to git yet. Ingame testing shows these are fine. I noticed no errors with detroying buildings etc.
  7. I like the idea of healers getting an aura instead of doing the healing themselves, it would reduce much frustration over them. They were used quite frequently in A24 but not in A25. The only problem is you might miss the animation of the healers waving at each other A problem that arises from aura effect rather than 1 to 1 healing is OP undying army. So we either nerf their production, cost, or healing rate / aura No please no, we still need them!
  8. @Stan` @Langbart There is only 1 bug left with Han: this .dae file does not have the prop points for 'garrisoned'. I have tried to add it myself but it instead produced more errors. Can you help me add the prop points please? Thanks. So far there are no other bugs found. han_civic_center_no_towers.dae
  9. This is a good one. He established the silk road and informed the other civs that there are civilisations further east than the Mauryans. Also we might as well add the Han to A26. I can patch it tomorrow.
  10. 5 pop house is only significant in early game. You can build a farmstead and a storehouse, then get your first house up immediately. For 150 wood houses if there are no trees near your cc then you need to wait for you wood choppers to build first storehouse, chop 50 wood, then force up your first big house. This hurts your efficiency. Ptolemies don't have this problem, they can spam and keep building. However, in late game, 5 pop houses need designated house builders, which is not really efficient anymore. It is very easy to get pop capped and you are forced to use smaller batches. Also they take up too much space, which is not good for small maps. This is the main weakness of Ptolemies. Therefore, I recommend researching the home manor tech in town phase if you have 5 pop house. Carthaginians apartments are very handy in town phase.
  11. Agreed as well, I prefer 10 pop house, but some experienced players and maths say otherwise...
  12. Hmm sometimes you might get a free market in P1 or free traders ( on some custom maps). But I guess this is very rare and the tech should be limited to P2 or later to avoid confusion.
  13. That would make them weaker against infantry but not really weaker against palisades. I think we can change attack repetition, perhaps increase it to 850ms instead of 750ms? Also no more unit overlapping please!
  14. Totally agreed. Persians are better than you think because they can field spearmen + javelins like the other civ, but the extra 20 pop could be invested into archers or cavalry. Use archers to pick off enemy skirmishers from a safe distance, so their melee loose support and they will be routed pretty soon. Or, use cav to boost your attack. In addition, their 2 levy infantry techs allow you to replace dead units faster than your enemy, so I would consider their late game military to be very strong. However, I agree that they are vulnerable in early stages and boom slowly (because archers are more clumsy than skirmishers in this alpha). Don't forget about elephant archers (still strong) and +10% pop bonus. Also the sword cav is not to be underestimated. Furthermore the worker elephant offers a resource gathering bonus within its radius. Strong eco is the basis of games in A25 as you need to spam units. My strategy for Mauryans: train spear + swords from barracks, train javelin cav to replace dead archers. But yes, noobs can't handle these too efficiently. I think weirdJokes is the expert at playing Mauryans, maybe consult him on strategy. My strategy for Athen: use slings + women for wood, hoplites to mine. Then in P2 it's all hoplite. In P3, replace dead slings with javelin cav and spam melee. No more slingers in P3. In terms of rush defence... I think javelins + spears are the best combination (pikes are too slow).
  15. Proposal: give infantry and cav hard 0.25x counter against palisade, so that palisade can stop any infantry or cav rush. Give siege 20x bonus against palisade so that palisades are destroyed instantly by siege weapons - no more confused pathfinding.
  16. I must add that although Ptolemies are strong when played well, few beginners can play them efficiently. So perhaps I wouldn't recommend them for very new players.
  17. Agreed. But I think Gauls are still stronger in eco. Slingers require you to mine early but javelins walk faster and doesn't need mining. Yes. I just don't like playing as them and they are a bit difficult to micro for beginners. But yes, for experienced players, they deserve more. Yes, but I don't think noobs can pull out a mercenary rush successfully. Even I can't do one without delaying my path to P3. Archers... But yeah, their cav can replace infantry javelins. Heroes are champions are good, but maybe a bit difficult for beginners. Don't forget siege towers but I doubt if any noobs can remember them and use them effectively. They get decimated by Macedonians or Spartans without the help of much cavalry. Cavalry = need more food = more stress on eco. Their mining bonus is nice but I think it is not as significant as the strengths of other civs.
  18. This article aims to help beginners to choose a civ to play with. For experienced players, they should ignore this as any civ could be OP if played with the correct strategies. I am open to suggestions, as this is only my initial opinion after playing a few matches. Criteria for strong civ: 1. Good eco bonus and fast booming. Civs with small 5 pop houses are favored. 2. Able to field strong citizen-soldier infantry combinations (javelin + pikemen are the strongest) 3. Diverse citizen cavalry and champion cavalry 4. Elephants and diverse siege for different scenarios 5. Team bonus 6. Naval superiority 7. Heroes OP tier: Spartans, Seleucids, Iberians, Ptolemies Strong tier: Macedonians, Gauls, Romans, Persians Mediocre tier: Britons, Mauryans, Carthaginians Not recommended: Kushites, Athenians Explanations for each civ: Spartans: strongest infantry in the game, Skiritai commandos, hoplite techs and bonuses. Also able to use cavalry javelineer and cavalry spearman. Not very complicated structure tree so very suitable for new players. However, their navy is weak. Seleucids: Able to field javelins + pikes or spears and swords, very diverse cavalry (including archer cav and 2 champion cav). A choice between champion pikes and champion swords; parade of Daphne tech, Agryaspides pikes tech. Asian elephants + Seleucus Nikator hero, Antiochus G'Megas + cavalry. Has access to heavy warships (Quinqueremes). Iberians: OP defensive wall + strong buildings = no need to fear rushes. Has a special upgrade for swords unit; monument increases attack by 20% = easily win battles. OP champion fire cavalry. Can troll enemy with fire ships and has strong Celtic warships. 5 house civ, but booms slightly slower and not so varied siege. Ptolemies: OP eco and OP boom due to cheaper 5 pop houses + slingers. Has pikes from the beginning - resistant to cav rush. Has all siege in late game, elephants and library. Cleopatra and Ptolemaios H'Philopator are OP heroes; slinger + pikes or camel raid are very OP in the presence of these heroes. OP navy as well Both Ptolemies and Seleucids have military colony, which is useful for small expansions. Macedonians: able to field javelins and pikes by default (strongest combination of units). Starts with spear cav - better hat hunting deers and defending against cav rush. All siege available + demetrius hero. Can also use surprise your enemy with champion cavlary raid with Philip or capture enemy cc with Alexandros. Problems: weak navy + slightly slower boom. Gauls: Useful farming techs, 5 pop house, Vercingetorix hero OP, strong cav and decent infantry. Fast boom, allows barrack spam if you have enough wood. Strong Celtic warships. Weakness: only rams. Romans: Sword cav champion + Marcus Maximus hero raid; has javelineers, swords and spears - able to handle invasions; wide selection of siege; military camps allows sneaky attacks and denying the enemy's eco / territory. No need for new CCs, just spam entrenched camps. Scipion Africanus also OP hero and their navy is also strong. Persians: archers + javelineers + spearman = headache for any enemy. Has every single cav and 2 champion cavs. Kurush hero OP. Has Asian elephants and pop bonus. Problem: weak in P1 because only archers and spear at that point. Britons: Similar to Gauls, can do wardog rush. Problem: starts with slingers and spears instead of javelineers. No Gaul cav bonus or field bonus. Heroes are not as OP as the Gauls. Mauryans: worker elephant - can thrive in difficult biomes / maps. Has steel swords upgrade and sword cav, as well as Asian elephants. However, it is a little bit difficult to play for beginners. Their heroes are not as impressive as some other civs. Carthaginians: Absolutely OP navy and Cothon building. Can field anything in the form of mercenaries from unlimited embassies. Apartment building - saves space, resources and allows you to advance to P3 faster. All of their heroes are very strong, especially Hannibal (+20% attack for all soldiers in 60m range). Has every siege and elephants. Weakness: archer + mercenary civ = difficult for beginners to master. Also quite a complicated structure tree. Kushites: archer civ, but has good cav options and siege tower. Pyramids are useful for late game. Navy is a bit weak and difficult for beginners to master. Athenians: strong hoplites, good hero Iphicrates, and can field sword cav + catapults as well as champion archers. However, slinger + spear is a bit weak. One can replace infantry javelineer with cavalry javelineer at the cost of some food. Their naval bonus are good but not significant enough.
  19. I will factor in the team bonuses into my civ ranking for A25. However, I think the Spartan bonus of stronger spearman is more significant than Ptolemies resource trickle. Stronger spearman = winning battles, but you can get enough food by switching to 14 corrals
  20. Farms around cc and house around farms is the safest and most efficient layout. In a cavalry rush you can get your women to safety the fastest and enemies would like to stay away from the cc because it shoots arrows. Ancient Greeks didn't do this but they didn't get cav rushed so often neither
  21. Give it to Han Chinese? I guess Athenians and Macedonians can benefit from gastraphetes on the go. Give them hard 1.5x counter against cavalry archers? Agreed, will patch with stats 6 hack attack, 1.5 crush attack, repeat time 1s, 100 hp, 4 hack armor(axes make parrying more difficult), 5 pierce cost: 50 food, 45 wood, 5 metal. I suppose the 2 handed axe units can be for Millenium AD There are template files for axeman, but they are used rarely. There are also champion axe, cavalry axe and hero axe. Maybe we switch some heroes to axeman as well.
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