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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Nee! Father is not JC! AlbertBorla is JC, and Father is likely Wally or Phew. I have watched at least 1 1v1 game between Father and JC and they play completely differently. Key indicators of JC: Collecting chicken with women Always playing as the Spartans Concentrating everything at one point and leaving their base empty Shouting nubia nubia nubia and blaming their teammates Anti-vac chat as usual. Hosting on Nubian biome with many relics Father never showed any of these features. Also it is possible that Father is a shared account as their skill and playstyle varied hugely from game to game. There is also 0 point in banning someone as they can just create a new identity for themselves and come back. But JC never tried to hide himself; you can easily tell who he is from his username.
  2. I am probably too nub for this, but, isn't Fedora 35 for free anyways? I like everything about Fedora 35 except its miniscule repo. Just saying, there are some other good players that you forgot to mention, e.g. Noobdude, Hamdich, Havran, Rauls, Fpre (fgod), Father, AlbertBorla (aka JC)
  3. Hey guys, Kate here and right now I have a complete 0AD guide manual that teaches cosmic noobs how to become 1500+ players!! Please suggest improvements!! :)))) From nub to OP.docx
  4. My recommendation: train your units from barracks and gather your own resources instead of calling cheat codes. There are ways to bypass this: 1. Use Atlas map editor to make units fight 2. Use deathmatch settings and very fast game pace so you don't need to wait.
  5. I would like to suggest a more practical version of this challenge with a more meaningful goal that actually helps you to improve you eco performance: The player who completes all of these tasks in the shortest time wins, no matter what build order you use: 1. Have 150 soldier units: can be infantry, cavalry, champions or merc. The other 50 can be women or siege. 2. Research all military upgrades to at least tier 2. Eco upgrade is not taken into account for this contest, but you ought to have some. 3. Get a hero and at least 1 piece of siege weapon or elephant trained. 4. City phase (ofc) and 200pop. Additional rules: Use standard TG settings: 300 starting res, 200 pop, Mainland. No regicide or team bonus or nomad! No taking extra berries or hunting anything other than chicken. Delete your cav when it finishes the chickens. You can make as many women as you want in early game but you have to delete them to make space for your soldiers and siege. Some civs will be faster than others for sure (e.g. Ptols and Athen), so this contest is not to prove that player A is better than player B; it is a place to share good build orders for every civ. Just pick your own favourite civs to boom with. I will only compare 2 players using the same civ or economically similar civs. No requirement on what buildings you build. Don't get rushed while doing it I will make your final armies fight each other in Atlas map editor and post recordings.
  6. Trinitrophenol was me, and trinitrophenol is also known as picric acid, an explosive substance. I was using a comparison between my genuine account and smurf account to illustrate a point. Reyhan is also me. If you saw Sephine in the lobby, that is me as well. I knew posting this thread will get me into trouble so I used it on a smurf forum account. @Silier I apologise for whatever I said that got Reyhan a warning point. But both accounts belong to me, no need to ban this one as well. The list of malpractices in the lobby goes on: some people preach political ideologies and fake news in the lobby. That shouldn't be allowed neither. Some players have usernames of controversial political figures. Others join random games and nub because they are too busy preaching their fake news about some genocide that never happened. When players gather in a game, they want to have a good time fighting units, they don't want to listen to political nonsense or fake news. If they want to discuss these, use private chat or Mumble or Discord.
  7. Get swordsman for yourself. Swords counter pikes. If you see them going for Ptol then choose Spartan and spam Skiritai.
  8. It happens to me as well. But it's not a big problem, just reboot the PC and restart 0ad and it should be fixed. It will break again so just check the player stats while you can see them and note them down somewhere.
  9. I really like this style of videos. In the future, you and @Player of 0AD can just agree on a time and then join random TGs as specs, then make it a commentary video.
  10. Sorry guys (and Trashy) I didn't want to get you into trouble, I just saw this type of game title and decided to make an example of it. And yes, the elephant was cute
  11. This is not a matter of Profanity, but of Trolling: Culprit: Trashy This is why I suggested a length limit!
  12. I see a new 0AD Youtuber /Streamer on the rise! Well done to the-x aka Björn Bär!
  13. If you use discord then the admin can ban whoever is talking over you
  14. Nice one, but Yekaterinburg did not exist 2000 years ago. However, it is still a good name.. I will do that after some play testing.
  15. Thank you for naming it after me! Let's commit it and implement into A26? By the way, there is a city called Yekaterinburg located in Perm province of Russia, and it has similar geography to your map.
  16. Love it! Finally Mainland has some water for navy. 1 suggestion: make the shorelines less steep so that docks can be built there.
  17. I have played all of these games before... Started sniper 3D when I was 14 PUBG at 15 Call of Duty at 16 lol me
  18. Real Estate Traffic Permit Transfer of Responsibility Ordinance? i don't know what this is. lol. But I doubt anyone will use that as a name... I hope not. If you don't like the char limit then I guess human monitor is necessary.
  19. This dude is 1404 now?! He joined the lobby about 1 month ago and played his first lobby game with me and Jofursloft. From cosmic noob to 1400+ in month is impressive. And, yes, the dude was rude. Anyways, game titles are a big loophole as there isn't much length control or content filter so they can come up with whacky names like this. It should be limited to a certain number of characters. For game titles, I think something in the form: 'TG >1200' (8 chars) '1v1 ~1600' (9 chars) '2v2 <1300' (10 chars) would be sufficient. It is difficult to fit squeeze a personal insult of any severity into merely 10 characters, so that should solve the problem. The longest English word I can think of is Buckminsterfullerene (20 characters) so there is no reason why a game title should be longer than that.
  20. In A24 I was able to win an undermanned battle with jav cav + spearmen without full upgrades. I had 3/4 of the number of my enemy yet I still decimated their army. And it is easy to play as well, no need for great micro. Just set enrollment point close to the front line and click on cav and spearmen in their respective barracks. In A25 it is less effective because the game is faster paced and there is not enough time for the cavalry to arrive before all your melee are dead. But if you are able to hold the line then it is still devastating for the enemy.
  21. You do a Kushite build order and I do a Cart one or Macedon one? Used to like the Macedonians but no preference now.
  22. Ey chill ! I will rush you more often then Expect different types: archer rush, javelin rush, swordsman rush, cavalry rush, P2 push, mercenary rush... all are good strategies for TG.
  23. Yes! Cavalry javelineers can be used to replace infantry javelineers. They are more cost efficient (in terms of wood) and offers more attack and health, so why not! If I get Kush, Carthage I will be using these as my main ranged force. About cavalry archers, they are only deadly in P1 and P2. In P3 it is hard to do damage with them but it is very effective at making your enemy ragequit
  24. ^ lol both of you are better at rushing than booming... @LetswaveaBook @Player of 0AD Care to play a boom contest with me? Even if you can beat my build order, there is still Havran, ChillaOfVanilla, christoffel symbol, chrstgtr, berhudar, juarca and NoobDude to steamroller you in booming if you forget to rush them. So, rushing is great in A25 if you encounter any of these guys.
  25. Why not? If A46 ever comes into existence we can name it that. My idea was: infantry is only strong if a large group of them are TOGETHER. And then I remembered entgegen-zusammen (cis-trans). We can also name it Zebra (because hunt is important)
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