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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. It's ok Dizaka I am not offended This has gone slightly off topic, but the point is we need to get rid of the bots which automatically ban people. Also smurf speculation needs to stop. Innocent people and new players are getting banned for no reason. Frankly, I don't understand why this game bans people for creating another account... In the world of 0ad no one knows each others' real names, so it doesn't matter what we call ourselves. I can easily claim to be MarcAurel and you will never know whether I am Marc or not... I experimented with VERGIFTUNGSGEFAHR and claimed to be BoredRusher and everyone believed me. Similarly, when I logged in as trinitrophenol, everyone thought that I was metafondations or feldfeld... Even my dad was somehow recognised to be borg... The game exists for us to have fun, not to put more and more limitations or stress onto our lives. Now, I understand that some players have concerns about smurfs messing up balance, and there are better solutions than just an automatic IP ban: The TG host asks them for rating or maybe previous name. If they are honest about skill level and didn't mess up balance then fine, let them play. It doesn't matter whether their real identity is hamdich or kate or feldfeld (all 3 could be the same person ), as long as they bring fun to your TG, we are all chill. If the player lies about rating then trolls or smurfs with malicious intent of messing up TGs, then we can report them to User1 and give them an IP ban Hosts can decide who to let into their game. If an 'unknown' persuades them well enough then why not?
  2. Thank you everyone!! The problem is with Christoffel-Symbol. As soon as he logs on some AI automatically bans both of us... We use the same IP so...
  3. OK. I have fixed the template bugs in most of these, but we are missing artworks and BALANCING (although single players probably won't care about that...) Xiongnu: https://github.com/Yekaterina999/xiongnu Thracians: https://github.com/Yekaterina999/thracians Judeans: https://github.com/Yekaterina999/Judeans-Hasmonian
  4. Yes it is. But I have always been playing the mobile version... on emulators...
  5. @wowgetoffyourcellphone updated here on git: https://github.com/Yekaterina999/Kate-GUI
  6. No, I just uploaded the zip. But, good point though, I will update the github version as well.
  7. Update: More amplified projectile woosh sounds when launching Added hit sound for every type of impact
  8. This morning, I tried to log into the lobby and enjoy a weekend of 0ad in my school, but as soon as I logged on I was banned with a message 'You have been banned for 48 hours'. That ruined my weekend... I haven't played 0ad in a week and I just came back to have some fun but clearly @user1 won't let me. Well, I will stick to studying and playing PUBG then (I have been doing that for the past week). I might as well switch to War Selection, Megaglest, Widelands, and AoE4 Now, I understand there may have been some misunderstandings: 1. Other kids in my school also play 0ad and we all use eduroam wifi -> same IP address -> so the system detects 3 or 4 accounts from the same IP - thinks we are all smurfs and bans us. 2. Some people (smurf speculators) mix me up with other real players just because we coincidentally had similar playstyle in a game or talked in a similar manner, so they think that 1 person is controlling 3 accounts although that is not the case and I can show you evidence to prove that I am indeed Yekaterina and no-one else. 3. As most of you know, I make YouTube videos and the 0AD guide - many people improve very fast and learn to play similarly to me after reading these materials - so a new player may become very close to my level after only a few matches - people think they are me smurfing, report them to user1 and I get banned even though I was asleep. 4. I move around a lot and use VPNs, so I may appear at new locations suddenly. There is no regulation against using VPNs so I don't see why I should get a stream error when playing over VPN. So I am asking you to not just ban people automatically but actually investigate the case before you take actions. Some people have created more accounts than me and they have not been banned, strangely. Furthermore, I have also seen people being muted randomly without saying anything bad. It seems that if a swear word is included in a string they type then the player is muted automatically. For example, 'mishit projectile'. Also I think one does not deserve to be muted for saying 'bullshit'
  9. I have noticed that the size of each building varies across the civs, for example, Persians have very big farmsteads, meanwhile Britons and Iberians have tiny farmsteads. The size of farmsteads may sound insignificant but they can actually affect your efficiency greatly; in early game, Britons can squeeze a farmstead into the gaps within a patch of berries, whereas Persians have to place it close to the patch - less efficient. However, in late game, the large Persian farmstead allows you to place tesselate fields around it without having to leave gaps, so they are more efficient at expanding farms in late game. Meanwhile, Britons have the smallest CC, Greeks, Kushites, Carthage have medium size CC, then Ptolemies and Romans have extra-large CC. In general, large CC is good because you can teleport units through a greater distance and the walking distance between your starting wood and CC is shorter - more efficient early game gathering. Also, large CCs means you can squeeze more fields around it - another benefit. Furthermore, 5-house civs have extra small houses, but Ptolemies have similar house size to 10-house civs. This doesn't seem to matter too much in game although Ptolemies can set up a defensive perimeter around their CC more quickly than others. What I don't understand is why some civs are 5-house and some are 10-house Is there a reason for why building sizes are designed to be different?
  10. I suppose all welcoming Gaia is nice. Iber Gaia kills more of my units than some real players... Iberians are just the joke civ of A25... On game crash during TG: set your pop to 200, medium map at most, don't do formation with too many units at a time.
  11. I think you put 2 temples on the same control group without realising?
  12. Please note that gladiators cannot be trained! Spartan Skiritai are actually a child of template_infantry_melee_swordsman and not a champion unit, even though its name is 'champion'.
  13. This table needs to be revised: 1. Change the colour code pls 2. Re-count the number of each units in A25. There are some wrong numbers e.g number of Roman sword infs. Sometimes the template file for an unit exists but that unit is not trainable in actual games for balancing reasons, so be sure to check the structure tree instead of the templates folder. 3. Athenian column is empty and there is a gaia column for whatever reason Otherwise well done!
  14. Deepfreeze error: when you select your unit, your screen is covered with error messages and the building panel doesn't show up. However, the units can still move, you just can't build or train anything.
  15. I don't understand... if you want to make Han units special, just change the individual units? Your civ/han mixin is causing deepfreeze errors.
  16. I have fixed the mod. @Stan` waiting for your permission to commit the patch. Should I do it on phab?
  17. Update to mod on github: I fixed the deepfreeze error. Someone added this line to the template files of infantry units: <Entity parent="civ/han|template_unit_infantry_melee_spearman"> This is NOT CORRECT! It should be <Entity parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_spearman"> The reason is, there is no directory civ/han before simulation/templates/unit/
  18. Good idea, I can play. Downloading BAR now
  19. Those are jokes and they are funny. Maths jokes.
  20. @Player of 0AD Good to see the return of old players Juarca Vendetta and 1General xD
  21. Can confirm. _zoro_ always has a good rating of 1666 (well deserved)
  22. I know this is not really my business but this guy has complained to me about it before and I saw it again today. @user1 @Stan`
  23. I will try to clean up the carpet in this biome, but it will take some work.
  24. 1v1 sure. I don't see what network issues you are referring to? DDOS?
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