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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Just use svn or git version. The charging feature upsets a lot of balancing because it makes ranged units quite obsolete. Archers become useless as anything can charge up to them and slaughter them easily. Javelineers become OP as they are the ranged unit with the most dps. Cavalry likes to charge into spearmen, and spearmen can charge through enemy formations so there is no longer a clearly defined frontline but a chaotic cluster of units hitting randomly. (Brownian motion)
  2. In this case you might want to delete the sudo actually because your system thinks that 0ad is not entirely safe and if you give it admin previllages it can harm your system. Just say '0ad' and you will be fine
  3. say 'sudo' before your command. For example, say 'sudo snap install' or 'sudo flatpak install'. The word 'sudo' emphasises that you are the admin and you are executing a command with admin previlages. just 'flatpak install' will give you authorisation errors because your system thinks you are a regular user.
  4. Use flatpak. Setup instructions here: https://flatpak.org/setup/Ubuntu/ Once you set it up open the flathub store and download 0ad from there.
  5. The point is, pikeman combined with any ranged troops is quite a good counter to archers in A24. However, they die quickly to anything sword. In A25, the charging mechanic makes pikes problematic. A huge cluster of pikes just sprints into enemy lines and start stabbing randomly from their centre. It is very difficult to control them, especially when javelineers run faster than horses...
  6. Pikeman civs boom slowly, I suppose that is a nerf Ptolemies: either pikes or slingers. Very frustrating Seleucids and kushites: train them from barracks when you need Macedonians: pikeman civ, but I tend to use pure javelineers in phase 1 and some pikes on mines in P2.
  7. I installed the whole workload and it worked smoothly. The only issue is the hard disk space it takes.... I haven't. I recommend just installing command line tools using tortoisesvn then using powershell to svn co.
  8. As Angen said, VS2017 runtime is needed to compile the game. However, this is available in VS2019 and there is no optional tab because everything that you want to install is listed under one section. They no longer categorise something as 'optional', you just search and tick all of the things you want to install, separately. The advantages of this approach is there are no hidden options and you have full control over what is being installed. The disadvantage is you need to think about a list of things you want to install and then search them up one by one. This is not a problem for 0ad because the wiki tells you the things you need. However, this made it easier for me to find and tick the XP components.
  9. It takes up disk space. No other side effects. For me, I would choose VS2019. It has a more complete and up-to-date set of tools available. Also it is still supported by microsoft and not 'outdated'. The process was easier on VS2019 than VS2017. VS2019 takes slightly shorter time to build as well, I suppose it is better optimised.
  10. @Ceres I think I figured out the problem with VS2017: when you are installing components, go into the 'optional' part and tick 'Windows XP support for 2017'
  11. @Ceres Please don't give up I will try to make a VS 2017 video for you. I myself used VS 2019 but it is only used in one of the steps. I have never tried VS 2017 for 0ad.
  12. Sources: https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Phalanx_formation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_phalanx All of these suggested that pikeman was used in a phalanx formation. There is no reason to remove it! In the game, phalanx formation is one of the most effective uses of pikemen. In this formation they are not only good meatshield but also the long sarissa of the pikemen in the second row can reach the enemy melee units, causing extra damage. Phalanx pikeman + javelins or cavalry effectively mows over archers who forget to retreat.
  13. Here we talk about balancing issues that arise from pikemen in A25.
  14. Yes. The actors and icons are all identical. However, there are many different actor models to one unit (combinatorics of different shield design, horse breed etc), so they won't look too similar. Icons should be adapted slightly though because one is Tarrantine and the other is Odrysian
  15. Recommendations for Windows 10 devs: 1. Sublime text for editing xml files. It provides very good autocompletion and allows simultaneous editing of multiple files. 2. Use MultiCommander file explorer with the default one, because MultiCommander supports tabs in the same window so if you need to look at many folders simultaneously.
  16. Of course you can use windows 10 for developing. You might run into a few errors while building atlas, but it is an easy fix: just rebuild without atlas and then copy atlasUI.dll into binaries/system folder. That should do the trick.
  17. Wise choice. Windows 10 does cater for all you need to be a good 0ad dev, although the process might be a bit painful. feel free to check out my last youtube video on how to compile it in Windows 10. I have experimented with WSL 1 year ago and it did not provide a stable gui environement for me. Also the resolution was quite limited so I feel that it is not worth it. You can try virtualbox if you wish.
  18. I would recommend dual boot for a stable, authentic and smooth experience. Windows subsystem for Linux takes more effort than dual booting it with an easy distro for beginners, e.g openSUSE, Linux Mint.
  19. I think this is what I meant. Spent too long on Arch Linux and forgot about Windows
  20. I am trying to rebuild on a windows laptop from scratch (the same laptop as the one used in my Youtube video) On that day it produced an error when I added --enable-atlas option. Today I retry without atlas option, then put the atlas.dll into the directory and the Atlas editor launched without error. What I did differently today was using the powershell to execute update-workspaces.bat without any additional options.
  21. Another solution: build without atlas options enabled, then copy this file into the binaries/system folder and relaunch. It should allow you to launch Atlas in Windows. Make sure you have wxwidgets installed correctly though, ticking all options as you install. AtlasUI.dll
  22. This article suggests that an average horse can outrun an average camel by a bit: https://www.animalfoodplanet.com/how-fast-camels-are-compared-to-horses/ However prime specimens of each species are another story. CS javelin camel? Sounds decent. It would mean removing the CS javelin horse and a little nerf for the faction.
  23. As of now, the Kushites still have 2 identical cavalry javelineers, except one is a mercenary camel. My proposal: increase the max health of camels by 20 percent but also decrease their speed by 20 percent. Or, give them a mercenary camel archer instead. Currently this unit is useless as no one would spend 80 metal on a cavalry javelineer when they have a citizen one. I think I have mentioned this in another thread, but Nescio, who came up with the camel idea, is gone.
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