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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Persians have no mercenary units in A24. Maybe let them hire mercenary hoplites? Back in A23 they had Kardaces skirmisher and Kardaces spearmen
  2. @Stan` we need to update the wiki a bit for building svn in Arch Linux, you need to install the following wx packages for the atlas editor to work (from the AUR) wxgtk2 wxgtk3 wxgtk-common Then during the compile process, the update-workspace command should look like this: ./update-workspaces --enable-atlas -j13 The extra --enable-atlas option is needed on Arch because by default they assume you do not want Atlas. This has not been an issue on fedora. When I compiled it again the Atlas launched with the gtk2 theme, which I have set to Breeze (from KDE Plasma)
  3. apt is quite outdated, that is a fact. It causes problems when building svn, for some users. dnf so far has no such problems for Arch everything is bleeding edge so no such issues.
  4. A better way: use flatpak. Download 0ad flatpakref file from flathub sudo apt-get install flatpak sudo flatpak install <your flatpakref file> Even better solution: switch to arch or fedora
  5. I am thinking about decreasing the attack and armour of Persian infantry slightly (by 1.5%), but also deceasing their cost by a bit. This justifies the extra pop.
  6. As of now the population bonus of Mauryans still has not been removed from A25 svn, and it is well past the feature freeze. Motion: Should the population bonus of Mauryans and Persians be removed or reduced? Discuss. Some arguments: The Mauryan population bonus should be removed because they are already too OP. In early game the elephant gives them pop bonus, therefore the additional 20 extra soldiers makes the Mauryans too strong. The population bonus is an unique feature of Mauryans and should be kept to distinguish it from the others. Historically they could field large numbers of units. Persians had weaker units but more population because of its large territory. In the game Persians have a slow boom, so the later population bonus is not as significant. They are also susceptible to cavalry harassment in early game (especially in A25) Options: Reduce the population bonus, e.g. down to 5% Remove it completely Leave it as it is I have submitted a patch to remove it but it refused to build. I will try again. @Stan` @chrstgtr @ValihrAnt @LetswaveaBook @Player of 0AD @Lion.Kanzen @BreakfastBurrito_007 @Gurken Khan @nani
  7. Hold on, I wanted to know which exact distributions of Linux and BSD we are using.
  8. Hi all, I would like to do a survey on which operating systems you are currently using. You can write more than 1 if you have more than 1 OS installed. The purpose is to see which OS are the most popular among our players.
  9. why? Surely he was the god of the sea? He had a fight with Athena and removed gender equality from athens?
  10. Ba'al Hammon (OP Carthaginian god) Tanit (OP Carthaginian goddess) Ahura Mazda (Persian god from Zoroastrianism) Athena (OP infantry_spearwoman) vs Poseidon (OP naval unit, swimming infantry_swordsman) Artemis (OP archer unit)
  11. Suggestions: 1. Units with guns 2. Cannon 3. Explosives 4. Tanks 5. Katyusha
  12. In the real world you wouldn't see one. tbh I don't know how to make one
  13. I made it from a defence tower. I changed the firing rate of the defence tower to 50ms and damage to 3.5 fire. Then I deleted the projectiles on the actor.
  14. Achemedes death ray concept: death ray.webm
  15. Is this A24 or A25? Different versions can have huge impacts as in A24 many civs should be banned due to balancing issues but in A25 it is quite ok.
  16. When the editor is open, the public.zip file is constantly being accessed by the system, so Windows 10 would restrict you from opening it to prevent corruptions. You need to close the scenario editor and all 0ad related processes, then right click on public.zip then click on 'extract here'. After the extraction is done you will get a folder called 'public' (it is huge)! Delete the original public.zip, then restart the game. You should see the mod selection screen. Select 0ad, then restart the game a few times to check if it works. You can then edit the files in public folder. Alternatively, build from git or svn
  17. I wish we could have that, but I am not sure what other players and balancing advisors think.
  18. I am also quite annoyed by profanity in the lobby, as you cannot control who joins it. I am a few hours away from becoming 18 and I can quite safely say that people of all age groups are fed up with smurfs, trolls and profanity. Ban won't work, we can only resort to whitelisting.
  19. @Ceres would you like to test direct connection via IP address with me? I was wondering whether that would work.
  20. Many banned players can return using second accounts and third accounts. I know players who have 5 or more accounts... although most of them are quite well mannered. This makes blacklist obsolete, instead, we might need to switch to a whitelist system for your children. The whitelist should contain a list of trustworthy people and their ip address so that you can play with them without worrying about profanity.
  21. Exactly what are the problems? Currently the svn version is able to run games just fine, at least against AI
  22. I guess the reason why we want to have ratings is to balance out players in TG and avoid hitting an OP player in 1v1. Therefore we can use something more informative than just 2 numbers, hence the profile idea. You can doctorate the numbers but if you get a profile then that is a very solid illustration of your playstyle and skill (unless you create a second account). A lot of players have low or no ratings because they only play TG, so we need to include that in the profile. Of course, globally, we can have a top player for each civ.
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