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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. ok. If the default is changed then the mod will also change.
  2. We also need to distinguish chariots from lone horses. Aristeia. I made the Bronze age Egyptian mod.
  3. I think most javelineers would prefer to throw the javelin in front of them. However, we can give this mechanic to chariots only, not other cavalry archers.
  4. Ok. I will upload it 1 hour later. I don't have gpu processing so it will take really long to render anything. :/
  5. That was my thought, although I personally don't feel any sexism in the game and not offended by the idea of cavalry rush killing all women neither. I do that a lot myself!
  6. I am very frustrated by Microsoft and how they make their OS. Windows is the most popular OS in the world so all software developers focus on them. There are so many softwares that can only run on Windows, yet it being a trash OS (getting even worse) is very very frustrating. We are forced to use it because certain software demands it but the experience on Windows is always excruciating.
  7. yes, but we nerf the arrows by increasing their spread to 3 or 4 (you can't target that well if you are on a horse unless you have trained hard) Also we decrease the range and damage of arrows (might not hit directly)
  8. I have implemented the turret mechanic for all chariots and cavalry archers: chariot1.webm
  9. I am curious... were these 4 even aware of each other's existance? Yes, I made a patch to fix that by giving elephants high pierce and hack instead of crush but it was never approved by the other devs I guess you have to deal with that for abstraction purposes. We can simulate citizens marrying, giving birth, going to train and finally becoming a soldier. However, these details are unecessary for the gameplay and increases the CPU's load, so it is a necessary sacrifice in my opinion. Also we don't want the game to be too new-player-unfriendly. I think two gendered citizens are a great idea, as long as they wear different uniforms to the military units for distinguishing. @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  10. Can you make the templates or should I make them? Also please propose structure tree, unit roster etc
  11. Yes, unless we increase the training time of these cavalry units to reflect that real humans need more practice to master shooting on horseback than stood still. Of course, as they rank up it means they have gained more experience and hence more likely to be skilled. Some civs should. But please remember that some chariots were used to charge at infantry formation and scatter them, while others were used for ranged harassment. This leads to another idea: chariot differentiation. They do deserve to be accurate even if they are moving. But to prevent them from being OP I would recommend decreasing their damage. 36 pierce for Brit Chariots is ridiculous if this mechanism is implemented.
  12. That is exactly what I am on about. I will implement it for ele archers as well I guess.
  13. Speaking of Carrhae, why is Parthians not in 0AD? Why has no-one mentioned them yet? Also the Sassanids, Kushan etc We can make them slower and weaker. Also massively decrease their accuracy. Spear cavalry should take on them just fine.
  14. We shall consult other balancing advisors whether these should be removed.
  15. Some references: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthian_shot https://www.kavehfarrokh.com/heritage/parthian-horses-and-parthian-horse-archers/ The efficacy of this cavalry archer is best demonstrated at the battle of Carrhae:
  16. Here is a demonstration video that I made. These cavalry archers are already in the bellum mod. you can try it for yourself. archer cav.webm
  17. When firing, the cavalry archers currently implemented ingame has to stop fully, aim, then fire. This is great for taking an accurate shot but not necessarily historically accurate for all civilisations. Some cavalry archers like the Parthians could aim and fire while the horse is running at full speed. Although not always accurate, it is still deadly as a large number of cavalry means continuous arrow shower from all directions and the agility of the cavalry will save them from charging infantry. I am not the first person to suggest this, here are the posts:
  18. Those are quite useless units for mauryans. They have sword cavalry and plenty of infantry archers already, the few champions won't make much of a difference. Having them just makes Maury too OP because you get more choices and backup plans.
  19. The models, templates and mechanics are all ready. However, we need balancing advisors to discuss whether this civ is too unique... it has no ram and all of its siege engines are quite unconventional in comparison to other civs.
  20. Delenda Est has slaves, I don't see why vanilla 0ad can't. However, as Genava stated, not all civs used slaves so Maurya don't get any. That is a good nerf for them compared to other civs. I would still recommend waiting until at least A27 to implement slaves as currently lobby players don't really welcome big changes such as this. Also I agree with Delenda Est idea of having citizens of both genders: not all men in a whole city state go to war whenever there is a skrimish; there are always men who are unsuitable for fighting. However, I don't agree with Crea's view of the game being sexist because there are female warriors and heroes in civs where appropriate. Blame the ancient Greeks for being sexist and not the devs! Again, I would not introduce new unit roles for now, let's just change the name to worker-soldier or something along those lines.
  21. I must say that the worker class, citizen-soldier class are used explicitly in XML template files, so deleting them will break the game. However, I am open to changing the displayed names of things and removing the term 'citizen soldier' from tooltips. This prevents the player from seeing these misused terms without creating bugs in the code. If we want to completely remove these terms it will require quite a big makeover.
  22. Mauryan maiden guard archer and maiden guard swordsman are both named Visha Kanya. These two units are rarely used (according to the games I specd myself and watched on Youtube), so many players may not have noticed some issues with them. These issues have been brought up in many other threads, so I am creating a centralised thread to discuss them. 1. The name Visha Kanya refers to poison girls who assassinated significant characters by poison. Wikipedia here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visha_Kanya. They certainly did not go into battles with swords or bows. 2. The poison effect has been implemented only for the archer maiden but not the sword maiden. Their poison effect makes little difference as it lasts for 10 seconds and deals 0.5 damage per second on average. Right now the sword maiden is identical to an infantry sword champion of any other civ. 3. Both are called Visha Kanya... Thanks to @Gurken Khan for suggesting this: After some digging in the forum I found a thread made in 2013 which seems like the contemporary devs talking about adding this unit into the game: We should either change these units' role or change their name. Please discuss your opinions here.
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