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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. in A25 you can have overlapping spearmen surrounding a ram which is very very good anti-ram, I assure you. The same applies for pikes; you can stack 3 layers of pikes together and let them poke a ram. The ram disappears almost instantly. Swords can't stack as easily because their range is 2 metres only. I like this idea. Slow working speed simulates mutinies and laziness of mercs.
  2. I suggest we only increase the arrow of ships when it is garrisoned by ranged units. If it is garrisoned by melee units or siege or elephants then its arrow count does not increase. Let the default arrow count be 0 so you got to garrison it with ranged units to make the ship any good. We can give ships a negative bonus against units so that it cannot deny eco near the beach completely. Furthermore we might limit ships to only attack other ships, as that would make more sense. Right now a ship next to a dock at Sicilly can destroy Carthaginian buildings on the opposite side of the Meditarranean Sea, which is preposterous! It makes naval maps a race to build the first dock and go 2 P2 first so that you can use ships to deny the eco of other players, which is not fun. Furthermore, Carthaginian archers can shoot down ships in a Roman port... ships shouldn't be so susceptible to arrow fire, right? Perhaps we can make ship garrisons similar to wall garrisons where the units inside are susceptible but not the wooden bit of the ship.
  3. You have a point. In my opinion OP civs also depend on your playstyle and strategies. Most people think that Macedonians are trash and Mauryans are OP, but for me it is the exact opposite; I can do better with Macedonians than Mauryans, even given the civ bonuses. The reason is I love the combination of pikemen plus javelineers and I don't particularly like manoeuvring archers.
  4. My questions: 1. Which units should be trained by the cc? 2. Why start with 3 women and 3 infantry? Normally it is 4. 3. This is going to be a very cavalry heavy civ. Is it possible to give it some bonuses related to food supply? Thank you so much for this. It makes my template building process much easier. Syracuse is almost done.
  5. Is it possible for me to try your new Kiara AI? I would like to play against it and see how strong it is.
  6. True point. The troop diversity of Macedon depends on mercs but they are used very rarely to my knowledge. I only employ their archers in extreme circumstances where I need to outrange other players. I have never used their javelin cav, because of its price. Explain what you mean?
  7. Might cause OOS error if mods are different. In your mod a swordsman might have 15 hack but a vanilla swordsman have 9 hack. There will be errors if your game state is different to the host game state. This is only applicable for gui mods and art mods, not mods that introduce new civ or changes stats. I really like this, and I want it as well. I am not sure how to program the lobby though. I like this but some players think that violates their privacy. A difficult one. Also you can spam emails as well. I have 6 email accounts Yes! I would love a stronger Macedon. But curently you can spam spear cavalry and let them fight alongside your champion cavalry and train Phillip II hero as well. The cheaper spear cavalry can be used as meatshields and let the champs do the real damage. A good suggestion. Maybe Macedonians could be given infantry spearmen instead, but I need to consult the historians about this. However I can do just fine with pikes and spear cavalry... hmmmm in A25 metal cost is less of an issue. Mercenaries costing wood...that makes them too similar to citizen units. But I think instant-train mercenaries would be a good idea. Fix the maps and not the unit? Just play on autumn Mainland or desert mainland or Meditarranean Mainland instead of some nub map with nub biome. I like this. Mercs are too useless right now. I can see where you are coming from. What do you think about ships attacking buildings and land archers shooting ships? Perhaps we give ships a negative bonus against units so ships cannot kill units that easily but still attacks everything.
  8. He has no second account. I created a second account for SVN testing purposes and I wasn't banned.
  9. Reza-math has been muted, which is quite inconvenient for him to host TGs. If @user1 @triumvir can unmute him or offer a reason why he is muted/banned that would be appreciated. He is a good player and we don't want to lose him. @Stan`
  10. I will attach the replay files here: commands.txtmetadata.json
  11. A very strange behaviour of the petra bot: it sends women to chop wood at my base after a rush. I don't think this is a strategic masterpiece...
  12. Are you planning to implement these as a champion unit, or just replace the citizen-soldier models?
  13. damage1.xlsx Proportion of damage absorbed (out of 1) = 1 - e ^ ( ln(0.9)* armour value ) @nani
  14. watch my video and seeh's video: Just copy paste the commands into terminal and hit enter. That simple.
  15. Resetting rating is definitely a good idea, as some players quit simply because they don't like the new Alpha. For these people no need to keep them at the top of the leaderboard. The main purpose of rating is for balancing. If your rating cannot reflect your theoretical performance in a game then it is quite pointless.
  16. Or call it 'the wilderness'. You have been attacked by the wilderness
  17. Another idea: we can set up a council of ratings judge on the forum. Players who are unhappy with their rating can submit their replays and let the judges decide their skill level. Players who think others are smurfing can also submit such evidences and the Smurf's rating would be adjusted accordingly.
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