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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_siege_weapons Here is a Wikipedia article on Chinese siege weapons. I think some of their siege techs might be way too OP for 0ad.
  2. Chinese did have ram technology but did not use it that often. I think they preferred mangonel, catapult and trebuchet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_siege_weapons
  3. Yes Han should have 10% bonus by default. They are really OP right now. Their ownly weakness is no rams nor elephants, I guess that nerf will compensate for all of their other OP-ness
  4. I reckon there will be A27, A28... A30 at least
  5. Would be great if we can have a metal deposit silhouette or some marker, because today when I played A25 my women were mining a small lump of metal under a huge canopy when I thought that they were chopping the trees. That slowed the boom quite a lot.
  6. Also it would be helpful if you can post the crash logs here.
  7. Hi, may I ask, how did you install your game? Through deb apt repository, or flathub, or snap?
  8. Easy solution: 1. Replace the cavalry template with siege tower template 2. Tweak the siege tower template slightly 3. Replace siege tower actor with cavalry actor Just tell me what stats you want and I will make it for you. I think the Scythians and Parthians deserve this feature, as this was how Rome was smashed at Carrhae. Hmm, why has no-one mentioned Parthians yet?
  9. I have made this thing: when the unit is in the chariot, it can shoot constantly at a target but with low accuracy (like a siege tower), then, you can order the infantry to jump off the chrariot. At this point the infantry has a much higher accuracy but loses the protection and speed of the chariot. Basically I edited the template of a siege tower and put a chariot actor onto it
  10. There are at least 3 to my knowledge: V2.0 (best one): https://discord.gg/vBgSmYAe Old one: https://discord.gg/A6VQZGw5 Another old one: https://discord.gg/BHMqxFMX There is a very toxic one that contains some Wesnoth players. I am not sure if I should share the link publically; I am beginning to regret joining that server.
  11. We can delete the last sentence, no need to advertise their downfall
  12. Archers were strong because they can attack from a distance, but they also could not be used like rifle troops in the modern army because they were vulnerable to enemy projectiles and melee. You can block arrows with a shield so archers cannot do much against testudo
  13. civilised, as in having some manners, and generally no 18+ content
  14. OK, Windows is the Single most popular OS for sure.
  15. I did no micro; all I did was put them in close order formation then aim them at 1 enemy.
  16. We are not woke, we just want our lobby to be a civilised and friendly place for all players.
  17. You will see this in your mod. What should I call them, just Mercenary hoplites?
  18. Exactly! So why were the Kardaces units removed? We should let the Persians hire mercenary units. Mauryans have no mercenary units neither. We should remove the pop bonus and let them hire more diverse troops as a compensation.
  19. My Konsole terminal told me I was missing "wx widget" and recommended that I install "wxgtk" packages. I searched this up in AUR and installed all three things that include "wxgtk" in their name and it worked. I know it is GTK2 because my GTK3 theme is WhiteSur and GTK2 is set to be Breeze; the Atlas looks distinctively Breeze and not WhiteSur at all. I am sure there should be a neater solution but this is the best I could do for now. It is perfectly usable and not too ugly
  20. @Lopess for me snap is a bit slower but flatpak sometimes does not show up on the menu Both of them are inferior to the AUR
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