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Everything posted by smiley

  1. This size is for desktops and PCs. I meant the UI designs. The file explorer buttons and options are now spaced for touch controls. Makes it pretty ugly though. DirectStorage I guess. I doubt 90% of desktop games would see any performance impact out of it. Maybe new games built with it in mind would be faster. Regardless, loading assets with SSDs isn't that slow even without DirectStorage. I think they also ported some other graphic stuff over from xbox. If there are no fancy animations, and graphical effects hogging resources, I am fine with it to be honest.
  2. Wow, a jump from 20GB to 64GB (number sourced from Microsoft's website). What on earth is even in there. The aesthetics are just weird now. File explorer is somehow even more lacking, still no tabs ftw. And I don't like rounded corners, I like sharp right angles and defined lines. Startmenu seems to be better. Those atrocious tile things are no more and was replaced with widgets which seems to be a bit less atrocious. Seems like they optimized for tablets / touch controls. The size requirement alone makes me want to not update. Windows 10 supported until 2025, so there is still time.
  3. That might very well be enough. The only thing that using geojson would offer that the current approach can't would be dynamic provinces with changing borders. The main application for Geojson is to make maps interactive, but you can already kinda do that since sprites have input detection. That and maybe ease of content creation.
  4. I assume the provinces are individual textures and you are storing the coordinates to properly arrange them? My suggestion is to just use a good old map texture and have provinces defined using geojson. Then again, current GUI design wouldn't necessarily make that cleaner since masking provinces with colors and stuff would be kinda weird.
  5. Just nuke around 75% of the RMS folder. There are a few well made ones and the rest were made with a quantity over quality approach. Even with new graphics, they would still look pretty bad.
  6. I get the impression that everything interesting is being taken out and replaced with monotonicity. I mean sure, it does work. See AoE2 for a demonstration I guess. But it also makes the individual civs very meh. And unlike AoE2, there are no unique units. Just the day, I saw a differential to get rid of the mauryan elephant from the CC. I last played A22, and back then literally no one bothered to even train them. And yet just as quickly, they are now OP and we need the CC roster to be identical. Whatever floats your boat I suppose. I got no horse in this race.
  7. Oh no, it is very much illegal. But laws are just words. They are not necessarily correct, ethical or the moral high ground. It's just what someone wrote down.
  8. I went through 2 years of post history of a certain former staff member also involved in the thread and traced it to a thread from September 2018. Evidently no patch was made since what exactly needs fixing was unclear. The issue arises due to bad map code. On the other hand one could also argue it is because of incomplete placement functions. I guess none of us reached the conclusion given that either fix is pretty easy.
  9. Issue was found and patched three years ago. Apparently the patch was not commited I guess.
  10. Good to know that T90 farms crossed universes even into AoE4. I am definitely buying this game. No question about it.
  11. I looked through your posts here and on phabricator and found nothing of the sort. Who here would do something as low as PM harassment? Either that or the full story and context is missing. No one has the energy to figure out vague posting.
  12. A24 incremented the format version. You need to update the PMP files.
  13. GitHub downloads don't show size. It's extremely annoying, but it is how it is.
  14. Something like this? <ResourceGatherer> <Modifiers>[]</Modifiers> </ResourceGatherer>
  15. You can probably symlink to 68 as 67 and run the game.
  16. Or make the produce abstract and call it something along the lines of "forge output", but not as bluntly and merge attack and armour into one secondary resource as you called it. Rather than a spearman costing 5 armour and 7 spears, they would cost 12 X.
  17. I recall some days ago when there were Devs who played the game almost on a daily basis on SVN along with lobby players. The last time I was part of that, that led to the discovery of several issues. That of course was possible since active developers were so to say direct liaisons to the active multiplayer base and quite frankly part of them. No need to dwell on who they were and what happened to them.
  18. Hot take, but end user software is meant to be developed for, well, end users. You can have the game be a fancy tea party for Devs, but if there are no end users, it's all for nothing. Something to keep in mind before blurting out "you aren't entitled to anything, we made this without getting paid, take it or leave". You might get what you wished for. Developers are entitled to end users, not the other way around. That is of course, if the objective is to build a solid community around the product.
  19. Since the message was posted, unfortunately, irl took up all time. If you have code, feel free to post for review. I might be able to suggest some things.
  20. Unix timestamps of course. A game titled "-2208988800" is sure to arouse some curiosity.
  21. If I recall correctly, it wasn't discord being evil that derailed the whole thing. I assumed the concern was that IRC users don't get to agree to the evil policy in the first place. If the matrix bridge didn't exist, there is nothing against discord. All participants would have agreed to terms.
  22. You misunderstood what Vulkan is. Vulkan is a new framework that is an alternative to OpenGL (* important to note it's not meant to be a replacement). Rather than the monolithic state machine OpenGL is, Vulkan implements a completely different pattern where you can squeeze out even more performance since Vulkan doesn't suffer from most of the overheads OpenGL does. I noticed that drawcalls in Vulkan are pretty much negligible overhead whereas in OGL, it's a nightmare. Since 0AD does not have instanced drawing, switching to Vulkan will actually help a lot. Then again, who's got the time to write a new rendering backend.
  23. So does your router. A compromised machine forging L3 packets would do more harm than a DoS ever could. Your router would be blindly routing all of them.
  24. I get the theory behind it of course. Merely remarking the absurdity of the solution.
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