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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. If we will slowly work on it, if implemented, this could work. But I am concerned with the prop point issues which was brought in to question a few months ago. If we will be given permission, I would want it to be a full armor mesh, to make it more modular and customizeable. i.e. Tunic with sandals + armor Tunic with greaves + armor Long sleeve tunic with boots + armor Etc.
  2. Yes, like this one. Thanks Can you double check it in the mesh folder. Last time I was working with the Celts, I noticed that we lack this one, not really sure if it is not really in the folder. Also, this one, although would this cause difficulty in UV mapping?
  3. @Alexandermb Linothorax shoulder pads had many variants, this would mean that we will be having numerous meshes, also most of the textures will have to be recreated. If something like this would be implemented, I think that it should be a full armor similar to what Rome 2 implemented. With a UV similar to this one
  4. m_armor variant for naked mesh? Do we have one?
  5. Is it possible to make capture attack as an area of effect and auto-attack? (More like an aura that drains loyalty points) This way units will not bother to switch attacks or capture enemy buildings but focus on combat. Capturing will also not be limited on who fits on the footprint. Dozen of units are slowly getting mowed by guard towers just because they cannot overpower the garrison, ignoring the fact that the attacking units are far more superior in numbers.
  6. Yeah, this had me thinking, that I should create a new cuirass variant with narrower gap. The problem is that the armor mesh is too wide, so I had difficulties with putting the neck gap at the right position and circumference. Also, there are a lot of variety from artifacts. The old texture had the perfect fit, but when used with the new armor mesh, the shoulder area is too broad. So the newer one with less gap between the neckline will use the normal mesh and not the armor variant.
  7. @Stan` is the caretaker of the Thracian project, although if the additions only affect the unit roster, it should be good to push. The last time I tested the mod, the faction is not yet deemed to be playable in a single match due to the lack of units and some undefined parts of the civ file.
  8. I will proceed to commit these materials tomorrow if there are no more objections regarding this thread.
  9. Could you push the commits to https://github.com/0ADMods/thracians as well? Thanks.
  10. Bigtiger was able to produce good quality grass textures (part of the large commit for his asset) was it also 512s?
  11. How could I manually define the minimum zoom in level in the game? Is it possible to do it in the game console?
  12. Adding this here for inspiration, each unit has a unique audio response for better distinguishability. Like how hoplites respond hoplitae when selected. My observation here is that a player will not have to zoom in or read description of each unit.
  13. Would really love to see Advisors on the UI, our 3D artists could use makehuman to create UI art if something would be planned
  14. @Viking84 We do have them in mod options. Just download the latest alpha version (which is Alpha 23) then: Run the game, Go to settings menu Click on mod selection Look for: Millennium AD mod Download, activate then save mod selection Enjoy playing I hope this helps you.
  15. The old textures were almost identical too right? I did not push this yet due to concerns with distinguish-ability but my first statement could also prove me wrong. I want to hear more opinions from others before going on with this.
  16. Here is a Spanish Colonial Period Filipino structure plugin that I made for the game. Been playing this game for a week now. I am trying to blow-off some steam, since the new semester is about a month from now. I did create a new twitter account, do check, it is @wackyserious I will post contents from 0ad art development from there too.
  17. Loving those stranglers, we locally call it here as balete trees, it is often associated with folklore and superstition. I could attest the need for monkeys , cited by Sundiata. Mango trees would be a good addition too, as well as Indian Almonds, we locally call it as talisay trees and are a common sight in Southeast Asia, I believe. Also if you would be having Nipa huts in your mod, that would be very awesome..
  18. Siege workshops should be implemented, both Nookrium and Raptor were wondering where to train siege weapons.
  19. Watching Nookrium halfway at the moment. What I noticed so far Lack of harvest animation for the pig (Stream viewer jokingly said that it was being milked lol, and that was a sustainable way of having bacons, really laughed at this one) A particular cattle entity at Butana Steppes which also lacked animation. The guy failed to notice the lack in population point during one of his matches. Stream viewers are very interested on the game based on how they saw him play it. He zooms a lot and is mostly fascinated by the graphics, he praised it how each faction had different structure sets and was really moved the the appearance of the buildings. Interesting though that he looked at the mod selection for a first game cover. He somewhat wanted more available information about the mods in the mod selection area, other than the mod summary description. He downloaded the community maps mod ad mod.io
  20. Was this already posted here? This guy, Nookrium have 60k subscribers, this video was posted on June 15 and got 5k views as of today. Also this coverage of the game was quite long, almost 2 hours.
  21. People with good following are now starting to recognize the game. This word of mouth recommendations for the game is really good and Raptor really appreciates city-building games. I am also rooting for our mods in the comment sections of people who cover the game.
  22. !!! Thanks, this will be very useful for future Southeast Asian faction mod, together with the mangrove
  23. Awesome output from both Lordgood and BigTiger as expected. I think we should do a consolidated move for the terrain texturess next, after the flora.
  24. I agree Tall trees look great. The Rome 2: TW used similar designs for trees. The taller the trees are, the more room for height variety
  25. I remember that I first played this game back when the Maurya faction was still being developed. I often visit the game website to read updates back then and have not yet joined the forums. I remember reading an update about the new round houses for the Britons and that made me very excited. Time goes by really fast, I think I joined the forums back in 2013 and just a few months I was into modding the game graphics with the help of Niek and Stan my fellows from CoM. I could still remember my first match against the AI, it was on Cycladic Archipelago with two other AIs against each other and I was amazed with the variety of fauna on that map and the ships too. This video was very nostalgic.
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