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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. The developers should have stayed with the gritty look, smoother graphics makes it look more cartoony, IMO.
  2. It was adjustments to the m_amor_tunic mesh variant. Using normal m_tunic mesh variant reduces the gap.
  3. Some sort of ancient trade expo/convention, based on what I can see. MercCon456BC. #SomewhereInGaul
  4. Probably would be cool too if Generic civs would have generic heroes, like in Warcraft 3 (Paladin, Archmage and Mountain King), this would avoid the historical criticisms too, like how some players complaint why heroes from different timeline exist in the game. Having them generically named would eliminate such problem make everything more historically immersive. Romans: Consul? - Military bonus Senator? - Economic bonus Dictator? - Territorial bonus Greeks: Strategos: Military bonus Statesman: Economic bonus Basileus/Archon: Territorial bonus Celts: Chieftain: Military bonus Druid: Economic bonus Rix (King): Territorial bonus
  5. Another of my idea was to implement the servile class units, where a servus does not cost population but cost food and metal and will require 1 house for 1 servus and a market tech to implement them. (So players could still balance economy and military even in late game, and economic power could depend on the amount of your houses, this could also add an additional importance at keeping houses. Slave Market Technology (Market) > Slave : 50 Food, 25 metal, 1/1 House train requirement (No pop. count)
  6. Or a leave/retire vs. enter military service transform button? Too much micro though. Leave service: +gain 50% resources used (wood + metal) Transform unit to an economic unit Enter service: Resource cost for military unit (wood + metal) Transform unit to various types of military unit depending on choice. Again, interesting but might be to much micro for some players.
  7. Also keep them at basic rank and no ranking up for economic units, just add a slight fighting capabilities for them.
  8. @Stan` I was thinking for a while now of suggesting that we create an atlas unit which we could use for scenarios (Helot revolts and the Roman Servile Wars) where we script some Scenario type maps with large group of armed mobs or angry mobs that would storm the player base. I was thinking of arming them with nothing else but livelihood tools such as farm and mining tools (and maybe some hunting tools? like a simple spear?) This way having them as economic units could still be immersive since they could roam around without holding swords helmets or other warrior panoply.
  9. For review: Plumed variants for Montefortino @LordGood @Stan` helmet-extraordinarii.rar
  10. Modified the Roman Montefortino mesh and added some prop points for the Extraordinarius helmet in order to update the old prop with the newer mesh. Also added a variant without cheek guards. The Montefortino without cheek guards and a single plume on top of it was based on the original actor file for the Equites (as seen in the old screenshot below)
  11. rome_subarmalis.rar This was the quilt source .psd by the way
  12. @LordGood This was the early version of the quilt before the shadows were increased.
  13. The current chainmail textures will be retained for the triarius, while the new ones will be used for the hastatus.
  14. I need sources folks, was the lorica squamata used in the Pre-Marian army?
  15. We had to tweak it, the earlier texture was not visible enough from a distance. I was thinking that artillery crew were not likely in front lines and had them light armored but I will still add a chainmail in the ratio.
  16. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Is the armor too light for artillery crew?
  17. Metatron also briefly mentions the subarmalis in this video.
  18. This depiction show a more elaborate version, with additional padded vest stitched with pteruges.
  19. Polybian system was grouped according to age and not wealth right? So there will be no problem adding this texture to the basic rank hastatus? (Although this is really in conflict with the desgin, which states that equipment becomes better or more elaborate as a unit advance in rank.
  20. Planning to assign the subarmalis light armor to the Roman siege machine crew.
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