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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Not really stealing Funny that we are not still fully accustomed to the nature of open-source and still feel some hesitation I also feel the same quite often
  2. This faction and its assets should be added to Terra Magna, plus the additional factions that were added in Delenda Est
  3. @stico You might also be interested in this highly anticipated mod project.
  4. Left to right: Bronze (Current) Iron (Current) Bronze (Modified) I modified the current textures for the updated Illyrian helmet as I noticed that the quality of the current bronze variant was not on par with the iron variant.
  5. @stanislas69 @Alexandermb Also, do we already have updated Thracian type helmets? I believe a large porting of Greek units and other Hellenized factions use it for most of their infantry.
  6. I have been reading the materials that you guys sent. I found this particular comment to be interesting. Attached was an image of the Macedonian Iron corselet from the Royal Tombs of Vergina.
  7. I was hoping that this would be implemented for the game. Thank you. What comes to my mind is a very old game (Sudden Strike 2) that has appealing terrain visuals crafted through terrain and decal interrelation.
  8. We do not have a mesh yet. Alexandermb mentioned that he wanted to add variety to the new mesh.
  9. The Carthaginians were not happy upon hearing the news that the Roman Republic has set foot in Northern Africa.
  10. I am concerned regarding their clothing, I was assuming that they wore clothing in the Carthaginian manner since these soldiers were often referred to as, Libyan-Phoenicians. But if they will be fashioned in the North African manner, it will be similar to how Numidian nobles were interpreted in Europa Barbarorum II.
  11. @Sundiata I need to familiarize myself with how the ancient Libyans dressed during the time that their territory was under Carthaginian influence. Which tribe did the Carthaginians recruited their phalanx infantry from? Also tagging individuals who might want to share their insight, others are also encouraged to share their knowledge. @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates @Genava55 @Nescio @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded
  12. Haven't progressed in 3D modelling these past years, I was busy with many things I am hoping that someone would help me establish my hopes for a modular ruins set (gather-able) for the game
  13. Reused and enhanced some parts of the old texture from source and came up with this.
  14. Does the depiction above portray the actual skiritai?
  15. Iberian Elite Skirmisher @Genava55 Opinions on their equipment and the use of colors Notice the green tunic and green pteruges for the player 1 (blue) and orange counterpart for player 2 (red) This was an experiment, I increased the yellow color in the transparency to modify the colors it will produce. I am planning to use this technique in my future textures.
  16. Based on the depictions above, could I use padded armor or linen armor for the Spartan Skiritai unit?
  17. COMMITTED: Textures for the Greek Psiloi (Elite) and Athenian Epilektoi
  18. Old ones are still good in my opinion and in fact of great quality, if only more geometry could be added to its meshes, it would be great.
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