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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Old mango trees are quite enormous too, even surpassing the height of mature coconut trees.
  2. Could I request banana and mango trees? Mangifera indica Musa balbisiana Also, a variation that is twice the size and height of the current mangrove tree could be possible. I commute daily to the University I am enrolled in and mangroves are a common sight in my daily trip. Mangroves could grow enormously that you could mistake them for being island themselves. Twice the size (height and circumference) of the current one is the largest that I could estimate based on what I see daily.
  3. @LordGood I would love to see thick mangrove clusters. Plz.
  4. Or an alternating variety depending on how it looks on the overall design.
  5. Yes, it would be too many if we apply it to all. Three-tones could be used for plain painted shields.
  6. I almost forgot, drop shadows to add more depth effects.
  7. I tend to play around with the player color when creating textures. I create three variants to achieve a wider range of color value for each player color (dark tone, mid tone and light tone) Also, painted surface are somewhat powdery in texture. Plus a little dirt buildup around the spine area and the edging the shield might add a little more flavor to those awesome shields! I really cant wait to join the fun next month. The end of the semester is just a few weeks ahead.
  8. A bronze cuirass would be too heavy, what do you think of depicting them wearing linothorax? Also, the current texture are wearing boots, aren't boots a Hellenistic period thing? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates Do you have substantial information about the Spartan Skiritai and their military equipment?
  10. I cant seem to find it, what is the name of the prop actor file?
  11. @Genava55 Please verify. For final review: @stanislas69 @Alexandermb @LordGood
  12. C E L T I C D R U I D Proposed Final Design Potential Texture Variant Initial Design Proposal (Discarded concept) Discussion:
  13. About the light armor, what would you suggest? Quilted/padded cloth? What about thick woven fabrics? I am quite busy with school right now. This might take until the last weeks of March, after that is my semester vacation which would be 4 months.
  14. I have been quite busy lately due to school work. Good thing is that my semester break would be from March up to the first two weeks of August. Just giving you guys a heads up since I have not been active these past few weeks. :)

  15. Yeah, probably Late Sengoku up to Sakoku (Or even Bakumatsu period)
  16. I contracted flu several days ago. :throw-up: I am slowly recovering from it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wackyserious
    3. wowgetoffyourcellphone


      Sucks m8. Had the flu this year too. 

    4. Genava55


      Good luck with this! I hope you will have a fast recovery

  17. No issue on the loincloth on the Bariogaisatos?
  18. We can put the units in weathered pedestals similar to how @Enrique showcases his unit animations and mesh
  19. What I have in mind is a movable 3D mesh of units in the game, with little trivia about them so that the audience could learn facts about the units in the game. Something like an in-game sketchfab? Like the loading screens in the TESV: Skyrim.
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