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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Proposal: Gaesatae (Celtic Naked Fanatic) The current actor file uses round shield (Which is not accurate according to @Genava55) I have not added body paints at the moment (I have to confirm if continental Celts also painted their bodies) No frontal nudity as I covered the genitals with body hair.
  2. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I would definitely love to see parts of this mod also integrated into DE. That would be really cool.
  3. I tested your mod and it was awesome. Keep it up. One thing to note is that the takes long to research unit upgrades. Palisade walls also need a medium and long variant.
  4. Part of the reason why I added so much bags in the new druid texture.
  5. Also, what are your insights on the Bryastovets horned helmet and the Deal warrrior helmet?
  6. Another idea that is rumbling in my head. About the shouder pads, the Romans substituted the shoulder pads of their chainmail as what I have seen in may illustrations. Could we also substitute the chainmail shoulder pads (for example, leather or linen like in linothorax) for the Celts?
  7. @Alexandermb Not yet, I am still working on the new bronze cuirass
  8. Below are the proposed unit textures for the Arab Javelineer of the Seleucid faction (and the Judean slinger of the Ptolemaic faction)
  9. @Genava55 Opinion on the neckline of the sleeveless tunic of the guy on the right (1st image)? Illustrations for the Exposition, Les Sénons - Musées de Troyes
  10. Why not make use of something similar to DE massed shield bonus for melee units? With slingers in proximity of other slinger units having negative effect and archers in proximity of other units of their types gaining positive.
  11. Lightened the tunic to somewhat associate them with divinity. Previous version
  12. Tried placing the player color on the sagum/cape and replaced the chainmail with linothorax. @Genava55 How is the folded cape here?
  13. That was my initial concept but it would make it hard to distinguish the healer for elite units if I switch to pants. What are your thoughts on this?
  14. @Genava55 Would this work for Celtic druids?
  15. I like the cardiopylax, I have seen plenty of references that have that kind of armor.
  16. What about the shoulder part of the chainmail of the sitting guy in the illustration above? Is it accurate?
  17. Any recomendations for Viridiomarus and the spolia opima stripped from him? Got it, I will not incorporate the cuirass anymore
  18. " The Kin Slayer " "You are my kin and you are close to my heart but it is my birthright and I am claiming what is mine." "Lay down your sword and swear your oath, refuse and I will not hesitate to desecrate the laws of the gods and spill the blood of my kinsman."
  19. Also, could I add pteruges on the bottom part of the chainmail, similar to how celtiberians donned it?
  20. So I could also use the armor from the Mars of Todi statue? And the chainmail of the wounded guy that is resting on his shield.
  21. @wowgetoffyourcellphone what about the length of the arm part?
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