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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Thanks! Could I mix bronze rings with iron rings as a decor for the Celtic chainmail? Also, is the arm part of the mail also excessive in length?
  2. Not sure where to use this. It is a Hellenistic Period linothorax that has cataphract arm guards. And also this texture for high ranking militarymen.
  3. Commited Body textures and updated actor files for the following: Ptolemaic Royal Agema (Pikeman) Ptolemaic Royal Companion (Cavalry) Ptolemaic Thureophoroi - Greek Military Settlers (Javelinist/Spearman) Seleucid Thureophoroi - Greek Military Settlers (Spearman)
  4. I was thinking of depicting most of their units with less clothing, more tattoos and animal skin for cloaks. Would that be acceptable culture-wise?
  5. What if we shift the Gallic champion to spear_infantry and the Briton champion to sword_infantry
  6. Thanks! The texture design was a concept by wowgetoffyourcellphone
  7. Green light? I will commit it now, on your signal Standardization design could be planned and I will help in working it out.
  8. For review: New Celtic elite unit textures (Mixed with some existing game textures)
  9. As for someone who plays the game for casual single player, I could not think of a good justification gameplay-wise. I am suggesting this to amend the historical inefficiencies that was noticed by @Genava55 Altough I am not sure myself if Iberians and Celtiberians often cooperated in the past. The case is just the same for the newly added Kushite faction. It already has too many units but it was still given two mercenary barracks to instill historicity.
  10. So, I have this idea about incorporating the Celtiberians in the current Iberian faction. The Kushites have this Nuba Villages right? And the Carthaginians have access to Celtic Embassies. Most of the current game factions have some sort of mercenary camp which they could build. The Athenians, Spartans and Macedonians have access to the Royal Stoa. The Diadochi factions have the military colonies. What if we create a Celtic Village structure for the Iberians, where they could recruit Celtic unit rosters. This building will fuction like a military colony where resources could be dropped and could be garrisoned. This is also a great way of showcasing the Celtiberian architecture in a single structure in the game. @Genava55 @feneur @Itms @LordGood @stanislas69 @Alexandermb
  11. "A Truce Between Two Celtic Chieftains"
  12. The one in the reference is taller and more prominent plumes. Maybe it could be modified and make the plumes larger.
  13. Is the helmet on the left already created? Referenced on this fresco.
  14. We could definitely use the torcs, it looks visible on shirtless units These references could provide more visibility and variety. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Torques_de_Burela._Museo_Provincial_de_Lugo.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gold_torque_2.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Linz_Schlossmuseum_-_Uttendorf_Halsreifen.jpg
  15. @Alexandermb Could you provide the files for the torque prop here? I would like to test it and observe its visibility from a distance. Thanks!
  16. We should decide if we will use the torque prop. If we will use it, I will remove it in the layers of the newer textures.
  17. Committed Reworked some of my previous textures from DE that was committed to the game New Celtic female textures New cape textures Review Basic Celtic unit textures
  18. I miss the guy too. He had a lot of great plans for the game art. If he was still active this could be the peak of the post-wijitmaker game art development. IIRC, he had plans on utilizing MakeHuman for the game. Sorry for being a little off-topic.
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