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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. This is how the Paeonians were depicted in Ancient Warfare XII.2 with The Thracians and Their Kin. Their shield was substituted with a round bronze pelte, similar to the one used by the pezhetairoi. Also, could I use Hellenistic era tunics, similar to the ones above and the ones used by the Ptolemaic and Seleucid thureoporoi for the pezhetairoi?
  2. Thanks for clearing this one out. I am not familiar with this though, a quick online search led me to website, would that do? It was a current trend in the art department to compress the textures before committing it to SVN.
  3. Must have been the compression at tinypng.com (Definitely have no idea how RGB and Index function) Here is the zip of the raw .png 050419 - Persian Unit Texture (Commit).rar
  4. Committed. Sorry for the delay, I was occupied during the last two days
  5. Will not put player color on it, haha I will ask Sundiata if it could be used for the Kushites
  6. @Sundiata Could be used for the Kushites?
  7. Some stuff from the guys at Divide et Impera. Thoughts on this?
  8. Significant changes from those textures and the new ones are the new scale texture with proper spec map and I removed the playercolor belt. I should also recreate the scale cuirass with linen shoulder pads
  9. Note: Old screenshot. The contents are outdated. @wowgetoffyourcellphone what about the these wide-hued tunics? Immortals will no longer have light armor as seen above. The unit will be having iron and bronze scale armor.
  10. You would love the textiles with the scythian motifs, what do you think of having the Sogdian archer textures for the Athenian scyth_archer champ, by the way?
  11. I was not able to push the commit yesterday. Whole body was in pain, spent too much time during a swim. I will see if I can do it later, I am just doing some final checking on the textures
  12. New scale armor texture for the Achaemenids. In-game screenshots showing some of the new textures.
  13. This is how it looks like on saturated player color by the way. I also included the basic infantry spearmen texture. For play-ability, I guess you are right about that. What was on my mind when I created the three-tone pattern as to make things look more natural and avoid the units too obviously look like each others clone, this would be cool, yes, if battalions are enabled.
  14. What if I add the white variant and have a ratio of: 3 - White 1 - Light tone (Player color) 1 - Mid tone (Player color) 1 - Dark tone (Player color) I use this because I find it nice, specially when it blends with a body mesh set it player color. Say for example, Intense player color could show up in a unit once in a while, if both the dark toned body player color and kidaris cap player color would display together in one unit. A lighter toned one could also be a possibility, vice versa and a good mix between, as seen in the screenshot. I think increasing the white ratio was the key.
  15. A permanent footprint that could be toggled through a hot key sounds like a good armistice between casual players who care about historicity and aesthetic and competitive players who are concerned with gameplay and player distinction. I want to hear the thoughts of others regarding this.
  16. This is true. It will cause more visual distractions. When I play, I use the display own unit health bar hot keys to locate friendlies in combat. I believe this was also the norm in most RTS, I remember Warcraft 3 had something similar.
  17. Aside from earth tones and white, I use hues which are close to the following colors when creating textures to disassociate the rest of the texture from player color. [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] COMPARISON [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] COMPARISON [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] COMPARISON [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][]
  18. If Angen's formation/battalion mod (or a similar feature) will be implemented, and as how wowgetoffyourcellphone stated, in the future we could be free to break the rigid player-color inclined unit texture design that is strictly being followed. And again, this throws back the question on whether the game should continue to associate itself with the AoE series.
  19. Here is how the player color Kidaris cap looks like on the infantry archer textures.
  20. I have read it too, but this contrasts with faction design (colorful palette for Celtic and Persian faction) and existing textures i.e. current padded cloth texture for the Persians. This too adds to the dilemma..
  21. Like Lion, I also find it quite distracting for the eye. I am not sure about the others though, which is why I was asking for feedback.
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