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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Shinier, I believe, old ones use that material which made them more visibile
  2. Could you check the design document at the first post, are we on the right track?
  3. I confirm this. I played as the Romans recently. (Gate and tower could be garrisoned, the issue is with the gate, it decays and you totally lose control)
  4. Also, could you split the bryastovets actor with silver and copper actors Thanks!
  5. a.) At its current state, no (A commit which is due within a couple of days might make this playable for players who use the SVN version of the game) b.) Not sure about compatibility, others could answer this, maybe
  6. @Alexandermb have you tried switching the material to player_trans_parallax_spec_helmet.xml ?
  7. What about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scerdilaidas He was the commander of the Army both during the reign of Agron and Teuta, and was the most widely involved during the war. Were the Dardanians celticized? I would want to add Bardylis.
  8. @Stan` I replaced the code thra with thrac in the civ file, since you used thrac for the stucture template files.
  9. I am currently patching up the civ file together with the needed simulation files and actor files. Might add up Thracian art contents for the units, if time could do.
  10. So, Teuta or Cynane? We currently have Agron which is the Husband of Teuta.
  11. I have placed the archer as an auxiliary troop at the barracks, while the skirmisher and spearman are still the default units in the civ file.
  12. This should be a separate entity from pre-existing trees. I like the idea of tree groves by @wowgetoffyourcellphone and if you cut down a grove, the chances of regrowing trees would be none. Also, what if these tree groves also auto-spawn animals, and biome specific groves will spawn biome specific fauna, that would be very cool. More subtle approach could be implemented too, like a non-selectable map trigger.
  13. I agree with making it toggle-able and only for SP gameplay. Plus a very slow regeneration and growth. Tree sprouts appear every 25 minutes Tree saplings upon sprouts reaching another 25 minutes Mature Tree upon saplings reaching another 25 minutes So in order to start trees growing back, you have to wait for 75 minutes which is not that long for SP enthusiasts which could save and load game whenever they wish to. @LordGood already started the progress on adding tree saplings which made the biome more natural and have more variety.
  14. If you could find and work on a potential logo too for later. Thanks and good night!
  15. illyrian-portraits.zip Here is the zip file containing the .png for each portrait, could you help me with them? Thanks!
  16. I will be adding the ability to repair ships to the Illyrian marines. Athenian marines should also be able to repair ships, I think.
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