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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. I have sent you and invitation as a member and a part of the collaborator team.
  2. Really loving the new flora from Lordgood and Bigtiger.
  3. Could be? Not really that Github savy too..
  4. Thanks wow! That would really be a great help. I was actually looking for someone to fix the repo since I am not knowledgeable in troubleshooting errors and no one in the CoM members who does are, are active at the moment.
  5. @Alexandermb Do take your time with working on the helmets.
  6. @Alexandermb are you close to a commit on this?
  7. I created a thread to solidify all the concepts and ideas, in case a future balance should be implemented. Nothing for now, just keeping the ideas flowing.
  8. I had this idea since the Gauls currently have access to both cattle and swine production and most of the Old world are doing poultry by that time.
  9. This is a food production balance proposal. Excerpts from a staff discussion. Tagging @Nescio if you are interested in doing this one.
  10. Red band below black at the top part could be player color.
  11. I have planned to re-use the new Roman chain mail on them but reconsidered due to the issue with skin tone, North African has to be tanned and I might use long sleeved tunics for them too
  12. That would mean that you will have to plop the camps across all the maps in the game like in DE
  13. Introduce coin resource and taxation to the game? Delenda Est sure did made a good purpose for mercenaries in the game and developed a good system for it. His mercenary system functions like what it should really be, a good economy means a good coffer, you could be rich if you are abundant with something, not just metal. Carthage did had the necessities to fund mercenary armies, because they had a really good economy. That was the purpose of mercenaries right? So you do not have to force and drill the locals to muster a force, with the right amount of coin, an army could be yours in a snap. In most desperate times, you could drain your Mercenary camps could be city-phase military structures. You had to be in city-phase to access mercenaries. Mercenary Camp Requirement: City Phase To avoid rush tactics Construction Cost: Coin (1000) You pay for mercenaries to invite them to your territory Unit Production: Mercenary / Coin (100) / Limit (No. of camp available) Similar to Delenda Est to avoid spam
  14. Sorry, this was meant for the Stoa thureophoroi. I'll change it
  15. This was what I had in mind for the mercenary thureophoroi.
  16. The infantry on board? Ptolemaic thureophoroi?
  17. Are these thorakitai or thureophoroi? All of them seem to carry a thureos but are heavily equipped, with some even wearing musculata for armor. These are late hellenistic. I am currently adding the Illyrian type and Chalcidean type to their helmet prop distribution.
  18. This is a thread for the visual rework of the current thureophoroi champion mercenary for the some of the Greek factions.
  19. Will proceed to commit. Could I change their stance to hoplite stance?
  20. Bump. We need to decide. Do we go for Hellenistic clothing or traditional/local clothing.
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