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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The dying slaves thing would only be in effect when you force them to work. Idle or moving, they don't lose health. Can also be healed like any other unit. The point would be to give a little turnover to your slaves. Drive the point home that they are slaves and commodities to be managed a little bit, not regular citizens. I admit the current dying slaves in DE may be annoying, but there's currently no way to implement them like I want to.
  2. Basically, the Age of Mythology in-game manual is almost perfect.
  3. How many scales are you going to have for one object? lol I thought we were just talking about scaling the Ishtar Gate to the long wall segment length, which is one fixed length.
  4. Yeah, in this proposal each Civic Center casts its own province. Each province has its own independent phase based on the number of buildings built in the province. So, your core province, mid-game, could be at phase III, while your outer provinces are only at phase I or II. Phase IV, "Capital City" would be a special designation for one of your provinces by building a Wonder inside it. We could give any number or types of bonuses for this Capital province, like economy, training, researching, or all of the above. I can see your empire like a series of bubbles clustered together, the ones nearer the center being bigger, the ones on the edge being smaller.
  5. Sure, but then that is easily adjustable in the template.
  6. Well, let us face the fact that the in-game manual needs a lot of work. Isn't there a patch to improve it bigly that is collecting dust on Trac?
  7. 5) In Delenda Est, play as the Principate Romans to see a "proof of concept" for the slave vs. citizen concept. 6) Phase 4 in DE is a lot different than what I propose here in this thread for the main game. In DE, Phase IV is more about gaining access to those high level upgrades to help break a stalemate or dominate your opponents. Reaching phase IV isn't necessary for victory, as I imagine most "competitive" games playing DE would end in phase 3, like in Age of Empires games. No, Phase IV in this proposal is much different, it's more about designating one of your provinces your "Capital", and thus gaining some very special advantages for this province. Only one province can be the capital, and it's achieved by building a wonder inside its territory. I agree, it's not about "removing" micromanagement, it's about changing its nature, from that of micromanaging the movements of every single little soldier, to managing the movements and attacks of groups of soldiers. It's a much different feel. It also moves management from the single-soldier mosh pit style to the tactical placement, charging, standing ground, etc. of the mass combat that defines the era of the game. The player can feel like he or she is commanding a battle instead of MCing a rave.
  8. Ammo bag should be a prop. Something that's been missing for a long time.
  9. C:\Users\Alekusu\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods Works too.
  10. Because it is only partially implemented broseph.
  11. Choosing a Latin word gives a teachable opportunity in regards to the pronunciation of the letter V.
  12. I. Have. Working. Merc. Camps. In. DE. There is no need to wait until part 2 unless by choice.
  13. See DE for a semi working version of the ishtar gate.
  14. There can be a workaround. Resize your assets to be smaller, which makes the map appear bigger. Would take a lot of adjustments, like camera settings, movement rates, resize terrain textures in their xml files, etc. but could be done. A lot of work. I could see a fun type of game kind of like a real-time RISK, using gameboard pieces that you can move around the "board" attacking each other and capturing provinces.
  15. Yeah. Also, I believe arbitrary obstruction sizes for units was removed in favor of hardcoded obstructions, hence the "passability classes". Can a team member shed some light on this part?
  16. Mercenary Camps work 100% effectively in DE. What's the issue you are having again? Do you mean in regards to multiple civs getting access to the same merc unit? Like, say, on an Egyptian-style map, every player, regardless of civ, can get an Egyptian mercenary from the camp? Yes, you are right, that is an issue i ran into when doing it in DE, so I abandoned biome-specific mercs for now until the issue you brought up is fixed. It's not as problem at all if the unit is a champion, but a builder unit runs until problems as you mention. As a workaround, biome-specific mercs can just not be builders. That could work until a proper fix is made.
  17. As far as I remember, the footprint element in the templates has absolutely nothing to do with obstruction or passability or pathfinding.
  18. Well, let's get on it! EDIT: Just downloaded the Terra Magna mod from github. It is quite playable. Lots of errors when both TM and DE are enabled of course, but no matter. If we can get the 3rd hero in there, maybe move the crossbow units to the merc camp?, and get a wonder modeled, I could get these guys compatiblized with DE in the course of a weekend. When A22 debuts, I cross-promote Terra Magna when I release DE-A22 by highlighting the Chinese included in DE and point to TM, which includes an additional civ not available in DE.
  19. I also forgot, we need a Wonder as well, since in Delenda Est building a Wonder automatically advances the player to the final age.
  20. I call the Mauryans the "Indians" in Delenda Est, already. Also, the Ptolemies are called "Egyptians." EDIT: I've toyed with calling the Greek factions Greeks (Athenians), Greeks (Spartans), etc.
  21. Well, I'd like to just start with the Han first. lol. I'll call them Chinese for now, because I think most players will understand that better than "Han". For instance, the reason the Achaemenids are called "Persians." Later, if there's another Chinese or Persian faction added, then they can be "Chinese (Han)" and "Persians (Achaemenids)", similar to how I do Romans (Principates) and Romans (Republicans).. Anyone else have thoughts or objections?
  22. Hi. I would like to port the Han to Delenda Est with your permission. This means I will need to adjust them to make them compatible with DE gameplay. They'll use the Mauryans' Buddha statue for their Cult Statue for now, and I'll give them at least 2 mercenaries for the merc camp. If I would add them to DE I would also like to come up with 2 more heroes and fill out their champion roster. Does this sound okay to you? Thoughts?
  23. Hit #125 in mod popularity yesterday after releasing just 1 image.
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