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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. No problem. Specifically, I am doing this for the DE version of the Han, but the Terra Magna guys are more than welcome to take anything and everything I do for their own mod. Are you willing to do some more concept art? I think the Han need a Wonder, definitely. General idea is that it should be the Weiyang Palace. Since it's longer than it is wide, it could have the same footprint as the Ptolemies wonder or maybe slightly bigger.
  2. Specific Name: YĆ¼ Lin Generic Name: Feathered Forest Guards Weapons: Cavalry Lance and Cavalry Bow, can switch using DE's upgrade system; I'd say they are trained as Lancers. Description/History: ? @Ayakashi: I just read a bunch of Wikiwand articles about the Han, their government, their army. Those were my sources. There is a lot of little hints and tidbits in those articles that can be gleaned to get an idea of things, but a lot of it isn't openly spelled out for us. We have to infer a lot. <political opinion> Sadly, the Cultural Revolution did a lot of damage to primary sources. </political opinion> About the Government Center, I was thinking of doing this: It would train Ministers, limit of 9, who empower better gathering rates and other bonuses via auras. Buildings would research faster in their aura, etc. 9 of them for the 9 ministries of the Han Dynasty. They'd become an integral part to the player's economy. 1 Minister would be the civ's special starting unit. I'd also move all the techs from the Civic Center, except phasing, to the Government Center. Lastly, I was thinking of moving the Chariot from the Fortress to the Government Center to give it a late game military feature. The Fortress would still house the 2 non-Liu Bang heroes*, 2 champions -- 1 cavalry and 1 infantry, and 2 siege engines and Fortress upgrades. I also will add a new tech pair to the Fortress: Northern Army vs. Southern Army. The Northern Army is the professional army of the empire, while the Southern Army is more militia in nature. 9 Ministers https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nine_Ministers https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Government_of_the_Han_dynasty#/Nine_Ministers - more thorough than the "main" article, ironically. Northern Army and Southern Army Distinction https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Government_of_the_Han_dynasty#/Standing_army_and_army_reserves
  3. http://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est/downloads/delenda-est-alpha-21-release A22 is going to be 10x better even without fundamental changes in gameplay.
  4. My laptop is 5 years old. Wasn't top of the line back then either. Just has a graphics card. The game runs at about 50-60 fps, but spikes and falls between 30 and 100 fps depending on what the AI is doing.
  5. No, I have no torrent available. Just directly downloads. Do you only have Alpha 21?
  6. For downloading torrents, try qBittorrent. It's open-source and cross-platform. https://www.qbittorrent.org/
  7. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Thracian_treasure https://www.google.com/search?q=Thracian+pegasus&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS543US543&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzqY6HoKHUAhUm_4MKHZZBBmYQsAQINA&biw=1600&bih=721
  8. Look up Jason of Pherae and his son, Alexander of Pherae. Thessaly was briefly one of the strongest polities in Greece under their leadership.
  9. IMHO, if you don't have battalions and formation fighting and charges and trampling and cool realistic stuff like that to provide, essentially, countering by proxy, and you instead keep mosh pit combat with single soldiers, then hard-counters are necessary to provide the tactical element to the game. The transition away from hard counters was too soon, because the tactical element they provided was not replaced with formation bonuses and penalties, charging and trampling, and other cool tactical things.
  10. Thracians are definitely something I'm interested in for Delenda Est. Kushites, Thracians, and Scythians.
  11. Can you give some background for each one? Time period. Who formed them. How they were used.
  12. Alright, got it done. Thanks for that. No more error message.
  13. Thankyou. This should point me in the right direction.
  14. Perhaps you can do a little research and see if there are open source or free or low cost solutions the team can use to add such a feature to the site.
  15. DE just uses the public one. Perhaps a problem?
  16. Two requests before you guys go code freeze. #1: I get this error message often. Could it be because of my new resource type? Not sure. WARNING: JavaScript warning: simulation/components/Barter.js line 45 reference to undefined property multiplier.buy[resource] #2: I still get the problem where if there are civs with no building health civ bonus, then they think their buildings are damaged and need repaired. This hurts the AI significantly playing those civs when their units gather around buildings to "repair" them perpetually. To clarify, civs with a building health bonus, like the Greek civs, do not have this problem. Similarly, the Celts who have a building health penalty are likewise unaffected by the bug. I get no error messages pertaining. Maybe it's related to these weird values that show up in the tooltips. Rounding errors?: commands.txt
  17. Scythians would be great to add for the main game, while the Xiongnu for Terra Magna. re: Champions. I've done a lot of reading on the Han. Too much reading, actually, and I didn't take notes. lol, so now I have to go back and read again. But... one thing I did take from my reading what at various times during the empire, the emperors would create different "guard" units for different purposes. For instance, at one point there was a guard unit created specifically to guard the gates to the palace. And these guys would go with the emperor on hunts. This kind of things is all over the place. So, for the infantry champion, I was thinking of something kind of generic, like "Palace Guard." A champion infantry archer which can switch to spear or two-handed sword and back to bow again. For the cavalry champion, I was thinking a heavy lancer that can do the same thing, switch to bow and then back to lance. I do this kind of thing in DE, successfully, with the Mauryan Maiden Archer. This would be the Qin Men Guard Cavalry? Anyway, here's what I got for the Palace Guard Archer -- Hu Ben? --and his sword version: I was thinking of giving them new shield textures. I also think the feathers on their helmets should be bigger and more flamboyant. Should they be more casually dressed? @wolflance @Ayakashi Also, maybe the tall feather things on their backs can go on the Imperial Guard Cavalry, Qin Men?
  18. Working on a Han Chinese blacksmith tech tree. Here is a possibility. By the way, seeking ideas based on history. Aura Imperial Armories: Unlock the Imperial Armory aura which reduces the wood and metal costs for soldiers and siege weapons by a fixed amount for each blacksmith built. Limit of 5. Phase II Pair 1: Unlike for all other civs, for the Han Chinese this pair is not necessary to unlock all other blacksmith techs. They simply take 2x as long to research. Forging: Blacksmith techs -25% cost. Metallurgy: Blacksmith techs -50% research time. Pair 2-A Crossbow Standardization: Crossbow Infantry and Crossbow Cavalry +10% attack and -10% cost. Bamboo Longbows: Archer Units and Ranged Buildings +10% attack and +10% range. Pair 3-A Iron Spearheads: Spear Infantry and Spear Cavalry +20% attack. Ironworking: Sword Infantry and Sword Cavalry +10% attack and -25% metal cost. Phase III Pair 3-B Unknown - Infantry Based: Need ideas. Unknown - Infantry Based: Need ideas. Pair 4-A Unknown - Cavalry Based: Need ideas. Unknown - Cavalry Based: Need ideas. Pair 5-A Unknown - Champion Based: Need ideas. Unknown - Champion Based: Need ideas. Phase IV Single Tech 4-B Unknown - Cavalry Based: Need ideas. Single Tech 5-B Unknown - Champion Based: Need ideas. Single Tech 6-A Unknown - Hero Based: Need ideas.
  19. The game needs move-attack ability. Ability to swing sword, etc., at fleeing target when chasing.
  20. This is generally how I use melee cav in DE. Spear Cavalry are "line" cavalry, with smaller attack but more armor so they stand up better in a melee, while Sword Cavalry are faster and have larger attack, but are easier to kill with lower armor. This mirrors the Spear Infantry and Sword Infantry stats, proportionately.
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