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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. They could get the Siege Ladders tech from DE, which grants soldiers additional capture attack.
  2. Female Citizen References Here's some references for female attire. Just remove the jewellery for non-royal versions. Some texture attempts: Could be improved: Comment: I've made 3 skin tone variations for these female textures, the tones are available in the female base psd.
  3. The thread for unit textures and props, except shields. Shields are another thread. All unit textures will need specular maps. @Sundiata and @balduin can provide more references and commentary. Attached, base textures: kush_female_base.psd kush_male_base.psd Unit Roster Civic Center Kushite Woman Nubian Spearman Barracks Nubian Archer Fastest archer in the game, like the Mayan Plumed Archer in Age of Kings:The Conquerors. Meroitic Pikeman Perhaps make available after researching Sarissa at the Blacksmith. Meroitic Axeman Swordsman class, but attack is half crush damage. Meroitic Spear Cavalry I suggest can switch back and forth from spear to javelin. Temple of Amun (Terra Magna, a special building / in Delenda Est, an upgrade for the standard Temple) Priest of Amun Napatan Temple Guard (khopesh swordsman) Boosted by the Fervor for Amun special tech. Fortress Hero 1 Hero 2 Hero 3 Meroitic Noble Archer (champion unit) Perhaps can switch to firing fire arrows, for a siege attack, same as Maiden Guard in DE. Meroitic Noble Cavalry Lancer (champion unit) Kushite Light War-Elephant Mercenary Camp (Delenda Est) / Tribal Village (Terra Magna; a special buildable structure) Nuba Clubman Nuba Hunter (skirmisher) Gives them access to a skirmisher unit. Blemmye Mercenary Camel Lancer Blemmye Mercenary Camel Archer General Looks for Units Basic Citizen-Soldiers: Bare chested. No armor. No sandals. Bare headed. Simple loin cloths and cumberbuns. Advanced Citizen-Soldiers: Bare chested. Strappy leather corselet across stomach for armor. No sandals. Decorative animal skins for loincloths. Decorative cumberbuns and straps. No helmet for lighter units, basic helmet for heavier units. Bronze bracelets and arm bands. Elite Citizen-Soldiers: Linen/cotton Meroitic tunic for chest/shoulders or padded linen/cotton armor for "heavier" units. Meroitic sandals for the feet. Decorative cumberbuns and straps. Basic helmet. Additional bronze bracelets and arm bands. Champions: Scale or padded armor. Meroitic sandals for the feet. What else? Heroes: Crown with snake heads. Colorful tunics and gowns. Lots of jewelry and golden/bronze bracelets, anklets, etc. Colorful gorgets. Nubian Units, specifically the Archer and Spearman: Units with this hairstyle ("Nubians") are the ones that get (ostrich) feathers. Either 1 feather (Basic Rank) , 2 feathers (Advanced Rank), or 3 feathers Elite Rank).
  4. Well, that's part of my reluctance with having a large new special building taking up even more map space, when it could be better if you just upgraded an existing building. And you really think a shrine wall or courtyard around the current temple would look bad? Serious question.
  5. lol, alright guys, do what you want. My point was you can make the footprints whatever you want them to be.
  6. The standard temple can have statues, columns, whatever that can fill out the footprint of what the upgrade would fill. The Amun-upgrade need not be ginormous. The Library building for other civs, for instance, is merely a representation rather than the large structure it really was. Same could hold true here. I was thinking of a way to make use of the game's upgrade feature, which seems more interesting for the player than just having another building to build. IMHO.
  7. While I enjoy options, you have to make options distinct. What would be the functional difference between a palisade and a fence, strictly speaking, besides the fence being cheaper? Right now, there are a lot of functional differences besides cost between Palisades and City Walls.
  8. Battle for Middle Earth 2 had two types of portals: Gates and Sally Ports. Gates were very large and let all kinds of units through, friend and foe alike. They were like 0 a.d.'s gates though--they let enemies through into your city if the gate was open. So, there's a level of management required with Gates. Sally Ports on the other hand required no management, as they did not let enemies through, only the player's own units. Catch was, it only let one unit through at a time, so was much slower, more costly, and didn't allow larger units like siege weapons through. So, basically you get more bandwidth with Gates, but are less secure. You get less bandwidth with Sally Ports, but are more secure.
  9. Yeah, no need to split the thread itself, just split off the conversations. This thread can remain as it is of course. It's a fantastic resource.
  10. I think they should complete their animation if each new click is a series in a single command -- say, for waypoints, etc. But if it's a completely new command the animation should get disrupted in favor of the new click. Hope that make sense. lmao
  11. I'd fix it for you, but you'd have to contribute to my Patreon. j/k
  12. Wrong thread to discuss this, but my thoughts are that if you are shift-clicking waypoints, then multiple arrow animations can overlap just fine. But if you click somewhere, then change your mind and immediately click elsehwere for a completely new command, oberriding the first command, the first arrow should immediately disappear in favor of the new one. @elexis @stanislas69
  13. I decided to still keep your arrows for now. It's such a help to gameplay, it needs committed for A23 for sure. When I took them out I immediately regretted it upon playtesting.
  14. Something like this could be the same class as a "Merc Camp." Capture this dock to get access to some local warship types or fishermen, etc.
  15. <plug> This is why #MercenaryCamps could be a nice addition to the game. You could give a player access to unit types they normally wouldn't have access to. For example, archers for Republican Romans. </plus>
  16. Right, white = strongest specular, black = least specular. Things like cloth would generally be pretty dark, while metal is the whitest. Skin and leather is in between. This is why we need separate threads.
  17. Noice. Looks like the Elite level, right @Sundiata, @balduin? Also, wacky, please make spec maps. as you make these. Luckily, you may be able to use 1 spec map for multiple texture varuations, for example.
  18. There really needs to be some additional WIP threads, separate from this thread. This thread seems to be the reference-dump thread that would inform all the other niche threads. @Sundiata, do you just want me and others to start them? Civ Profile Shields, Helmets, and Weapons Units and Unit Textures Buildings omg, ican haz files?
  19. I'm cool with Thracians or Scythians. Scythians could be a good jumping off point for Sarmations in Part 2, and Xiongnu/Mongols to give the Han a nemesis.
  20. Mods can definitely be played on A22. as far as I know though, DE is the only one released for A22 so far.
  21. I'll post some base textures so the skin colors, etc. remain consistent. kush_female_base.psd kush_male_base.psd Please make spec maps too. Examples:
  22. The problem is they nuke the counters and have no new mechanics to replace it. Should have waited until new mechanics are ready.
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