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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. There are some weird issues, true. But can be fixed. Probably too late for A22 anyway -?-, so will be perfect by the time A23 comes around. It's great to see progress though. It's has bothered me for a long time. lol
  2. Okay, with the Government Center, now renamed Imperial Court, for DE I'm going to come up with a brand new teching scheme, and then if Terra Magna guys like it, can be adopted by you guys! The Imperial Court will train the Nine Ministers, but will also have a tree of technologies like this: Economy Administration: +20% gathering rates, all resources Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Army Administration: -10% train time, +10% health, all soldiers Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 ...etc. for a bunch of different areas of concern. Maybe a complete 8 sets! These Administrative levels can take the place of many technologies in the current tech tree and focuses it all on the Imperial Court, kind of like the University from AOK, but even more important. You "level up" different areas of your civilization in a completely different way than other civs.
  3. Probably the Game Development & Technical Discussion forum. But perhaps @feneur could rename the Art Development forum to Art and Sound Development forum? What do they think.
  4. Definitely a woman. Yeah, and it depends on what timeframe we're looking at for A22
  5. Okay, the unit selections/gui stuff is good, and the original structree error is gone. Now I get one final error with structree: ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/structree/helper.js line 176 TypeError: template is null GetPhaseOfTemplate@gui/structree/helper.js:176:6 selectCiv@gui/structree/structree.js:181:22 __eventhandler221 (selectionchange)@civSelection selectionchange:0:1 init@gui/structree/structree.js:36:27 openStrucTree@gui/session/menu.js:1027:1 __eventhandler197 (press)@civIconOverlay press:0:1 ERROR: GUI page 'page_structree.xml': Failed to call init() function
  6. @fatherbushido This is what I get with that patch when I select a builder: ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/Builder.js line 48 ReferenceError: disabledEntities is not defined Builder.prototype.GetEntitiesList/<@simulation/components/Builder.js:48:32 Builder.prototype.GetEntitiesList@simulation/components/Builder.js:48:9 GuiInterface.prototype.GetAllBuildableEntities@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:857:24 GuiInterface.prototype.ScriptCall@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:2016:10 getAllBuildableEntities@gui/session/unit_commands.js:210:9 getAllBuildableEntitiesFromSelection@gui/session/unit_commands.js:216:28 g_SelectionPanels.Construction.getItems@gui/session/selection_panels.js:241:10 setupUnitPanel@gui/session/unit_commands.js:59:14 updateUnitCommands@gui/session/unit_commands.js:147:4 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:493:2 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:868:2 onTick@gui/session/session.js:746:3 __eventhandler106 (tick)@sn tick:0:1 ERROR: Error calling component script function ScriptCall ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/Builder.js line 48 ReferenceError: disabledEntities is not defined Builder.prototype.GetEntitiesList/<@simulation/components/Builder.js:48:32 Builder.prototype.GetEntitiesList@simulation/components/Builder.js:48:9 GuiInterface.prototype.GetAllBuildableEntities@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:857:24 GuiInterface.prototype.ScriptCall@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:2016:10 getAllBuildableEntities@gui/session/unit_commands.js:210:9 getAllBuildableEntitiesFromSelection@gui/session/unit_commands.js:216:28 g_SelectionPanels.Construction.getItems@gui/session/selection_panels.js:241:10 setupUnitPanel@gui/session/unit_commands.js:59:14 updateUnitCommands@gui/session/unit_commands.js:147:4 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:493:2 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:868:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:805:2 __eventhandler107 (simulationupdate)@sn simulationupdate:0:1
  7. Your fix actually does work in-game. I select the dude and get no error and the correct buildings are there in the GUI as expected. I couldn't get the diff to work, was rejected, but I found and replaced the right lines of code. No more error, EXCEPT..... When I open structree. ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_military_colony.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_military_colony' ERROR: Invalid template found for 'structures/chin_military_colony' ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/structree/helper.js line 19 TypeError: data is undefined loadTemplate@gui/structree/helper.js:19:1 loadStructure@gui/structree/load.js:51:17 selectCiv@gui/structree/structree.js:90:1 __eventhandler238 (selectionchange)@civSelection selectionchange:0:1 init@gui/structree/structree.js:36:27 openStrucTree@gui/session/menu.js:1027:1 __eventhandler214 (press)@civIconOverlay press:0:1 ERROR: GUI page 'page_structree.xml': Failed to call init() function
  8. Yes. Could be an error or oversight. Well, with a master list and code that properly does the {civ} thing you don't have to add or remove anything! Only in very specific cases.
  9. It's a ridiculous criticism, since Trebuchets are specifically anti-castle. lol They're good against buildings and that's it. Not like Siege Catapults which can mow down hundreds of enemy soldiers and destroy buildings.
  10. It's pretty obvious, actually. But
  11. Hi. I was attempting to greatly simplify all of the builder units in the game, namely infantry, by removing their builder components in each individual file, something like 50 files. I then just made one master list in the generic infantry template using the {civ} tag for all, thinking the individual soldiers would just be able to build the buildings they have in their civ. For example. Instead of 50 individual soldiers having this in their templates: <Builder> <Entities datatype="tokens"> structures/{civ}_catapult structures/sele_military_colony structures/sele_library structures/sele_wonder </Entities> </Builder> I created one glorious, beautiful master list in the template_unit_infantry: <Builder> <Rate>1.0</Rate> <Entities datatype="tokens"> structures/{civ}_civil_centre structures/{civ}_military_colony structures/{civ}_house structures/{civ}_storehouse structures/{civ}_farmstead structures/{civ}_field structures/{civ}_rotarymill structures/{civ}_corral structures/{civ}_dock structures/{civ}_shipyard structures/{civ}_market structures/{civ}_pillar_ashoka structures/{civ}_outpost structures/{civ}_defense_tower other/wallset_palisade structures/{civ}_wallset_short structures/{civ}_wallset_stone structures/{civ}_wallset_siege structures/{civ}_barracks structures/{civ}_stables structures/{civ}_barracks_aux structures/{civ}_elephant_stables structures/{civ}_embassy_celtic structures/{civ}_embassy_iberian structures/{civ}_embassy_italiote structures/{civ}_syssiton structures/{civ}_gymnasion structures/{civ}_blacksmith structures/{civ}_kennel structures/{civ}_government_center structures/{civ}_statue structures/{civ}_temple structures/{civ}_temple_vesta structures/{civ}_arch structures/{civ}_theatron structures/{civ}_library structures/{civ}_lighthouse structures/{civ}_apadana structures/{civ}_prytaneion structures/{civ}_army_camp structures/{civ}_fortress structures/{civ}_catapult structures/{civ}_wonder </Entities> </Builder> I did this thinking it would work, since something almost exactly the same works for the ProductionQueue element for training units: <ProductionQueue> <BatchTimeModifier>0.8</BatchTimeModifier> <Entities datatype="tokens"> units/{civ}_infantry_spearman_b units/{civ}_infantry_pikeman_b units/{civ}_infantry_swordsman_b units/{civ}_infantry_javelinist_b units/{civ}_infantry_slinger_b units/{civ}_infantry_archer_b units/{civ}_infantry_crossbowman_b units/{civ}_cavalry_swordsman_b units/{civ}_cavalry_spearman_b units/{civ}_cavalry_javelinist_b units/{civ}_cavalry_archer_b units/{civ}_cavalry_crossbowman_b </Entities> <Technologies datatype="tokens"> training_levy_infantry training_mobilization training_total_war </Technologies> </ProductionQueue> See, when training units it just picks the right units based on what is available for the civ. Can this be extended to the <Builder> component too? Otherwise I get this nastiness: ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_barracks_aux.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_barracks_aux' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_elephant_stables.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_elephant_stables' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_embassy_celtic.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_embassy_celtic' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_embassy_iberian.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_embassy_iberian' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_military_colony.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_military_colony' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_rotarymill.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_rotarymill' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_pillar_ashoka.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_pillar_ashoka' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_wallset_short.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_wallset_short' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_wallset_siege.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/chin_wallset_siege' ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/structures/chin_stables.xml" This can be done to the public mod templates too, if we can get this to work. One benefit, besides template cleanliness and consistency, is that you can now put the RotaryMill, for example, in the GUI next to the Farmstead where it belongs, whereas currently it's put at the end of the GUI list with the Fortress because the tokens are always added to the end.
  12. Yes, not sure why they are so resistant to simply making the catapults outrange towers. It's probably because towers have ridiculous range as it is...
  13. Johnny_Cash. Warning: It's a pretty noob game.
  14. Dat Skiritai spam. OP much? Just played a 4 player FFA. Haven't played core game in a while. I eventually won, but the game was a mess. Buildings take so long to build it's very frustrating. A big chunk of my time spent coaching a newbie how to play. lol. In the game setup page I promised to kill him last. I keep my promises. XD 2017-06-04_0001.zip
  15. Okay, you convinced me. Especially about the Weiyang Palace scenario, which could also make a great skirmish map, or "Capture the Wonder" scenario. Anyone else have any thoughts?
  16. I understand your reservations about the size, but really, everything is scaled down in one way or another, right? Wouldn't Mingtang Biyong, plus a wall and gate, a courtyard, some towers, and beefed up a little bit, more elaborate, make for a good approximation of Weiyang Palace? I'm not against Mingtang Biyong being the wonder. It's just Weyang is more wondrous. "Government Center" is just a generic name, really. It conjures up images of the Chinese being obsessed with government administration. Perhaps Administration Center sounds better, though it's still generic. It doesn't really represent the Emperor himself, but rather the massive civil service arrayed below him, personified by the 9 Ministers. I could see building one being a prereq for Champions though. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the corral and market, especially.
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