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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. architecturally speaking wouldn't they span the lintel all the way around the portico, not just on the sides? lol
  2. I'd go with the curved thureos. It gives more depth to the shield. They need a version without the central spine though. @stanislas69, you up for that?
  3. What is the wonder to be? The Amun temple is already the size of a wonder. That's what I was worried about. May I request a Cult Statue for DE?
  4. I like that solution. Should be added to the core game.
  5. Niiiiice. I might play with it and get something nice. A request: Use the Ptolemaic merchant ship as a base and edit it for the Kushites? Mainly need projectile prop point, etc.
  6. Hmm, could use prop points to have slaves/slavery stand on the dock area.
  7. Now it looks gorgous! The castle was the building I knew would look very nice with an AO map. Now you need one for all buildings.
  8. Spec maps use the same basic UV as the diffuse map. The engine automatically detects the 2nd UV and uses that for your pre-rendered AO map. I don't think it needs a special name, but I could be wrong on that point. This thread may help: "create a second UV coordinates" looks to be the relevant info.
  9. You need a 2nd UV in the model for the AO map. Do you have that?
  10. Priest: Guy in front, could maybe use a bronze/gold helmet as shown here with the cobra piece on the forehead. Also maybe a new staff. Some textures so far:
  11. Yes, Spellforce environments look incredible. Would be perfect for 0 A.D.
  12. My suggested roster, based on yours Sundiata. Civic Center Kushite Woman Nubian Clubman Basic-only, does not promote, similar to the Rorarius in DE. Barracks Nubian Archer Fastest archer in the game, like the Mayan Plumed Archer in Age of Kings:The Conquerors. Nubian Spearman Meroitic Pikeman Perhaps make available after researching Sarissa at the Blacksmith. Meroitic Swordsman Meroitic Spear Cavalry I suggest can switch back and forth from spear to javelin. Temple of Amun (Terra Magna, a special building / in Delenda Est, an upgrade for the standard Temple) Priest of Amun Napatan Temple Guard (axeman) Boosted by the Fervor for Amun special tech. Fortress Hero 1 Hero 2 Hero 3 Meroitic Noble Archer (champion unit) Perhaps can switch to firing fire arrows, for a siege attack, same as Maiden Guard in DE. Meroitic Noble Cavalry Lancer (champion unit) Kushite Light War-Elephant Mercenary Camp (Delenda Est) / Tribal Village (Terra Magna; a special buildable structure) Nuba Tribesman (skirmisher) Gives them access to a skirmisher unit. Blemmye Mercenary Camel Lancer Blemmye Mercenary Camel Archer =================================================================================== If we can get the turrets feature implemented, the elephant driver/rider could throw javelins at random nearby enemies.
  13. Someone, like @LordGood or @stanislas69 should teach @The Undying Nephalim how we do the AO maps. Exporting the 2nd UV and such. Gods! I wish we could get 0 A.D.'s nature to look like that.
  14. It's very simple. Make a copy of your working file, then apply a desaturation layer over everything. From there you can lighten and darken things on a per-layer basis to get the highlights you want.
  15. Hmmm, for DE Ima put those in the merc camp. It would be awesome to have some biome/ethnic themed merc camps though. Like a "Nuba Village"-looking camp for Egypt/Kush maps. "Nuba Tribesman" could give the civ access to the skirmisher class.
  16. @Sundiata: Footwear. Basic and Advanced = barefoot. Elite = sandaled? Need references for headgear. Basic, Advanced, Elite. I suggest Basic just be a plain head, no gear or paint.
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