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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. These are already as accurate as you're going to get.
  2. Just some knowldge: Hellenic = Greek Hellenistic = After Alexander spread the Greek across the world So, Hellenic tunics should be short. Hellenistic tunics would be long, FOR THE MOST PART. Of course there would be overlap and I am being simplistic. But it would be a simple way to distinguish the two looks.
  3. This is alpha 21. All the unit files are updated for A22.
  4. What I mean is, how will the be implemented? More XML files or by pulling the information from existing templates and auras?
  5. Most units and buildings use the standard health, armor, attack stats from common parent templates. For example, a spearman from one civ tends to have the same stats as a spearman from another civ; a blacksmith has the same health and cost from one civ to the next. There are exceptions of course! And those exceptions are what give the civs their flavor. But in general, if you make their buildings stronger, you should balance that somehow, probably with cost and build time. Same with exceptional units. But for overall civ strength, you can't know that, usually, until after many many multiplayer games between your new civ and the others. Then you can buff or nerf according to that data.
  6. Thank you. This is not the intended behavior.
  7. As far as I know shoulder strap did not come into play until the Hellenistic age
  8. Why rewrite stuff that can be pulled from existing files?
  9. Here's what I'd do. I would focus capture on the Civic Center. Once that is captured nearby buildings then become capturable. Until the CC is captured you have to destroy the enemy buildings as per tradition.
  10. It would be awesome to have a mesh and animations for this: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2017_07/174336880201403131122527154485759099_001.jpg.3e767c942c7a073786e2dd1583be3232.jpg
  11. Depends what you mean by small and medium ships. As far as I can tell from this thread and my own reading, these guys should probably only have a fishing boat, merchant ship, and light warship. So triangle sail for fishing boat and merchant ship? When I ask about patterns or designs for flags and sails I mean for player color.
  12. Could this model be reexported with a projectile and garrison prop points? Can be good fora Kushite light warship. We need to come up with some common designs or patterns for flags and sails and such as well. @Sundiata any insight for that?
  13. Then find an accurate image plz? Lol
  14. Here's what this faction needs: -Decide on unit roster, then create a thread for reference gathering and art progress. - Repeat the above for all other aspects of the civ.
  15. lol, good catch. Then it's obviously unrelated.
  16. Maybe a coincidence, but 0 A.D. has frozen a lot for me lately too. I'll try to post the logs if it happens again.
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