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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Nah, just have the original tier-1 barracks have the same obstruction size as the upgraded tier-2 barracks.
  2. I don't buy that explanation. It had to have been mismanagement. If you lost 2 big projects, then why wouldn't you downsize and refocus on the remaining projects/new project?
  3. Maybe, like making the option for sounds to be omnipresent. Toggling cloud actors is not really a config option kind of thing, but maybe it is. As I said previously too, distance fog doesn't need turned off per se, it just needs reduced by a factor of 10. I don't think disabling the fog entirely would be desirable, as it's an integral part to some maps, just adjusted by a certain amount. Also, looks like an orthographic matrix would be more ideal than adjusting 3D camera options to cheat a semi-realistic isometric view like what I'm doing. With such a matrix, it would be better to just have its own config, maybe: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3653#comment:7 Because what I'm doing with this config modification is really just cheating. It's pulling back the 3D camera suuuuper far so that things look flat, and then reducing the camera field of view to blow up a tiny section of the view and make it visible. That's why the distance fog looks so thick, because in reality you are looking at everything from a super far distance, and that's why the sounds don't work right too, they're too far away even though they "look" close. There would need to be totally separate sound configs, certainly. The current sound system is quasi-3D, whereas in an isometric game you don't want or need 3D audio at all. Also, if you still want building rotation in iso/ortho mode, which I would since the game world is still technically 3D and you may need to rotate non-square buildings around obstacles, etc., the building rotation should be capped to 45 degree angles. In perspective mode you'd expect/want more freedom.
  4. In the unpacked state, how do people reach the platform? Maybe a small set of steps.
  5. True, it's not obvious, but neither are a lot of other minor features. I will say that it's even less than not obvious, more like "hidden" is the best word. It's not mentioned anywhere in the game. Though again, a lot of the "information" plainly presented in the game is flat out wrong, so which is worse? haha! But yeah, I'd remove it and go with a more macro placement of the farms for efficiency rather than a diminishing returns efficiency,which is more micro-ish. Farming is supposed to be more macro than other forms of food gathering, so we could go all the way with it and drop the diminishing returns bit and go full macro with the farmlands.
  6. Darnit. I was going to suggest a Marvel Cinematic Universe RTS. How that would work? Idunno! Guilty.
  7. But you are right. I would much rather have a more visual or strategic effect with farms insteadof a diminishing returns thing. See: Farmlands in DE. Also like in AOK it wouldbe nice if the farmers walked around a bit too.
  8. Two issues I'm having. I'm sure I have some deprecated file somewhere. Glory is not being looted anymore. I once had this working, but now I'm not sure why it doesn't work anymore. All units have a little Glory as loot when they die. Not working. Wonder of the Ages aura does not work to increase the pop cap anymore. When you build or capture a Wonder, it's supposed to raise your pop cap by 10%.
  9. Attempting a Technologies table as well. Not every technology, mind. Just important/unique ones. http://delendaest.wikia.com/wiki/Principate_Romans#Technologies
  10. @sphyrth, is this what you're looking for? http://delendaest.wikia.com/wiki/Principate_Romans
  11. also, whether the resource can be bartered, traded, tributed; true/false.
  12. I'd use the Zebu as a base, not the muskox, imho.
  13. Yeah, the in-world tooltips look annoying. I don't mind in-world tooltips, but only in certain circumstances. UI tooltips are good and useful though.
  14. Nice! I'd say, given that this is a relatively rare building, use more horses in the packed state.
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