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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. ec is a professional, but there's no harm in getting a round quote for a brief. Might want to discuss with @LordGood first.
  2. https://ethicallychallenged.deviantart.com/ <--- Get this guy to make main menu backgrounds. Others: https://jasonjuta.deviantart.com/
  3. There needs to be a bigger version of the Beja rhino shield. I have seen many references showing a larger shield.
  4. That's what I mean. The current Athenians set seems pretty good for the Athenians, with some minor additions, maybe make the Prytaneion more special looking. The Macedonians could possibly use an updated look.
  5. Yeah, it's most notable with the Kushite skull cap, since it is so close to the head. Which is why @stanislas69 had to make a custom one for the champ cav. But the effect still affects other helmets too of course.
  6. Hmm, the helmet prop point apparently has moved in relation to the head prop point for the rider animations, when compared to infantry.
  7. The Ptolemaic unit should be renamed ptol_camelry_archer, yeah.
  8. I think the best thing about the game is how nice the tech tree page looks and how easy it is to use. lol
  9. It's partially the map but it's mostly the Skybox textures themselves. (the black bands)
  10. What's the primary reference for this? Just curious where the reenactor got his inspiration.
  11. you need to fix that white line at the base of the neck right quick
  12. It would be nice feature in Atlas to take a snapshot map preview.
  13. While that is interesting and would be cool, I think it might introduce additional gameplay ramifications I'd rather not have to deal with. Forward building is already pretty dangerous, and this would make it even more dangerous. That's just one ramification off the top of my head.
  14. Almost nothing he says there interests me. He spends 3 paragraphs arguing against gates for Christ's sake.
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