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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Many of the Carthaginian units are using Thracian style Hellenistic helms, which I have seen on many reference images.
  2. Not sure what's wrong with the current head or why this new one has a giant neck on it.
  3. I will probably have to do this right before 1.0 release so as to avoid deprecation. Thanks.
  4. Nah, should look nice IMHO. They only live for all of about 100 seconds before they die anyway. Right, perhaps a prop or modified elephant model for this. I think the tower and pillow should be positioned forward slightly on the eles' back. Right now it looks like it rests on the animals back hip.
  5. Not sure if this is core game or DE, but dead animal corpses for a long while now no longer disappear when a building is built over them, creating some bad behavior from hunters. Not sure if this is a bug or just an annoying feature. I distinctly remember at one point animal corpses did disappear if you built a building on them, but I don't remember when that changed. Perhaps it's just a missing tag in the fauna template.
  6. Persians, Indians, and Kushites should be the archery civs. But are they currently?
  7. There should be a "tips booklet," where you can cycle through the tips like a slideshow. In fact, this should be accessible through the menu and also part of the loading screen.
  8. I think rams should be super vulnerable to melee units, while devastating to buildings. So, the tactic is: Kill all the nearby enemy units, then role in with rams to take down the buildings.
  9. You all know I don't agree with adjustable batch sizes. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/21497 But that's okay to disagree. I would like to change it for my mod though. I want to "hard code" the batch sizes to multiple of 5 to create a consistent interface experience [eh hemmmm] for all of the mod's eventual players. How do?
  10. That looks great for the Ptolemies and maybe a Carthaginian elephant upgrade. I think a Kushite one could probably look different? @Sundiata
  11. I have a very simple template Photoshop file. I take a large screenshot in Atlas with the ground texture set to purple or green, cut out the unit in Photoshop, then apply magic from the template file. unit_portrait.psd
  12. Make your final unit actor commits for this release and I'll make icons for them. Most of the Kushite portraits look to need updating. So, a new tower for smaller elephants. Snake crowns for the heroes. The new tack accoutrements for the cavalry.
  13. Some individual variants, plus some "clump" variants would be nice.
  14. We need some Papyrus flora eye candy for maps like this and other Nile maps. Maybe could make it gatherable and passable at the same time? Just a suggestion.
  15. I liked a lot of the R1TW mods. Rome:Total Realism was my my muffuggin JAM y'all.
  16. My ultimate ancient combat game would have the player in control of one single battalion within a larger army. This battalion itself becomes your character, which you level up, train, recruit, drill, outfit with kit, raise up soldiers within the ranks, and ultimately with which you coordinate with other players to destroy enemy armies.
  17. Trample actually existed before the engine rewrite.
  18. I think I figured out the problem. The Kush units are already in the production queue as {civ}_merc_camelry_1 etc. So by adding them again they're really just doubled up in the list and ignored. So all I really need to do is just have a bunch of separate units for the ethnic mercs, which isn't a bad idea anyway. I was just trying to be too clever by half by throwing in the already existing kush mercs.
  19. I might have to make a "merc" civ.json or something and then have a bunch of merc_ units for training at the various ethnically-themed merc camps. For cavalry mercs it's not really necessary, but for ethnic mercs to be able to build the player's buildings I might have to do something like that to make {native} work. Or make civ.jsons for each of the ethnicities, which might be overkill.
  20. Well, I got all that. Just trying to understand how it helps make ethnic merc camps viable. Say, I want a Blemmye Encampment merc camp. I want a Seleucid player to be able to capture it and be able to: Train his own Seleucid mercs Train Blemmye mercs too [kush_merc_camelry_1 and _2] I tried making the civ of the Blemmye Encampment merc camp "Kush" and then added {native}_merc_camelry_1 and _2 to the prodqueue and this did not work as hoped.
  21. I do something similar to this in DE. I call them "Trample" auras and they work, but not ideally. Ideally, the aura would only activate when the unit is in motion, not idle. This requires new code.
  22. Okay, I read through the differential page [ https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1084 ]. For some reason it sounds really useful, but I'm not understanding how to use it to achieve what I want. This is confusing me:
  23. Found it: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1065 And I just tested it. Looks like the way is already paved for "ethnic" mercenaries along the lines of AOE3, if that's so desired. EDIT: Nope, the merc camp won't train a merc unit whose civ is not the player's civ. poop. Looks like that's a different issue. The units work right [a Kushite merc unit will build all of the Athenian buildings if an Athenian player owns the Kushite unit], but the structure aspect doesn't work yet.
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