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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. LordGood is right. These are torsion engines. Torsion more or less means "twisty power."
  2. Romans did not put onagers on wheels as far as I know. Better to just do the same as all the other catapults and keep it stationary.
  3. I meant making the wheel rounder. But that's up to you.
  4. Right but it doesn't have to be added to the production queue yet.
  5. In the base game check out the sentry tower template. Look for the <Upgrade> tag.
  6. That front skirt should just be a prop like the scale one.
  7. I think the shape of the head on the old pony is more accurate than the new horse.
  8. Do you have link to those? I really appreciate the scale of the new horse. The old horse looks comically small in comparison, even taking into account that ancient horses were smaller than modern horses. We may be able to keep the current horse and animations, but rename them to pony_. I seem to remember reference to Celts using ponies to pull their chariots, not full-sized horses.
  9. Hey, here's a tweak for the Onager texture. Some brightness, plus some saturation, plus a small amount of player color.
  10. I'm curious why you didn't just update the actors instead of making new ones called "pivot" etc.
  11. Animations look great. The UV mapping needs a lot of help though.
  12. Yeah, I recently implemented the slave economy to all civs. There are Male Citizens and Female Citizens, who build economic and civic buildings, and who have a Slave Ownership aura which boosts: Male and Female Slaves, who are available to train after building a Market. So... Male Citizen - Trained at the Civic Center, builds economic and civic buildings, mediocre at gathering resources. Has Slave Ownership aura. Female Citizen - Trained at Houses after building 5/10 houses, builds economic and civic buildings, mediocre at gathering resources. Has Slave Ownership and Inspiration auras. Male Slave - Trained at the Storehouse after building a Market. Cannot build, but gathers resources very well, especially when within the Slave Ownership aura. Female Slave - Trained at the Farmstead after building a Market. Cannot build, but gathers resources very well, especially when within the Slave Ownership aura. I would like to combine the male and female variations into one unit each, Citizen and Slave, to make things simpler. This is basically the same functionality that Age of Kings had back in 1999 with its male and female villagers. I can do this visually with actor variations, but their selection sounds, specifically their voices will not be correct. I asked some WFG developers about allowing entities to have more than 1 gender and I was advised to submit a patch. lol, I guess it'll never happen then!
  13. Yeah, the Git repo should work with the current SVN/dev version of 0 A.D.
  14. It looks like they updated the card styles. I appreciated and understood what they were trying to do with the "Red Fired Amphorae" style for the unit cards, but I still recognized they were horrible from a gameplay perspective.
  15. Delenda Est, but with ages instead of phases. Add battalions for soldiers. Add AOE3/AOEO home cities. Add age-up choices ala AOM. Have "god powers" but slightly more mundane, call them "Commandments" or something, just boosts or policies that affect gameplay. Have an incredibly well-written and historical campaign for "Europe", "Africa", and "The East." Basically, harness the entire "Age" canon, and then include some extra innovations.
  16. Make sure they keep the same monotonous and boring gameplay! My god, can villagers be any slower? No wonder I always played Deathmatch back in the 90s.
  17. Seems odd to me that they would improve the graphics so much, but then not improve the super ugly fog of war.
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