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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I see where you're coming from but I don't think that's a flaw particular to my idea, since melee units can easily be pummeled at long range already if the enemy archer has a greater range than your soldier's vision.
  2. How bou dat? byzantine_struct.zip
  3. My post wasn't meant to be a definitive proposal. The behavior of ranged units would need to be adjusted as well of course.
  4. Yeah, my thought was that there should be an "action range" in addition to a vision range. Currently, all units berserk against anything that comes within vision range. This makes army control (needlessly) difficult. So, selecting stances would decouple this behavior from vision range: Aggressive: Attack any enemy unit/building within 95% of vision range. Defensive (default): Only attack enemy units/buildings within 50% of vision range. Standground: Only attack enemy units/buildings within 5-10% of vision range. Other stances, like Passive and Avoid, are defaults for specific units (Avoid for Female Citizens, for instance) or attached to abilities (Passive for some kind of Scouting command) and not much relevant to what I'm talking about.
  5. I think the layout is key. Then the aesthetics can be built around that. It would be nice to assign aesthetics on a civ-by-civ basis.
  6. How hard would it be to allow the player to dynamically* place the main GUI elements where they wish? Probably a complete GUI rewrite, I fear? *Maybe not 100% dynamic, but perhaps to provide many options for placement. Probably night and day between the two as far as coding.
  7. Interesting. fyi, I'm keeping the DE mod up to date, I'm just not going to do any alpha releases until Beta. What kind of additions/changes for realism are you planning on making? What other civs are you thinking of adding?
  8. I'm not a programmer myself, but it's possible the extent of their skills remains in tooling around in Unity or Unreal or whatever off-the-shelf engine they used.
  9. I got it. Git got a weird error/mix up when I renamed the shoushe model.
  10. Well, I found the cavalry helmet error, but the Shoushe eludes me, because it works just fine on my local copy...
  11. Yep, similar to Battle for Middle Earth II. My favorite UI-style so far.
  12. Hmm, the difference being that Empires Apart is claimed by their developer to be a completed game. WFG does not claim 0 A.D. to be a completed game. I wouldn't buy 0 A.D. in its current state, but like I said, WFG doesn't pretend they have a complete game on their hands, while the Empires Apart devs do. lol
  13. Excellent choice. His war against the Bulgars even starts at the nice, even 1000 A.D.
  14. Those do look awesome and more realistic. Thank you for clarifying. Your earlier screenshots did not convey this effect effectively, but these create a nice affect. Maybe I think it blurs slightly too much, but I'm nitpicking at this point.
  15. But... I like sharp shadows... at least for a "sunny" scene. "Soft" shadows indicate a lot of ambient light, such as during a cloudy day. It would be great to be able to adjust this, maybe with a slider, so that a cloudy/rainy scene can have really fuzzy shadows, while a "high noon" desert scene can have sharper shadows.
  16. Right, just saying I merely stole the shields from the Xiongnu. You can commit the files from Terra Magna to public and use those.
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