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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I wish @Shiyn would come back and give us the PSD file. lol
  2. It's DELETED indeed, but my point is there is either a bug in the archiver or the engine which doesn't apply .DELETED files correctly from the newly created mod archive.
  3. Not necessarily. I assume most of the known modders use SVN?
  4. Right. I was just making sure you weren't saying they cheated or something. If there's a standard match settings for rated games, then I hope its moddable (default pop and resources in DE is 500), or the settings just choose the "default" settings so that it carries over to mods. I know rated games don't include mods, but it could be cool in the future to do so.
  5. That would definitely need fixed for major mods like this to be successfully packaged.
  6. I don't get it. Surely the match was even? Your opponent didn't start with more resources or anything, right?
  7. Indeed. In depictions of the Panathenaia you can see sacrificial bulls being led with the procession.
  8. The actor can simply give the brown texture a "frequency" of 5 or something, compared to 1 or 2 for the others.
  9. Not a bad start, but I would make the body a little leaner and the horns a little more outrageous.
  10. I think Dacian architectural references are okay for the Thracians in lieu of good references. As far as units go, I think the Dacian units would at least look distinct from Thracian units: Dacian units are partially influenced by Romans (some chainmail, etc.), Sarmatians (cavalry, head gear, etc.), Celts, and Germans. Dacians would have Roman-type siege weapons. Dacians would have an even more nerfed navy than the Thracians. Thracian units would have a somewhat Greek influence. Perhaps visually, Dacian units would have more long sleeves and long pants, while the Thracians would have short sleeves and pantless tunics. Just a general observation.
  11. Errors found when packaging Delenda Est which may or may not be applicable to Terra Magna. [16832] WARNING: art/meshes/props/helmet/new/chin_cavhelm1.dae: FCollada 97: No tessellation found for mesh. [16832] ERROR: art/meshes/props/helmet/new/chin_cavhelm1.dae: Found too many possible objects to convert - try adding the 'export' property to disambiguate one [16832] ERROR: art/meshes/props/helmet/new/chin_cavhelm1.dae: Couldn't find object to convert [16832] Converting model binaries/data/mods/delenda_est_A23/art/meshes/props/chin_liannu.dae [16832] ERROR: art/meshes/props/chin_liannu.dae: Assertion not satisfied (line 393): failed requirement "recognised skeleton structure" [16832] Converting model binaries/data/mods/delenda_est_A23/art/meshes/props/fireship_prop.dae [16832] ERROR: art/meshes/props/fireship_prop.dae: Found too many possible objects to convert - try adding the 'export' property to disambiguate one [16832] ERROR: art/meshes/props/fireship_prop.dae: Couldn't find object to convert [16832] Converting model binaries/data/mods/delenda_est_A23/art/animation/biped/rcrossbow_melee.dae [16832] ERROR: art/animation/biped/rcrossbow_melee.dae: Didn't find any objects in the scene [16832] ERROR: art/animation/biped/rcrossbow_melee.dae: Couldn't find object to convert
  12. It would also be good to have Sanga cattle for the Kushites. DE currently uses the Zebu actor for this, but there were a couple of prominent differences between the two.
  13. Try making an elongated particle texture so that it bridges the gap.
  14. They do, I just havent done anything with them yet.
  15. Not yet. Was just contemplating doing that.
  16. Yeah, this isn't bad either. Probably just needs desaturated by 25% or so.
  17. I would add 2 more dudes toward the front, and then perhaps they can raise shields up over their heads. Don't have them carrying it, have them rolling it on wheels and pushing it with crossbars, like in the movie Braveheart.
  18. I feel like this would need like 6 dudes to hold it.
  19. Incredible man. Just incredible. Make sure to not scale it too large. Footprint shouldn't be any bigger than the Hanging Gardens or Great Pyramid already in the game. btw, I don't think it looks too gray. The light color makes it look "new" to me. Let's see it next to the other Byz structures.
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