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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Perhaps a Garamantes Camelry Mercenary for the Carthaginians.
  2. Nescio is correct here. A shorter rein would be nice. The rein is a good idea though. It'll look great.
  3. I'll make a Blemmye Camelry Swordsman for the Kushites, perhaps an Arabic Spear Camelry mercenary unit for the Persians and Seleucids.
  4. Advanced could add the notched leather shield. Elite could add turban and longer robes? Maybe quilted cotton armor.
  5. A cross legged rider variation would be cool but that's up to you. I'll make some melee camel units for you after work. I had been holding off because the old animations weren't up to snuff.
  6. Seleucids Arabic Javelineer: Needs some turbans and body textures. They'd look similar to the Nabataean Camel Archer from the Ptolemies. "Syrian Archer" should be renamed to Neocretan Archer. The Neocretans were the colonists from Crete who settled in Seleucid territory. In the final phase of the Seleucid kingdom they became a part of the royal family's dynastic struggles. Dahae Horse Archer would look Scythian, as the Dahae were a Scythian tribe. The Seleucid Scythe Chariot seems rather finished to me, as does the Cataphract. They could use more variations, sure, but they're largely done. @stanislas69 just today added moar helmet variations. Ptolemies Nabataean Camel Archer needs turbans, body textures, etc. just like the Arabic Javelineer. Elite can wear scale mail armor over their robes. Judean Slinger has some good textures from @wackyserious. See the skins/skeletal folder in DE. I don't see why colonists or mercenaries from Crete wouldn't wear the kausia. It was the fashion of the time, so I think the basic Cretan Archer could keep it, IMHO.
  7. 1-7 look great. Although, I think for naturalism-sake it would be nice to have variants of the Pilos and Boeotian that are tipped backward slightly on the head, but that's just a minor request. 11-14 are fine, except the plumes on 12 and 13 are unnaturally stiff. It would be cool to have these animated eventually, but if not, then they need to fall more naturally downward. 8 seems to be either missing or a corrupted file? I can't see it in your latest commits. 15 and its variations need some work, IMHO. With how accurate and awesome your Bearded Phrygian [24] is, I think you are capable of much better and more accurate Corinthian helmets than that! The Corinthian-line of helms are thee classic classical helmet. Let's get these right! 16-18 would be good for the Ptolemaic Agema Cavalry, but the cheek pieces are over the ears and very small. What's up with that? Also, they don't sit on the head naturally at all. 19-23, Thracian Cap helmets, they're just weird. Again, the cheek pieces are small and situated over the ears instead of the cheeks. Reworked a bit, I could see these being used for the Thracian civ though. 24 is the Bearded Phrygian and just looks awesome. Great work. It's obvious you like this the best and spent time on it.
  8. I guess I am very very unlucky indeed! Remember, that the horse actors have been updated recently. All three of the Persian stable horse actors are exactly the same, even the variant names in the actors are identical. This causes the game to choose the same variant name for all 3 horses, since they are props to the main actor. This is generally a good thing for actors to do, but in instanced like this where you want each prop to have its own variation you have to have tricks like renaming the variants in each of the horse actors to be unique across all three actors. I simple added 1, 1,1, etc. and 2,2,2, and 3,3,3 etc. to do this. Here is an amended patch for the stable horses, since I forgot they existed [I thought you were using the fauna_horse actor, but I was wrong; likely these persian stable horse actors were created previously in order to fix this very issue, albeit with older assets]. persians_stable_horses.zip
  9. Gameplay wise I kind of think factions have too many units, but maybe it's just a first impression. Too much text in the tooltip makes it difficult to parse what each unit is good for. I also think buildings are generally too big. Just a little constructive criticism.
  10. Hmm. I must be unlucky. I can't test now, but can you make a screenshot?
  11. also, good job with Seleucus. I am also experimenting with some extra decoration for hero portraits.
  12. @stanislas69 @LordGood May I suggest that you use these 3 horse actors for the Stable horses. Right now, since you use the same horse actor for all 3 prop horses, the game chooses the same color variation for all 3. If you use these three actors provided then the horses inside the Stables will properly randomize colors. horse3.zip
  13. This is exactly how I thought it would be done. Forgot about the scale modifier animation @LordGood mentioned. Yours is the next best thing to that.
  14. How many triangles is the new horse? even if the model is not improved, making new animations for the camel and the riders will definitely help keep those units up-to-standard with the new infantry and cavalry. I think the greatest adjustments could be with the neck and head and to round the humps out slightly better. The Bactrian camel could definitely use its own mesh though, even if only modified from the existing mesh.
  15. Can the geometry of the mesh be improved or is that a separate and related task? The run looks hilariously camel like.
  16. Yeah I think the KISS principle can apply here. Just make it the first entity that comes into vision range. Also a simple "enemy sighted" notification would be nice.
  17. They're mostly done for DE. Just gotta check and see if I'm missing any for Public mod.
  18. I don't think this works right. The horse mesh was already committed as horse.dae, not the work in progress name horse01.dae. Same for any possible animation renames. EDIT: I fixed it locally and wow, the trot looks awesome. Great job.
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