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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Suggestion for the variants. The trot variant could be base_horse_slow, while the current variant that looks like a slow run could be base_horse_fast. Figured faster ranged/scout/raiding cavalry could use base_horse_fast, while heavier cav units such as champion and hero cav could use base_horse_slow.
  2. Yeah, the first 5 look Parthian, the last 7 look Sassanid.
  3. Low poly compared to other RTS units at this zoom level?
  4. While the guys on the right look accurate enough, the ones on the left look like they have some serious Parthian influence. I don't think that's what the Battle of Raphia and Magnesia's Seleucid cataphracts looked like at all.
  5. Nope no reply. They probably don't check their email very often.
  6. I think using a class-based system works better than before, which was template-based IIRC. Thanks for troubleshooting.
  7. What happened? Just curious. I never had issues myself, besides seeing massive amounts of spam on the forum in the past week.
  8. This will be great, if they bring back some of the mechanics from MTW2 and RTW1.
  9. The AI does this in Delenda Est too, but instead they will build dozens and dozens of Siege Workshops, so it's not just a Hyrule Conquest problem.
  10. Of course the game would be imbalanced when a player leaves, but that's a different topic.
  11. There's this very new and unknown technique called "Host Migration." Anyone ever heard of it?
  12. While it looks super cool I wonder about gameplay on maps with realistic size mountains.
  13. File format png. Also it musthave the file extension in the map file.
  14. The archery ranges are my favorite buildings so far.
  15. Wasn't this implemented at one time in the past? I remember seeing units walk faster on road/tile terrain.
  16. Welp, this blew up. That is indeed the base model. The model in DE is heavily modified by @Enrique, to reduce polygons, add a plinth, reskinned, etc. I hope you don't mind, but I sent an e-mail to cadnav.com to clear up any licensing issue. I will report any reply to this thread. "Free" is a problematic "license" indeed. Let's see what cadnav says.
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