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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Seriously, focus on real-world aspects of your life. Don't worry, development of this game will take another 7* years. You'll have time to contribute. *or at least until core dev group gets tired and declares beta at some arbitrary point. Take your game seriously, maybe. Focus on adding features and making the core gameplay better instead of yet another 50 commits tweaking how speed is calculated and balanced or fixing missing brackets in the code. Adding roving catafalques, while a novelty, hardly addresses anything in the core gameplay, yet it's offered up as an example of how far the gameplay is "progressing." lulz. More random maps don't address anything. If anything, you guys should be removing random maps. But meh. It would take a UN Security Council resolution to get you guys to do anything as radical as that. lol
  2. Yeah, good luck on this fecking game. I'll take a look in 5-6 years to see if you've finished it yet. Done wasting my time trying to improve this on this pice of chit. "Good bye and good riddance." There, said it for you.
  3. Has the speed of units or more specifically altering their speed stats ever been a problem? I see this as a solution to a non-issue, so I'm not wanting to waste time altering all my templates for this seemingly random change.
  4. Perhaps there is a different way to go about the tech. What does the tech do and can you post the tech's JSON contents here? I can perhaps suggest a different effect or way to mostly or wholly achieve the same thing you want to achieve.
  5. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/20230 Really? Really.
  6. Agree. At minimum there should be a column in the list telling what mod the host is running.
  7. @elexis I suggest you revert this: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/19904 And commit this instead: +++ binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\templates\template_unit_infantry_melee.xml line 22 - formations/phalanx Then just make sure all the hoplite unit templates have formations/phalanx. Fixes the original problem and gives back the hoplites their phalanx animation.
  8. So, I was trying to make a fancier range visualization for the female aura. But then when I selected a bunch of women together, it gets super super ugly and messy. Any chance we'd get a flag in the aura code that lets us turn on merging for the rangeOverlay?
  9. It would be great to do something like this not just for herocide, but yeah, for herocide it would be great to have, no doubt.
  10. Hey nice. It works! Now... some way to remove the Militia from the UI.
  11. Worst Beta I have ever taken part in. Game has been completely unplayable for a week. According to the posts on their official forum almost nobody can get the game to work and NO devs are responding. I literally cannot start a game at all, and the "message of the day" is still the same one as last week. Are all the devs on vacation? If I was Microsoft I'd be pissed.
  12. Yes, already have that bookmarked. At one point, global worked for the aura. Now it does not. Or maybe I changed it to global accidentally. Don't know. All I know is that the aura used to work, stopped working, I changed it to player and now it works again.
  13. I think I figured it out. At one point, the line "type": "global", Was changed to "type": "player", In the Public mod. Or maybe it was always that way. I'm not sure. Any rate, "type": "global" worked at one point for the aura, but now does not. so, I changed DE's aura to player from global and it works. Now I'm wondering if I have other auras with type global that do not work and I haven't noticed.
  14. Yep, I tested the glory loot again and it works. Wonder of the Ages doesn't work though.
  15. Thanks for trying out my idea. Too bad can't have updated actors/wall tower meshes to match.
  16. B1 is bad as I indicated. There is an impact on screen but if the catapult is off screen there is no impact sound.
  17. I was trying to conceptualize them as simple and moody, rather than busy and complicated.
  18. lol, well, I just sent the zip -- with some accidental files I didn't intend, but oh well -- and it was someone else's job to parse.
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