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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Mauryans were acquainted with siege technology at the time. There's no reason to not give them a catapult.
  2. There's nothing much I can do with the mod unless the team comes up with some more interesting gameplay additions. @LordGood's new archery ranges and stables and workshops are intriguing though. I could try to make a coin resource, but whatever code I come up with will become deprecated lickedy friggin split. Another thing I could try is extending the slave/citizen concept to all/most civs per my gameplay proposal here:
  3. What about use the current market and place stalls around the front to fill out a bigger footprint?
  4. Right, I forgot. So, for Spartans: Syssition: Phase 1 Perioikoi Hoplite Phase 2 Skiritai Commando Phase 3 Spartiate Champion Spartan Heroes Archery Range: Phase 1 Helot Skirmisher Phase 2 Thureophoros Heavy Skirmisher Cavalry Stables Phase 2 Perioikoi Light Cavalry Greek Allied Cavalry I guess my real point is that some civs won't need all of the military buildings Yes, I hate this. As you say, it's a mess. There were other ways to nerfing the NF rush. Better to use a Stoa much like how DE uses stoas. If you want to add extra champs and extraneous units like Thracian Black Cloaks, et al., then you can now add them to the stables, barracks, ranges respectively, either as Phase 3 options or unlock them with a special tech. In DE, I instead made this a special ability for 1 civ after 'Upgrading' individual barracks to Royal Barracks, see: Macedonians. Removed it from all others. This sounds interesting. I imagine an auto-research tech that looks for each of the required buildings. The ranged cavalry are then unlocked by that tech. That would be the way to do it without adding any new code. The other way would be player.xml.
  5. Honestly, I'd probably put the Spartan Helot skirm and Perioikoi skirm cav both in the Archery Range and skip the Stables for Sparta. The barracks would be skipped too, in favor of the Syssition. Unless you want to go something like this, and skip the "Royal Stoa" instead, which never made sense as a buildable structure to begin with: Syssition: Phase 1 Perioikoi Hoplite Phase 2 Skiritai Commando Phase 3 Spartiate Champion Spartan Heroes Archery Range: Phase 1 Helot Skirmisher Phase 2 Thureophoros Heavy Skirmisher Cavalry Stables Phase 1 Perioikoi Light Cavalry Phase 2 Greek Allied Cavalry
  6. Do you plan to make archery range, stables, etc. for each civ? Even if not all civs need them, they'd still be good to have for mods or scenarios.
  7. I honestly think targets would be better than dummies. The dummies could be used in barracks while targets used in archery ranges. Another distinguishing characteristic. Just a suggestion. the targets just in general look way cooler too.
  8. The AOM/CC thing was just an example. For Hyrule Conquest, all buildings would be required to be built on the slots for this one civ only. b.) was more what I was thinking too, but slotting in general would just be a useful feature for all kinds of things.
  9. I think there needs to be a "slotting" system implemented, like how in Age of Mythology you could only build CCs by slotting them onto an unclaimed settlement. Same basic concept as the BfME1 base-building scheme.
  10. Part of the problem is that the texture itself has a lot contrasty areas and grain. Another problem is the zoom, the player isn't gonna see it this way generally. And another problem is that the parallax is quite extreme and stretches the texture. Lastly, you've also UV mapped the rooftiles on a lot of these buildings to be very large compared to the other Greek buildings. The other Greek buildings UV mapped them smaller so that they look higher res and less stretchy. In this shot you see the difference in the mapping and the size difference of the tiles. Perhaps some adjustments to the UV mapping can help. I also reduced the contrast of the parallax alpha layer so that it doesn't stretch the diffuse map so much, to this:
  11. One thing that this range does better than the Spartan one is show the targets to the viewer at the standard building position. I think the spartan one should be rotated 180 degrees so that the targets can be seen. But you also have to remember the civ, Stan. The Iberians don't have archers, at least not as a standard unit, so the projectiles embedded in the targets should be javelins, methinks.
  12. That's oine of the reasons the "Sentries" tech in Delenda Est makes towers cost pop.
  13. It represents the theater at Artemis Orthia, which was just a temple first, with a theater built around it later.
  14. It's very good. I like the irregular retaining wall. Tho, I don't understand what's happening with the roof. I suggest to you to smooth out the normal map. I've looked at the buildings in-game and the texture of the surfaces is way too grainy. Also, the parallax layer may be misaligned for the rooftiles. Not sure what's happening there. To get better variation with the cypress trees, you can make multiple actors of cypress trees and just rename the size variation names to be slightly different in each actor. That way the same variation won't get chosen for every cypress tree.
  15. Armor/attack upgrades at the storehouse make no sense at all. Neither do tower upgrades at the granary. Tower upgrades at the tower make wayyy more sense conceptually. It just doesn't feel very epic getting mauled by an enemy's massive army of 6 chariot archers.
  16. I found the distinctions between the Granary and Storehouse kind of odd. Storehouse is for wood, stone, gold, and MEAT. While Granary is only for berries and wheat. I mean, I get that meat wouldn't be stored in a Granary, but neither would it be stored in the same place as wood and stone. Better to have combined all food into one conceptual building like what 0 A.D. does. Also, upgrading your towers at the Storehouse never made any bloody sense, not even in 1997. Gather rates are also so aggravatingly slooooooooooow.
  17. The problem isn't so much the colors, it's the layering. Right now, for instance, animals are layered ABOVE player's units, which obscures a player's units on the minimap. There are other examples like this.
  18. Stables need horse butts. See Persian stables. Archery Range is very distinguishable, nice. Siege workshop needs unfinished siege engines or something out front, then it will pop. The "gerousia" actor is just the Athenian Prytaneion, it was the old "Tholos" actor before. So, I suggest maybe using the one you have here as the basis for an updated Athenian Prytaneion, and coming up with something more distinctive for the Gerousia. Maybe something like this: But sadly some of the details are quite fanciful. Likely the Gerousia was just some plain building, similar to the Syssition. Somethings I really miss from your Barracks that were on the "old" one are the Spartan shields. Adding those back would add some nice player color and more Spartan motifs from the shield designs. Plus give it a more martial look. For Artemis Orthia, what about a super super Archaic looking temple surrounded by some nice gardens and a couple statues of Artemis out front? Just a thought. But I'm a liar and not someone to take seriously.
  19. I agree, a nice animated storyboard for each civ would be pretty cool. I have not seen such a thing in any other RTS.
  20. The pathfinder is absolutely atrocious. That's probably what they're fixing. Plus maybe a few usability features. But that's it. Those are the main criticisms anyway.
  21. It was not easy to find a leading figure for each civ that wasn't already present in the game and finding an ingame bonus that can be derived from actual history. I appreciate that the feature took a lot of time and some effort, but I would have suggested the team focus on something else instead. I think you would agree that even though it's an interesting addition to the game, it adds nothing to the core mechanics, yeah? So, when I talk about core mechanics changes, and someone counters with how many new random maps were added last alpha or look at the cool catafalque feature, it falls very very flat. Quite frustrating, actually. Also, it is true that when you have someone creating content for you, like random maps, you tend to just let them do their "thing" since they are motivated to do that. You take what you can get. But that doesn't mean you have to throw everything into the game just because someone creates it for you. Just saying you should be judicious. Does this fit our theme? Are we just adding content to add content? etc.
  22. Deleted reply against the "lying" allegation. Not worth it.
  23. My quip about the random maps is that they are indicative of a much larger issue, in that there is no coherent game concept anymore for 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant. I would much rather have 10 well-designed, balanced, and beautiful random map scripts that form a coherent theme with the game, than have 1000 random maps of extremely variable quality and no relation to each other. Empires Ascendant Everything should form around that concept. Ancient cultures clashing in order to make their empire reign supreme. How did they fight? Where did they colonize? How can you capture that feel and make a fun game in the process? And yes, it does seem like every single design decision, and I mean significant design decision, requires a UN Security Council resolution in order to proceed. No offense to @shieldwolf23, because he seems like a good guy, but his kumbaya suggestion where there's this grand meeting of the minds is bound to fail. You'd be taking decisions away from the Security Council and giving them to the General Assembly, where factions will form and lines drawn in the sand. No bueno. While it is beneficial to create such a wish list, I think you will agree Darc that a real coherent concept must be decided first, then features can be chosen in order to convey that concept. I would wager such wish lists have been created by the team before. And then a new set of volunteer devs come along, scrap the old wish list or don't even know it exists, and create a new wish list, all while not having or agreeing to even the general concepts these gameplay items are supposed to support. Both Darc and I presented strong, coherent, complementary game concepts many many months ago. Those threads are dead. In the vacuum created by no coherent design, multiple mods sprang up to try to improve the game. And it's true: my mistake was trying to develop alongside SVN. But doing so made it clearer to me that there's no there there. And this isn't a knock against the programmers. Hey, coders gonna code. But when are designas gonna design? Right now, the game is only cosmetically conveying its theme and feels more like a bad Starcraft clone with Rise of Nations' territory concept tacked on. And what design there is being done is in service of "balancing" a game that doesn't even know what it is yet.
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