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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Nah, if you use athen_ etc., then it will only build the Athenian buildings, not the owner's civ [if they don't happen to be Athenian]. I thought for sure a way was implemented whereas a generic mercenary unit could be trained by any civ and that merc would build that civ's buildings and not its own.
  2. Already possible. Maybe @elexis can share how, but there's a way to make the merc's build list reflect the owner's civ, not the unit's civ. This was implemented maybe month or 3 ago, but I've never experimented with it.
  3. Or implement a mercenary camp system, as in DE. A neutral capturable building on the map where you can train mercs.
  4. Yeah, training troops from a stoa was a very weird decision and seems to have been made with no care to authenticity or gameplay for that matter. In DE I made the stoa a special starting structure for Greek civs. This structure is the source of their Greek Architecture bonus and once destroyed cannot be rebuilt. I am thinking of giving it some kind of area effect too, but I would rather keep things focused (objects in the game have specific purposes) since it is a free starting structure.
  5. Sadly there is currently no way for us to test and compare our two viewpoints.
  6. Just make icons in-line with the rest of the hero portraits in the game, bruh.
  7. I would say including battalions in 0 A.D. with the econ as-is would already result in a net reduction in APM/management.
  8. I'd say it's biggest problem was the extremely overpowered heroes. I am sympathetic to your dislike of heroes in 0 A.D.
  9. These "small units" you're talking about were still hundreds of men. A proposed battalion is about 24 soldiers. Not aiming for a simulation, only an approximation.
  10. All bipedal units can praise Cult Statues to get Glory. I guess you could call it "gathering a resource." You also get Glory by killing the enemy.
  11. Well, I think his shoulders/chest can be turned to the right a bit, alleviating that weird affect on his right arm and right shoulder. His neck looks really weird too.
  12. DE got rid of the citizen-soldier concept months ago. The "regular" soldiers are called citizens only because they have the Slave Ownership aura and can still build, like the Norse from Age of Mythology. They don't gather resources at all.
  13. Removing female-only citizens is a chore, but will streamline the economy. It was too convoluted with both male and female citizens and male and female slaves. lol Doing Kushites and Athenians first. The other civs will probably be broken for a while.
  14. Got it. Just used the 'root' prop point instead of 'donkey.'
  15. I think DE does it quite well by moving some sounds around, specifically using the "broch" sound for the Workshop and making the Britons Broch just have the standard fortress sound.
  17. I wouldn't mind doing something like this, but we'd need named for the others: Britannia Gaul Iberia
  18. SVN: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est I will not be releasing an Alpha 24 version.
  19. Is there a better base we can use than the Trader? It offsets the male and female actors. Shame the voices will have to be male or female for now until such differentiation is possible.
  20. The entire capturing mechanic in the game is prone to snowballing. A very... slow... tedious.... snowball, which I am attempting to improve by making it more dramatic and decisive. Sometimes, a turn of events should simply be decisive and game ending, like how capturing a CC is a big deal in DE. Capturing in core game is boring, and worse, it's annoying. Added in as much as I can. Paring back in the future as the gameplay gets refined. Maybe next alpha or two. The things I would like to do are hampered by the current state of the engine, but the engine is slowly improving and allowing for further refinements to DE. For instance, if I suddenly had access to a battalion system the gameplay in DE would change dramatically, as would how the blacksmith worked. A big change I made recently [a few months ago] was to drop the citizen-soldier concept and give all civs a standard villager. There are some things wrong with actors and entities which make it difficult or impossible to have multi-gendered units, but if I could find a way to do it I would combine the male and female slaves into one unit and the male and female citizens into one unit.
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