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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Here's a tip if you don't already know it: Use this in local.cfg for performance testing alpha test. forcealphatest = true
  2. You're not going to convince me that it looks anything like the other Hellenistic civic centers, sorry. lol. But again, it's your mod.
  3. It just looks so much different from the other ones.
  4. hrmmmm... I'm not a part of this mod, but I would take other inspiration.
  5. You already private messaged me about this very issue, so why did you post about it here and in the wrong forum no less?
  6. None of that has anything to do with the patch or original problem, dude.
  7. Game needs move-attack [not to be confused with attack-move]. Chasing units should be able to attack while still chasing the fleeing enemy unit. Would be nice to see, that way you don't see, f.e., a sword cavalry catching up to a fleeing enemy archer and stop to attack, only to see the archer run out of melee range.
  8. I like this, and makes sense from a gameplay POV.
  9. Check the Byzantine church in AOK. It's pretty good and can be a good inspiration.
  10. Can u post just the UI layer/s? I wouldn't mind attempting to make a 1024 compatible version.
  11. Definitely need the horizontal stripe motif. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Walls_of_Constantinople
  12. Already in-game, for a few years now.
  13. Have fun. I'd reserve Justinian and Belisarius for a Dominate Romans faction (or Late Romans, Early Byzantines, whatever you want to call them) for the core game.
  14. Comments/Notes Overall style looks great to me. The "paper" sections could be different colors/textures/have different edge detail for each culture, while the metallic elements can change to match as well, such as silver, iron, stone, wood, bronze, gold, etc. Keeping the same shapes and overall look. 1. These buttons are unit actions, so should go with the buttons [2] around the unit portrait [3]. 2. I think these should be centered over the top arrowhead. If [9] can be extended a few pixels leftward, then the additional buttons at 1 can be placed radially around the portrait. Initially there would be too many, but if WFG adopted my suggestion to simplify stances to 3 selectable stances only [Aggressive, Defensive, Stand Ground], then there is enough room for all of the buttons, a total of 9. 3. The portrait needs a spot for the Rank insignia. I like the "gloss" overlay. Nice touch. I also agree that if the selection is multiple units but just 1 type, then the large portrait should remain, with a large number overlain. 4. This is nice, I like this. Makes the formations prominent. Would look even nicer if, again, number of formations were reduced. Box, Skirmish, and Flank formations are useless. 5. Need a yellow bar for resource count. 6. Minimap buttons can go radially here, all the way around. Total of 8 possible minimap buttons. Plenty. Or just go with the 5 buttons you have there, bunched together. That works too. I don't think we really want more than about 5 different minimap features anyway. 7. I like how this gives room for 1 more additional icon [9 wide instead of the current 8 wide]. This panel here is where this UI can adapt to different screen widths. On narrower widths, there can be an arrow-over to scroll this over to show any hidden icons. 8. I like the negative space around the icons here. Gives "breathing room." 9. May I suggest a nifty little feature here? Perhaps clicking here toggles between GenericName and SpecificName. Does a quick little rollover animation. The "Drakkar" detail you have there on the right side can further customize for each culture. On lower resolutions the feature wouldn't even show up, but it would on 1600+px widths. I'd like to see the above, but using the real 0 A.D. logo. I like the style and the buttons at the bottom.
  15. Instead of reinventing the wheel with the Egyptians, why not reuse the Ptolemies set of buildings, but adjust the color of the textures a bit [reduce the yellow color]. Then make some modifications to make them more unique to Aristeia later.
  16. Panel on the right needs to accommodate 3 rows high. You also need to show mockups for various things like formations, garrison, bartering at Market, etc. Otherwise this is awesome.
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