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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I'd say scale your own horse mesh, not the original horse mesh. Yours is much better. Yeah, the pony looks like it has "fatter" proportions, and stubbier legs. Also, its head is larger in proportion than a horse's head.
  2. Easy fix. Check <WallPiece>. Also, the Kushite wall gate is funky. Not aligned correctly. Not sure if that's just DE or in this mod too.
  3. I think the Britons chariot should use ponies. Maybe @Alexandermb would like to make those next? Is it just as easy as scaling down the animations I wonder? The pony mesh geometry would be a bit different from the horse, namely in body proportions, but I imagine the skeleton could remain essentially the same.
  4. eh, not really. Look at the chest area of the horse. Looks very stretched. Also, and this is the nittiest of all picks, the nostril and mouth area looked better mapped on the old horse.lol
  5. I am not sure why they say this game is in beta. It's obviously still pre-alpha.
  6. Hmm, I think that is a gameplay decision. Right now it's possible to just swap the hero or whoever between infantry and cavalry versions. But what you're saying is that you'd like the horse to always be hanging around somehow when the unit is in infantry mode. I can imagine some issues with that, though I do understand that seeing the unit magically change from infantry to cavalry with the horse poofing out of nowhere is somewhat of a minor immersion killer. The horse-mounting feature could be included for narrative campaign-sake and mods, but I'd imagine it would be tedious micro to do that in a PvP match. One way to do it is with the garrisoning component too instead of the upgrade component. Or make a whole new component as I believe is now possible.
  7. Lol true enough. Though one could blame the previous gamesetup authors for not writing extensible code. I mean, this feature isn't exactly innovative. It's a pretty standard feature for multiplayer to have and I can't imagine it wasn't talked about before previous "rewrites."
  8. Could the same rig be used for the Sanga cattle? Thinking Terra Magna/DE for the Kushites. https://www.google.com/search?q=sanga+cattle&num=20&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS543US543&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji657P24vYAhUH0SYKHVf1CkcQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=720
  9. Looks good to me after poking around a bit. I have a few criticisms that should not delay committing these. But first, I'll thank you for creating base variants for the horses. This mirrors how things are done with the bipeds. Excellent. I also like a lot of the attack animations and Okay, a could of not-release blockers: 1. I think the walk animation should be a trot. The current "walk" animation looks more like a slow run. Trotting may be anachronistic, I don't know. 2. The capes for the riders could use some work. 3. the "dangling head" props for the Gallic champion cav move weirdly. 4. A lot of the spear models need remade to be as nice as the newer hoplite spear and sarissa. Some units, like the two-handed spear units, should use longer spears than they're currently given. Again, that can be done later, not a release blocker. 5. The capturing animation could look a little more... lively. As well as the promotion animation. I imagined the horse rearing and the rider thrusting his weapon to the sky when he promotes. 6. The death animation looks a little too fast. Just an actor tweak. 7. I have some nigglings about the UV mapping still. 8. Strange actor swapping behavior, such as my cavalry gathering meat with a slab of meat instead of a knife. None of these are release blockers, just a wish list. Great job though! I say commit it. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
  10. I look forward to this, because now the males look funny when shuttling resources.
  11. I think many animals stiffen up as they die. Or maybe have the animals legs give out first and have it fall straight downward and then fall to the side secondarily. Or front legs give out first then the back legs. Just some ideas. Many ways of doing it.
  12. I did not see the new upload. Will check it out in 10 hours. Lol
  13. Shared Allied Vision tech should be auto-researched on this map, methinks.
  14. Kind of reminds me of the Paradise Lost map specced by Ken Woods way back in the day.
  15. I like the idea of finding ruins or hostile villages on the map. Makes the world feel lived in, expansive. It's also a good way to add additional lore not given by the playable civs directly. 0 a.d developers take note.
  16. Is nais. No complaints. I have even sern that foot movement in a lot of reference videos.
  17. I think it is crucial that you migrate to Github.
  18. Should make a crocoshark that swims and flies. That way a mod can have a crocosharknado god power. Crocodile animation looks good enough though. Needs to be more snakelike but that means more bones so it's a trade off.
  19. I think the back legs come too far forward. At no point should the bottom half of the back legs go nearly horizontal as shown here. They begin to place the hoof down before the leg gets to this point. Just my possibly wrong observation.
  20. For shield textures, see DE. As far as straps they look fine to me.
  21. I meant the idle. I urge you to try to bend your wrist like that (you can't).
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